I love Etsy! Seriously LOVE it. If you're looking for anything that you may not find in a store, check there first.
I checked out bump2baby and fell in love with her Black and Green Reversible Maternity Skirt. NO I am not pregnant, but I loved it. She sent it to me and I love it even more. The best part? It has a 7" wide stretchy waistband. So it accommodates a pregnant belly or a before and after belly. I love that it fits me now, but will stretch to fit me if and when I get pregnant again.
It has a little pink tag in the back to let you know that is the back. The green side has a black border at the bottom, and the waistband is all black!
I got this skirt in a Small which says hips 38"-42" I have 36" hips so I thought it might be big, but it fits me quite well. Honestly I don't think it would fit a 42" hip. But I have the small and it fits me great.
These are obviously handmade and I had this skirt in just 6 days from the conversation. Pretty happy about that. But I love the way this skirt fits. I love that it's reversible so 2-in-1. I love the material, like a women's dress shirt material. And I love the stretchy band that stretches!! Love this skirt!
She has so many other beautiful skirts to choose from, as well as some baby slings, and diaper and wipe cases as well.
I love this skirt as well
Price: Her reversible skirts are $35. Her regular skirts are $22 and her Slings are $31.45. These are all very reasonable prices!
Overall: ***** Happy with this skirt. I love it!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

one frugal lady said...
Love the lola!
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Tara said...
She has tons of cute ones, but I love the black and green reversible one, 2 skirts in 1 awesome!!
Tara said...
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Ash said...
I would love to win the reversible khaki and pink!
DiscoverHope7 said...
I like the swirl one!
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Heidi said...
I would choose the khaki and pink skirt.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Ryan Family said...
The sirl skirt is cute!
The diper and wipe holders are also very cute!
Ryan Family said...
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Jenn said...
I would choose the Black & White polka dot skirt!
jennifer_atchison @ hotmail dot com
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Knocked Up and Nursing said...
I like the reversible black and green skirt.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
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Jane said...
I'd choose the reversible green/black! Great idea.
Michele said...
I would choose the Reversible Brown and Blue Maternity Skirt.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
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Rachel C said...
I like the reversible blue and brown.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
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rach62803 at yahoo dot com
Rebecca W said...
I like the Tan and Black Mod Floral Print
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
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Cory said...
i'd get the reversible black and green
mychancetowin at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I'd pick the Lola Maternity Skirt in tan.
mrsgerbil at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I would choose the swirl skirt
jewlzeez04 @ gmail dot com
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Unknown said...
I'd hands down choose the Lola Maternity Skirt---Tan and Black Mod Floral Print!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
like the Carrie Maternity Skirt
11newmom at gmail
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follow you twitter 9ziggy
11newmom at gmail
imavera said...
I would get the reversible black and green skirt
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Beth said...
Christina said...
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'd choose the Lola Skirt, it's lovely!
Donna said...
My favorite is also the black & green skirt but the Lucy skirt is also nice.
Donna said...
I follow you on twitter (malar2)
Jen lleras said...
my favorite item is the swirl skirt, thats the one I would pick :)
Katie S said...
Cute! If I won, I would choose the Lola Maternity Skirt in Tan and Black Mod Floral Print. Thanks!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Niecey said...
If I won, I'd choose the Swirl Maternity Skirt.
Niecey said...
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Gina said...
I would choose the Reversible Black and Green Maternity Skirt.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com
Kimberly said...
I'd pick the Reversible Khaki and Pink Maternity Skirt---2 skirts in one---Professional and Fun.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
Kimberly said...
I follow you on twitter @Aerated.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
Heather said...
I like the reversible khaki and pink.
rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I would choose this one:
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
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Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
I like the reversible black and green one you tried out!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
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mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
Sonia said...
I would chose the Lola skirt.
soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com
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soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
I would get the reversible khaki and pink skirt
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
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Unknown said...
Reversible Khaki and Pink Maternity Skirt---2 skirts in one---Professional and Fun
Unknown said...
I am a GFC Follower
Thanks for the chance
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Pamela Olsen
katklaw777 said...
I'd choose the Lola Maternity Skirt---Tan and Black Mod Floral Print...very pretty. thanks
katklaw777 at yahoo dot com
AmyLynn said...
I love the skirt that you received...Reversible Black and Green Maternity Skirt. The green is so pretty. Thanks.
AmyLynn said...
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Nicole D. said...
I would choose the Reversible Black and Green skirt. Thanks!
Ashley said...
I like the swirls pattern
ashley-conner at att dot net
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Tylerpants said...
I'd love the Reversible Brown and Blue Maternity Skirt! tylerpants @ gmail dot com
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gnwg said...
I'd choose the Lola or the polka dot skirt both are really cute
ziggyga athotmaildot com
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ziggyga athotmaildot com
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Kathy P said...
i like the Lola Maternity Skirt---Tan and Black Mod Floral Print
Kathy P said...
google friend klp1965 klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
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friend on facebook kathy l pease klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
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trixx said...
I'd love to get the pretty Lola Maternity Skirt for my pregnant sister!
trixx said...
I'm a follower! peanut at nyc dot rr dot com
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