Mommy's Favorite Things: Juicy Juice Review & Giveaway *CLOSED*

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Juicy Juice Review & Giveaway *CLOSED*

We have all heard of Juicy Juice and we all love it right? Avery LOVES Juicy Juice juice. She is in love with it. She loves all flavors as well. Juicy Juice has come out with a new product. It is the Sparkling Fruit Juice. We received 2 of each of the 3 flavors.

I loved the Berry ones. Avery liked both the Apple and Orange. They were so cute.

They are designed to make your child think they are drinking pop. They look like pop and have the Sparkling fizz like pop, but they are juice. They are 70% juice and 30% sparkling water, so mostly it's juice. They are also a great source of Vitamin C. One of these little cans is one serving of fruit! You can't beat that. How many other 'pop' drinks give your child a full serving of fruit and a good course of vitamin C? NONE! 

Love these little things and I will be buying them. They are easy for in the car, or at the park too because of the small opening. It's hard to lug juice around normally.

Price: A 4 pack of juice is $4.29, It's a little bit high, but they are convenient!
Overall: ***** they were all gone in a week. and I only had 1 plus a few sips of the other flavors. So she loved them!


Mami2jcn said...

My son loves orange.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

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5webs said...

My kids love Cherry Juicy Juice, and I think that they would like the Sparkling Apple the most.
Alicia Webster

brenda said...

cherry juicy juice is his favorite, and i think he would like the berry.

bg_sweeps @ yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

We love the orange!

kitkat234 said...

Cherry is the favorite in my house!
I think apple will be a hit!
kitkat 234 at gmail dot com

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Lexiquin said...

Cherry and Berry -- yummy!
Thanks for the giveaway.

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Anonymous said...

My kids and I love the apple juice juicy juice and we always keep these in the fridge. I know the sparkling apple will be just as great!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

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sara said...

Currently my son enjoys Apple Juice and the Fruit Punch. I think if we were to try this sparkly stuff it would like the apple and the orange.
This looks like a kid version of Izzy sparkly juice -- Looks yummy.

babytrees said...

We love the Cherry juicy juice. I am going to guess apple would be our favorite as we love sparkling apple juice.

bayctygrl said...
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bayctygrl said...

She likes Grape and I think she would like the apple

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

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marcia goss said...

My granddaughter has always liked the apple Juicy Juice, so I think she will like the Sparkling Apple also.

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littlelatina said...

lets try this

sustahl said...

My son's favorite flavor was the grape flavor. I haven't bought juicy juice in years though.

rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

Shooting Stars Mag said...

regular: cherry
new: orange

lauren51990 at aol dot com

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bison61 said...

the boys like the juicy juice punch and I think they would like the orange sparkling juice

tiramisu392 (at)

Sonia said...

My kids love white grape, and I think they would like sparkling berry.

soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com

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meeyeehere said...

my son is an apple juicy juice kind of guy

Crystal said...

my kids favorites are strawberry bannana and apple i think there favorite sparkling juice will be orange

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momznite said...

Kiwi Strawberry fans here and maybe Berry in the sparkling.

Silver Bella said...

My son's fav flavor of Juicy Juice is Berry! In fact, that is the only flavor of juice that he will drink!
silverbella11 at gmail dot com

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Allison said...

They like Berry, so they will probably like Sparkling Berry.


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gretika said...

My dd loves grape juicy juice, she would probably like the berry best.
gretika (at) msn (dot) com

Tammy said...

They love cherry and would probably like berry!

Sarah said...

Berry and Berry!

Carla said...

My son loves all the juicy juice lol but i think he loves cherry the most

dominican757 at gmail dot com

SexyBrat said...

my son's favorite is apple, so i'm assuming it would be the same for the sparkling ones...

sxybrt23 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

My daughter likes the apple and I think she will like the same for the new one
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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Debbie C said...

Apple was always the favorite Juicy Juice and I think it will be the Sparkling favorite as well.

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Anonymous said...

We've never tried Juicy Juice before, but I'm sure we would love the Sparkling Apple.
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com

chlorinebrain said...

My kids love apple juice juicy & I think would really enjoy the Sparkling Apple

EclecticZebra said...

My girls both like the Cherry (hubby does too HA) I think they would like the sparkling berry!
Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Cherry; the Sparkling Apple looks like a winner!

Stacy said...

We just tried the Strawberry Banana regular Juicy Juice and it was really good. I think my kids would love the sparkling apple.

atydec said...

My daughter's favorite regular Juicy Juice is apple. I think apple would also be her favorite sparkling Juicy Juice.
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com

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Jason said...

Juicy Juice Apple is always in the fridge here for the kids, but I personally buy the grape flavor for myself! Apple Sparkling will probably be their favorite though!

paradise459 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Susan said...

My daughter would love the apple one! suelee1998 @

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mail4rosey said...

We like the Cherry Juicy Juice. I think the kids would like the new type in Apple.

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trixx said...

My daughter enjoys the Berry fruit juice. We'd love to try the Sparkling Orange flavor! peanut at nyc dot rr dot com

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ShesAnAngel said...

My son's fave flavor of Juicy Juice is their apple and I love that they are making this new kind, my kids will want it!

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susitravl said...

My kids like the Juicy Juice Punch.


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Anonymous said...

Cherry and berry, but I haven't tryed their sparlking water.
Diane Baum

annemarie562000 said...

My boyfriend's daughter loves grape and would love the berry flavor!


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Tylerpants said...

My son loves the regular apple juice so the sparkling apple sounds great! tylerpants at gmail dot com

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tristatecruisers said...

my kids love orange :)

tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

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cman said...
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cman said...

Apple & Apple!

jakiesmom said...

he likes their reg apple juice or fruit punch and i think he'd like sparkling apple
nannypanpan at

jakiesmom said...

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