You all know I love carriers. I have reviewed a couple different kinds already. Actually, 2 more styles to come. But I love the ease of use of a carrier. It doesn't hurt your shoulders or back like it does to carry them say just on your hip. Plus they can't escape no matter how hard they try. We love carriers and the Classic 2G from Boba is no different. We received the carrier in Glacier and it's the perfect color.
We love everything about this carrier. The best part is it holds up to 45 pounds, so we will get LOTS of use out of it, since Avery is only 29 currently. I think it is very comfortable and I like it more than the Ergo. It's a little bit thinner so it's lighter weight and it feels lighter on. With a 15 pounds infant they may feel equivalent, but with a 30 pound toddler, this is definitely the winner. I'm in love with this carrier.
I love the belt band which absorbs all the weight of the child. I honestly don't feel like I have a 30pound toddler on my back with this carrier. I hardly even notice it at all. The waist and shoulder straps have high density foam, so they absorb a LOT of pressure and weight. The shoulder straps are 19" and they extend an additional 19" so this carrier can fit most adults. It fits Jon and he's quite large. So it will fit most. He would never be caught dead in it though!!
I love the features it offers like 100% cotton! I also love that if you order before 5PM EST it will ship the SAME DAY!! AWESOME! The classic carrier comes in 6 colors and one PRINT!! It's adorable!
They also have an organic collection which comes in 5 colors and one print!
I love all the options!
Price: The Classic is an even $100. And it's so worth it. I think it's better than the Ergo, which is a bit more expensive. The organics are $118!
Overall: ***** I love everything about it

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 265 Newer› Newest»Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
I almost hate to enter my comment so early since I would love to win!!
I like!/BobaCarrier on facebook but not sleepywrap....does that count?
I also follow Boba on Twitter (@beautifulcall) and FYI your link to them isn't working.
I would love the Organic Pine. Avery fits so well in there. Chloe is 3, John is 2 and new baby is on the way. I'm not sure which of them would end up in it :)
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
I follow your blog
jennifer @
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
I follow you on twitter :)
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
Friend on Facebook
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
I subscribe to your blog!
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
Tweeted here:
Ashley said...
Follow (as Mama407) and Like boba and I would love to have the glacier color
ashley-conner at att dot net
sacholn said...
Already a fan and following Boba on facebook and twitter. I think I would have to choose the twilight colored Boba.
sacholn@gmail dot com
sacholn said...
I am following your blog
sacholn@ gmail dot com
sacholn said...
I have asked to be your friend on facebook
sacholn@gmail dot com
sacholn said...
I am following you on Network blogs
sacholn@ gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I like and follow Boba! I would love the classic glacier. Love the colors!
Antonia said...
like boba on fb (Antonia T)
follow boba on twitter (antoniawt)
i would choose twilight
frannybadger at gmail dot com
Antonia said...
follow your blog
frannybadger at gmail dot com
Antonia said...
follow you on twitter (Antoniawt)
frannybadger at gmail dot com
Antonia said...
follow you on fb (Antonia T)
frannybadger at gmail dot com
eyes2zion2 said...
I follow boba and like it on facebook and now i follow your blog!
Antonia said...
follow you with networked blogs
frannybadger at gmail dot com
Antonia said...
blog subscriber
frannybadger at gmail dot com
Jenn said...
I love all the colors but walnut & glacier are my favorites :)
my email is jenn0295 at yahoo dot com
dotcomkari said...
I am looking for a new carrier for my toddler so this giveaway is perfect for us! :)
I love the tweet print it is sooo pretty!
I liked them on facebook and also follow them on twitter.
dotcomkari @ yahoo . com
thank you
dotcomkari said...
I have followed your blog for quite some time now! :)
dotcomkari @ yahoo . com
dotcomkari said...
I am following you on twitter! :)
dotcomkari @ yahoo . com
Ashley said...
I subscribe to your blog
ashley-conner at att dot net
B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...
I'd choose Earth! I follow them on twitter (brandylwilson) and facebook (brandy wilson)
B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...
Following your blog
B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...
Following you on twitter (brandylwilson)
Michelle said...
I like Boba on facebook as Sticemichelle
I follow Boba on twitter @Sticemichelle
I would choose the tweet colored carrier.
Michelle said...
I follow you GFC as Sticemichelle
Michelle said...
I follow you on twitter
Michelle said...
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Michelle said...
I follow you on networked blogs
Michelle said...
I am a blog subscriber
Anonymous said...
Nikki: I love the lime green and black (or is that brown) these are so stinkin' cute! nackle78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Nikki E said...
Nikki: I am a fan on FB nackle78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Nikki E said...
Nikki: I subscribe to your blog nackle78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Unknown said...
I "like" Boba on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and would love to have the Boba Classic - Glacier
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
Unknown said...
I follow your blog
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
Unknown said...
I follow you on twitter
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
Unknown said...
I follow you on facebook too
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
Unknown said...
I follow you on the network blogs as well
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
Unknown said...
I have your button on my blog
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
Unknown said...
I tweeted!/aimhighschool/status/27183408199
Unknown said...
I am a blog email subscriber
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
DiscoverHope7 said...
I like Boba on facebook and twitter and I'd choose TWEET! I think the birds are cute!
Annie1 said...
Like Boba on fb
Anne Taylor or annectaylor1
Follow them on Twitter
I'd love the Boba Classic - Mist
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
Annie1 said...
Follow you via GFC
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
Annie1 said...
Follow you on Twitter
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
Annie1 said...
Like you on fb
Anne Taylor or annectaylor1
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
Annie1 said...
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
Annie1 said...
email subscriber
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
Rachel said...
already a fan of Boba on Facebook and already follow them on Twitter.
If I won I'd choose the Dusk it!
rachspeights @
Rachel said...
i'm now following you on Twitter (@rachspeights)
rachspeights @
Rachel said...
just "friended" you on Facebook
rachspeights @
Rachel said...
just tweeted about the giveaway:
rachspeights @
Rachel said...
just subscribed to your blog via email
rachspeights @
scriswell said...
I follow Boba on FB (Sandi Criswell) and on Twitter (scriswel).
All the colors are great! My favs are Tweet and Breeze.
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com
scriswell said...
I follow your blog via GFC
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com
scriswell said...
Following you on Twitter as scriswel
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com
scriswell said...
I asked to be your friend on FB (Sandi Criswell)
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com
scriswell said...
Tweeted this giveaway but have no idea how to show it:
"Enter to win a great baby carrier, although I want it!"
susan said...
I Like them on Facebook AND Follow them on Twitter. I'd love one in Glacier or Dusk (it's a tough choice)!
susaaan @ gmail dot com
susan said...
I follow.
susaaan @ gmail dot com
susan said...
I follow on Twitter.
susaaan @ gmail dot com
susan said...
I follow on Facebook.
susaaan @ gmail dot com
susan said...
I follow on NetWork Blogs.
susaaan @ gmail dot com
susan said...
Tweeted ~
susaaan @ gmail dot com
susan said...
I'm a subscriber.
susaaan @ gmail dot com
Heidi said...
I like Boba Carrier on facebook (Heidi K) and follow them on twitter (@hkittelson)
I would choose the glacier color.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Heidi said...
Follow your blog.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Heidi said...
Follow you on twitter (@hkittelson)
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Heidi said...
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Heidi said...
Subscribed to your blog email.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Isha said...
FB and Twitter follower of Boba (@mistress_ujima)
I love the Tweet print - so cute!
ishatan at gmail dot com
Isha said...
GFC follower of your blog
ishatan at gmail dot com
Isha said...
I follow you on Twitter (@mistress_ujima)
ishatan at gmail dot com
Isha said...
I like you on FB
ishatan at gmail dot com
Isha said...
Networked Blogs follower
ishatan at gmail dot com
Isha said...
Email subscriber (isha_in_uganda at yahoo dot ca)
ishatan at gmail dot com
The Graves Family said...
Oh man, I LOVE this carrier and want one so badly! I love the classic - breeze color! And I follow Boba on twitter @keekerbug and FB (Carolena Graves)
forgot my email on the first one, so I deleted it, adn redid it with the email:
Carolena.Graves at gmail dot com
The Graves Family said...
GFC follower
Carolena.Graves at gmail dot com
The Graves Family said...
follow you on twitter @keekerbug
The Graves Family said...
sent friend request on FB
Carolena.Graves at gmail dot com
The Graves Family said...
got your button
Carolena.Graves at gmail dot com
The Graves Family said...
email subscriber (keyof_C at hotmail dot com)
The Graves Family said...
my tweet:!/keekerbug/status/27249673899
Carolena.Graves at gmail dot com
The Graves Family said...
follow on network blogs
Carolena.Graves at gmail dot com
Amanda said...
I follow on facebook and twitter.
I like the Tweet design and the dusk.
amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
Amanda said...
I follow your blog.
amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
Amanda said...
I follow you on twitter. (killerflower321)
amanda.stauffer81 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I "like" Boba Carrier on facebook as Donna Hufman Warrington
I follow Boba Carrier on Twitter as 2Cats2See
Anonymous said...
I follow your blog
Anonymous said...
I follow you on Twitter as 2Cats2See
Anonymous said...
I'm a facebook fan.
Donna Hufman Warrington
Anonymous said...
I follow via Networked Blogs
Donna Hufman Warrington
Amanda said...
Anonymous said...
I subscribe through e-mail
Amy said...
I like Boba on FB (Amy R-C) and follow them on twitter (amylrobinson81)
If I won, I would choose the tweet print or the carrier in brown.
amylrobinson81 at yahoo dot com
Amy said...
I follow you on twitter
amylrobinson81 at yahoo dot com
Amy said...
I am your friend on FB (Amy R-C)
amylrobinson81 at yahoo dot com
Amy said...
I am your friend on FB (Amy R-C)
amylrobinson81 at yahoo dot com
Amy said...
I follow your NetWork Blogs
amylrobinson81 at yahoo dot com
Amy said...
I am a blog subscriber
amylrobinson81 at yahoo dot com
Sue E said...
I Like Boba Carrier on FB and follow them on Twitter as suebaby05. The print is my favorite, but "earth" would be my solid color choice.
Sue E said...
Follow your blog via GFC-suebabe0704
Sue E said...
I follow you on Twitter as suebaby05
Sue E said...
Sue E said...
email subscriber
Tara said...
i like the boba classic in earth... would LOVE to win this... i don't have a carrier yet!
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said...
p.s. forgot to add in my mandatory entry that I follow Boba on FB (Tara Elias) and on twitter (@curious_kitty)
follow you on twitter
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said...
follow blog
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said...
taraz9 at excite dot com
mogrill said...
I like the Glacier color.
Thanks for the chance.
stella said...
I like the earth colour!
stella said...
Following you via GFC
stella said...
Following you on Twitter @lennahdesigns
stella said...
Friend on FB
stella said...
Subscribed via google reader
.:karen:. said...
I already like Boba on fb and follow on twitter! I really, really, really want to win one of these! I love the Dusk color!
blondredhead at mac dot com
.:karen:. said...
followed you via GFC.
blondredhead at mac dot com
.:karen:. said...
I followed you on twitter!
blondredhead at mac dot com
.:karen:. said...
.:karen:. said...
subscribed via email
blondredhead at mac dot com
.:karen:. said...
Haven't been able to figure out how to link back, but here's the link to my post:
blondredhead at mac dot com
Rebecca W said...
Rebecca W said...
I like them on Facebook (@rebeccaw2005) AND I follow them on Twitter (@beccaann38)
I'd like to earth color!
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
rebecca williams
Rebecca W said...
I follow your blog via gfc (rebecca williams)
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
Rebecca W said...
I follow you on facebook @rebeccaw2005
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
Rebecca W said...
I follow you on twitter @beccaann38
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
Rebecca W said...
contact me: rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
twitter email: beccaann38 at hotmail dot com
Claude said...
I like them on FB (Claude Campeau)
I follow them on Twitter @claudecampeau
I'd pick the Glacier colour!
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
Claude said...
I follow via GFC
Claude said...
I follow you on Twitter @claudecampeau
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
Luv to Save said...
Like them on Facebook AS ETHEL AND Follow them on Twitter AS LUV_TO_SAVE
I love the Boba Classic in Breeze!
luvtosave at
Luv to Save said...
twitter follower as luv_to_Save
luvtosave at
Luv to Save said...
luvtosave at
Elizabeth G. said...
I like them and follow them and my favorite color is Walnut!
Elizabeth G. said...
I follow you through GFC!
Elizabeth G. said...
I follow you on Twitter!
Elizabeth G. said...
I follow you on FB!
Elizabeth G. said...
I follow you on NetWork Blogs!
Elizabeth G. said...
I tweeted!
Ashley said...
I like Boba on facebook (Ashley Toth) and twitter (@owlheart).
I would choose dusk!
madaleysah at gmail dot com
Ashley said...
I follow your blog via GFC. (Ashley T.)
madaleysah at gmail dot com
Ashley said...
I follow on twitter. (@owlheart)
madaleysah at gmail dot com
Ashley said...
I follow on facebook. (Ashley Toth)
madaleysah at gmail dot com
Ashley said...
I follow on Network Blogs. (Ashley Toth)
madaleysah at gmail dot com
Ashley said...
I tweeted about this giveaway. (@owlheart)
madaleysah at gmail dot com
Ashley said...
I subscribed to your blog via email.
madaleysah at gmail dot com
Lyudmila said...
I follow = Lyudmila Sizova
The color is red or black
lusizova at
Meg said...
Oh, wonderful! I love them! I follow on Facebook and Twitter (FB name = Lego; Twitter = @legoisking)
The Glacier color is my favorite!
legoisking at gmail dot com
Meg said...
I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect.
legoisking at gmail dot com
Meg said...
I follow you on FB (FB name = Lego)
legoisking at gmail dot com
Meg said...
I follow your blog on Networked Blogs.
legoisking at gmail dot com
Meg said...
legoisking at gmail dot com
Meg said...
legoisking at gmail dot com
Meg said...
I subscribe to your blog on Google Reader and Feedburner email
legoisking at gmail dot com
Michele said...
I like Boba on Facebook and follow on Twitter @mileerom. I would like the Twilight color.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
Michele said...
I follow your blog via GFC.
mileerom at yahoo dot com
Michele said...
I follow you on Twitter @mileerom
mileerom at yahoo dot com
Michele said...
I subscribe to your blog via e-mail.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
Michele said...
I blogged about this giveaway:
mileerom at yahoo dot com
Michele said...
I tweeted about this giveaway:
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
Michelle Krz said...
I follow on FB (Michelle Krzmarzick) and Twitter (MomX3ThatsMe). I would choose the Tweet print! SO CUTE!
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com
Michelle Krz said...
Follow your blog!
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com
Michelle Krz said...
Follow you on Twitter
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com
Michelle Krz said...
Follow you on FB
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com
Michelle Krz said...
Follow you on NWB
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com
Michelle Krz said...
Added your button
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com
Michelle Krz said...
Blog subscriber!
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com
Michelle Krz said...
Tweeted about the giveaway (MomX3ThatsMe)
michellekrz15 @ gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
I like them on FB (Sara Elizabeth) and follow on twitter (@curliegirlie03). I'd choose Tweet!
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
I follow your blog.
curlie girlie
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
I follow you on Twitter.
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
I follow you on FB
Sara Elizabeth
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
I follow you on Network Blogs.
Sara Elizabeth
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...!/curliegirlie03/status/27748636376
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
curlie girlie said...
I'm a blog subscriber.
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com
Lindsey said...
I like them on FB. I'm following Boba on Twitter.
I would choose a Mist!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com
Lindsey said...
I am a new blog follower via GFC.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com
Lindsey said...
I'm following you on Twitter.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com
Lindsey said...
I like you on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com
Lindsey said...
I'm following via Network Blogs!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com
Lindsey said...
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com
Lindsey said...
I subscribed to your blog via email.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com
Kimberly said...
I follow on twitter @Aerated and like on Facbook (Jason Rubio). My favorite is the chestnut carrier!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
Kimberly said...
I follow you on twitter @Aerated
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
Kimberly said...
tweet! thank you!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
Mommy 2 Monkeys said...
I like the Breeze color. I'm following them on Facebook and Twitter. Jen M. 2monkeysmomma (twitter)
Mommy 2 Monkeys said...
I follow you on facebook. Jen M.
Mommy 2 Monkeys said...
I follow you on Twitter. 2monkeysmomma
jnmacdonald at hotmail dot com
Unknown said...
I follow Boba on Twitter (Sarahtex06) and on Facebook (Sarah L. B.)
mammabear06 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I follow you on GFC.
mammabear06 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I follow you on Twitter. @Sarahtex06
mammabear06 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
mammabear06 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
Blog Subscriber.
mammabear06 at gmail dot com
Gina said...
I Like them on Facebook AND Follow them on Twitter... I would choose either Breeze or Tweet Classic.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com
Gina said...
I follow via GFC.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com
Gina said...
Email subscriber.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com
Ashley R said...
-"Like" you on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
-Follow you on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
-I would probably choose the Dusk or the Mist!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
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