I had the opportunity to try out a beautiful dress from bluegala. They have Cocktail Dresses and so much more.
He sent a medium which I thought would fit, and it does it's just a tad big. It's a little baggy under the armpits. Other than that, it fits fairly well though. Orange would not have been my first choice but now that it's in my home I actually quite adore it. I love this dress. I love how summery it is. I do love the colors in it and I love the fit and shape.
At the hips it flares out a little bit. My only complaint is that I don't have a good bra to go with this. The straps are so thin so I need a strapless for this dress and I don't have one, But this dress would be cute with a bolero or shrug over it and then could be worn with a regular bra. I think a denim jacket would be SUPER cute over this dress, of course I don't have one of those either. But it would be cute!
Bluegala has so many items to choose from. They have casual and cocktail dresses. They have Skirts, tops, bolero jackets and they even have prom dresses. You can't beat it!
I'm in love with this evening gown by Aidan Mattox and if it came in white or ivory I'd wear it to my upcoming wedding
So they have lots to choose from!
Price: They are fairly priced. Their casual dresses are right around $30 or so and their blouses are from $18-$120, but most are around the $20-$30 range.
Overall: ***** love my dress!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

redfuzzycow said...
i like the Woven Belted Dot Skirt Dress
redfuzzycow said...
your button is on my blog www.redfuzzycow.blogspot.com
Crystal said...
I like the Black and White Flower Dress and the White Peasant Top.
cyclona66(At)A ol dot com
Crystal said...
I am a blog follower
cyclona66(At)AOl dot com
bayctygrl said...
I am on their mailing list and I love the Matte Jersey Hanky Hem Cardigan
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
bayctygrl said...
follow you on FB Jennifer Bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
Mysharona said...
I like the One Shoulder Cocktail Dress.
Anonymous said...
Love that woven dress girl! I have to have it! which ever of your readers wins is a lucky gal
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Michele said...
I signed up on their mailing list and like the Two Toned Rose Cocktail Dress.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
Michele said...
I follow your blog.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
Michele said...
I tweeted:
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
Rebecca W said...
I'm on Bluegala's Mailing List and my favorite item is the Beaded Cocktail Dress!
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
Rebecca W said...
I'm following your blog
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
Rebecca W said...
I'm following you on twitter @beccaann38
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
Rebecca W said...
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rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
Jenn S. said...
I like the Woven Print Sundress.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
Joy said...
Bead Encrusted Hand Painted Look Prom Gown
Joy said...
GFC follower
. said...
i love the orange dress he sent you, i am an orange fanatic!!
. said...
i follow your blog
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. said...
and i tweeted about this giveaway!!!
Carol said...
I love the Flowing Cocktail Dress with Rounded Neckline.
deb c said...
I love the Sweetheart Swirl Patterned Gown.
magic5905 said...
Grey Chiffon Embroidered Dress.
Jessica said...
I subscribe to Bluegala's Mailing list. I love the Criss Cross Back Cocktail Dress in the Mulberry color.
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I've signed up for Bluegala's Mailing list...I hope I win, I just love their clothes.
Anonymous said...
I follow your blog
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I follow you on Twitter as 2Cats2See
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Donna Hufman Warrington
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Donna Hufman Warrington
Melissa said...
i signed up for thier mailing list!
Melissa said...
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Melissa O. said...
I like the Printed Chiffon Floral Dress....though my favorite was actually the one you posted about! Couldn't find it on the website!
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I love the Tiered Prom Dress Accented with Sequins.
mistylimepink at gmail dot com
Jen lleras said...
im a subscriber to their website and I like the plunging lace cocktail dress most!
Aisling said...
I like the Matte Jersey Hanky Hem Cardigan by Alex Evenings.
jenv said...
I like the Woven Belted Dot Skirt Dress. Thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com
jenv said...
I follow your blog. jenalber @ hotmail dot com
jenv said...
I follow you on Twitter (@jenalber). jenalber @ hotmail dot com
Unknown said...
Joined their mailing list. I like this one:
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
Follow you blog
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
I like the Printed Chiffon Floral Dress! and I subscribed the the email!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
I follow your blog!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
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mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
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mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
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mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
erma said...
I love the Woven Print Sundress,
Lala77 said...
I like the Dave and Johnny 5903 dress but there was a lot of nice stuff.
Lala77 said...
I follow your blog on GFC.
Angela Nichols said...
I am on Bluegala's mailing list via jazzyangel75 at gmail dot com and I absolutely love the Bead Encrusted Hand Painted Look Prom Gown
Angela Nichols said...
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/fanformickey/status/26125421779
Angela Nichols said...
I Follow you on NetWork Blogs
Angela Nichols said...
I follow hmahan_0529 on Twitter @fanformickey
Angela Nichols said...
I am a fan of yours on facebook.jazzyangel75 at gmail dot com or Angela Brittain
Angela Nichols said...
I am a GFC public follower. jazzyangel75 at gmail dot com
AEKZ2 said...
I love the Chiffon Illusion Back Evening Gown
annettekz2 @ yahoo dot com
AEKZ2 said...
I follow via GFC
annettekz2 @ yahoo dot com
katklaw777 said...
I am on their mailing list.
I like the Pucker Satin Charmuse Zip Top...very chic, thanks.
Kate said...
LOVE the Tulle Evening Gown!
AmyLynn said...
I love the Sleeveless Wrap Front Short Dress by Donna Ricco. Thanks.
AmyLynn said...
Oops...forgot to mentioned I subscribed to their mailing list using (hillfam2005 at gmail dot com).
I'm following your blog.
AmyLynn said...
Following on twitter: hillfam2005
AmyLynn said...
Following via networked blogs.
Tracey said...
I joined Blue Gala mailing list and I adore the Romantic Lace Twin Set,
Tracey said...
I follow Mommy of 1 and Counting on FB-tracey byram.
Tylerpants said...
I'm on Bluegala's Mailing List. My fave is the Beaded Silk Burn Out Dress. Love the color! tylerpants @ gmail dot com
Tylerpants said...
I'm a follower. tylerpants @ gmail dot com
gnwg said...
I'm on the blue gala mailing list. One of my favorites is the purple flower spaghetti strap dress
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I follow you on gfc
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I follow you on twitter. gnwg
ziggyga athotmaildot com
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ziggyga athotmaildot com
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ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
Kathy P said...
bluegala subscriber klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
i love the Silver Polka Dot Dress
Kathy P said...
google friend klp1965 klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
Kathy P said...
following you on twitter klp1965 klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
Kathy P said...
friend on facebook kathy l pease klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
Kathy P said...
following on networked blogs kathy l pease klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
Kathy P said...
Susan said...
I like the Black and White Flower Dress. suelee1998 @ gmail.com
Susan said...
I follow your blog via gfc suelee1998 @ gmail.com
kelley c said...
Sleeveless Empire Waist Button Dress is my favorite.
kelley c said...
following your blog
kelley c said...
twitter follower - pandahugger76
kelley c said...
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trixx said...
I subscribed to the BlueGala.com mailing list. I love the gorgeous Satin Pailette Cocktail Dress! peanut at nyc dot rr dot com
trixx said...
I follow your blog!
peanut at nyc dot rr dot com
Donna said...
I signed up for their mailing list. I like the Bead Encrusted Hand Painted Look Prom Gown
Donna said...
I follow you on twitter.(donnak4)
Donna said...
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