Mommy's Favorite Things: Nicholas Sparks Safe Haven Review & Giveaway

Monday, September 20, 2010

Nicholas Sparks Safe Haven Review & Giveaway

Nicholas Sparks, popular author of 16 novels, six of which have been made into motion pictures. 

With SAFE HAVEN we meet Katie, a beautiful young woman who has sought refuge and anonymity in the small community of Southport, North Carolina. She rents a small cabin and works at Ivan's restaurant. Katie has no car, and walks wherever she goes. She's a bit of a mystery to Alex, a widowed store owner, and Jo who soon moves next door.
Katie is determined to reveal nothing about herself lest she be found by Kevin, her alcoholic husband, who kept her a virtual prisoner in their home and savagely beat her without reason. On their honeymoon she was beaten for leaving her sun glasses by the pool; at home she's been thrown down the cellar stairs, her head knocked against the kitchen table. She endured all forms of Physical abuse that left her bruised and sore. Kevin often swore that it would never happen again but it always did. When he finally pulled out his gun, a Glock, and held it to her head she knew she had to somehow escape, run for her life.
Yet despite her resolution to remain private she finds herself drawn to Alex, a kind, good hearted man who his doing his best to be both father and mother to his two children, Kristen and Josh. Katie develops a fondness for them, and they feel the same about her. Over time she is able to relax, to enjoy being with Alex and the children. It isn't long before she must to admit to herself that she's in love with him and dares to think of what being part of a happy family might be like.
Meanwhile, of course, Kevin is searching for her. He's a policeman and a smart one, but not smart enough not to let vodka get the best of him, turning him into a raging psychopath intent upon finding and killing Katie as well as the man he believes has taken her away.

This is a different kind of book for Sparks. He has never written a book about a man who hunts down his wife and tries to kill her. This is such a different storyline for him, and there's a HUGE twist at the end of the book. Yet again Nicholas Sparks has not failed a reader. I have read 5 of his books and I have NEVER EVER in all my time of reading have I read a book in 1 day! It was about 16 hours later that I finished my book. It sucked me in and I couldn't put it down.

Price: $13.88 on Amazon! I forgot this book came out and We were in Target on Wednesday (day after release) and we bought it on the spot, no questions asked. It was 30% off and it was about $18.

Overall: ***** definitely, I love Nicholas Sparks and will read EVERY single book he releases and will not ever stop there. I absolutely love him.

 *Disclaimer: I bought this book with my own money and these are my honest opinions. The Giveaway book has been donated by the publisher for the sole purpose of this giveaway.*


Michele said...

I like Nicholas Spark's books too. I've read The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Dear John, and The Lucky One. All were great.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com

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Cory said...

i have read quite a few nicholas sparks books and have seen most of the movies as well
mychancetowin at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love his books Message in a Bottle was one of my favorites!

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CardioBunny said...

I love Nicholas Sparks' work!


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Carole Spring said...

I love Nicholas Sparks' books! My favorites have been The Notebook and Message in a Bottle.
blondie_31971 @ yahoo dot com

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sweepmom said...

I read the Notebook and was hooked. Since then I have read several other Nicholas Sparks books and have not been disappointed.

Nicole C. said...

Ye, I've read almost all of his books, and loved them!


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Sue said...

I've read The Notebook and A Walk to Remember. I'd love this one too. Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

409cope said...

I read Dear John and I loved it.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

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debbie said...

I have read a couple of his books.
twoofakind12 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

No, I have read any of Nicholas Sparks books yet. I hope I can soon.


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Rebecca Orr said...

I have read several: The Notebook, The Last Song, Dear John, and The Wedding. I think that he is a great author and really knows how to strike your heart. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail

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Anonymous said...

I LOVE his books. Most recently, I have read The Last Song.

denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

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janetfaye said...

I read The Notebook and I loved it.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

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HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love Nicholas Sparks. I've read The Notebook, The Wedding, A Walk to Remember, The Last Song, Dear John, and Nights in Rodante. He is one of my few favorite authors! =)

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Benita said...

I read The Notebook and The Last Song. Both terrific.


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Allie Z said...

I've only seen NS movies. I'd love to read his book!

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scottsgal said...

The Notebook is one of my all time faves and I've read several others
msboatgal at

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deb c said...

I've read all his books and even had a chance to meet him. A very nice man. Love his books and can;t wait to read this one.

deb c said...

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Ryan Family said...

i read dear john and loved and hated it! I read it in one weekend while my hubby was deployed and I cried and cried! I loved most of the book but hated the ending
jjccryanat gmail dot com

Amanda said...

I read all of his books but not this one yet! I love his books =)
amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com

Amy Brown said...

I have not read this author, but your review is making me want to!

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Bonita12 said...

I just started reading my first Nicholas Sparks' book The Lucky One...I've read wonderful reviews about his books. I would love to win this one.
bwalker1123 at gmail dot com

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bwalker1123 at gmail dot com

bison61 said...

the only one I have read is The Notebook. I loved the book and the movie

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

I haven't yet,but I wish to do so soon
mistylimepink at gmail dot com

jackie said...

i loved his Notebook

Beth said...

I love all of his books. I think I have cried at least once in each one I have read. Just name a few, message in a bottle, the notebook, true believer, the lucky one, a walk to remember....etc.

beth dunn at hotmail dot com

Giant Sis said...

I have read a few of his books and I love them. It's amazing how well he captures emotions! I know I cried during a couple of the books!
wilburnnewsome at yahoo dot com

Donna said...

I've read most of his books and loved them all!

clynsg said...

I haven't read the books, but have seen a couple of the movies that have been made from them, and enjoyed them.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

star84vu said...

I have only ever read A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. I love it!

star84vu said...

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Allison said...

I love Nicholas Sparks! He writes great books.


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Daniel M said...

haven't read any yet but would like to! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...

I <3 his books!!

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

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Mary said...

I have read Mr. Sparks' books. My favorites are The Notebook, The Wedding and A Walk to Remember.


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erma said...

I have never read it but it looks good.

DarcyO said...

I've read and enjoyed The Lucky One.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Unknown said...

No I have never read any of his books nor have I seen the movies based on them.

giveawaymommy at

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giveawaymommy @ yahoo dot com

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Aleksandra Nearing said...

I've read him and love him. Thanks for the chance! I'd love to read this one.
aleksa91 hotmail

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Sonia said...

I haven't ever read any of his books, but I've heard great things.

soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com

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Anonymous said...

I read "The Notebook" and I am glad that I read it before I viewed the film.

Molly C. said...

I've read several of his books & have loved all of them

Molly C. said...

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tallcapp said...

I have not read a Nicholas Spark book myself, but both my granddaughters have and liked the books enough to urge me to read him as well.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Nicholas Sparks books. Would love to read this one!
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I've read almost all of the Nicholas Sparks books...except this one. My favorite one was The Guardian. I love all his books!
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com

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Unknown said...

I Love Nicholas Sparks books - Dear John is my fave so far!

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Thanks for the chance

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katklaw777 said...

I have read many of his books and enjoy them immensely. One of my favs is 'The Guardian', thanks.
kayklaw777 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I have read most of his books and loved them!
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

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Anonymous said...

the notebook... loved it... didn't see the movie though

pamatmayo at hotmail dot com

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pamatmayo at hotmail dot com

kspencer said...

I love Nicholas Spark's books. One of my favorite is A Walk to Remember.

Sarah said...

Yes, I read "The Rescue" and loved it.

loni broesch said...

I have not read a Nicholas Sparks book, but see them everywhere!

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

susan1215 said...

I read the Notebook and I like it.

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

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Susan said...

I have read: Message in a bottle, it was a great book! suelee1998 @

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Donna C. said...

I have read most of Nicholas Sparks books. My Mom is also a fan so we pass them back and forth

Donna C. said...

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SalanderServant said...

Yes I have, big Sparks fan!

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CherylS22 said...

I've never read a Nicholas Sparks book. This would be the first. Thanks for the chance!
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

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megalon22 at yahoo dot com

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megalon22 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I haven't read a Nicholas Sparks book but this sounds very interesting.

CherylS22 said...

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megalon22 at yahoo dot com