I love beautiful jewelry. I love all jewelry actually. I was sent a very beautiful necklace from Andrea Tedesco Jewelry and I'm totally in love with it. I was sent the Hindu Ganesh necklace.
I like it. It has my birthstone on it (Emerald) and 2 beautiful charms. One is blank, which I love. I love plain and simple jewelry. It also has a beautiful design on the second charm.
This necklace is plain and simple, yet beautiful and elegant at the same time. I would have no problem wearing this with a cocktail dress to a wedding. Or no problem wearing it with my t-shirts and a sweater.
It is gorgeous. One thing I didn't like is it's on like a 24" chain. I don't particularly care for anything longer than an 18". But some might really like it. I like my necklaces to fit on my bare skin and not overlap my clothing. Other only want that. So it's just something I in particular didn't like and it in no way hinders the item itself. But I think they should offer chain lengths.
Here are the specs of this necklace
22kt vermeil Ganesh pendant with vermeil charm and faceted vessonite stone.
24" 14 kt gold filled chain. $96
LOVE it! So it's not an Emerald, but it is emerald in color.
Andrea Tedesco has some other BEAUTIFUL pieces and she sells Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings and other jewelry as well.
Price: $96 on this necklace. I think it's a little overpriced, but it is 22kt gold!
Overall: **** I wish they offered chain lengths. My only beef about it!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Ryan Family said...
Love the om neckalace!jjccryanatgmaildotcom
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Megan said...
I like the Om necklace, been looking for one.
Megan said...
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Megan P.
susan said...
I love the Carnival Bracelets!
susaaan @ gmail dot com
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susaaan @ gmail dot com
mar said...
The Brazillian Hoop is my favorite item. Such fine earrings!
Lilly said...
I love the Caribbean Drop Earrings. Gorgeous!
Thanks for the chance.
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
Lilly said...
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eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
Michele said...
I like the Barcelona necklace.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
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mileerom @ yahoo dot com
Nanci said...
I love the Chelsea
Shan said...
My favorite item is the Brazillian hoop earrings.
mverno said...
the Om necklace mverno@roadrunner.com
buzzd said...
Champagne carnival bracelet
PAIGE said...
I love the Nepla necklcae. wowowow
elysese @ aol dot com
rewcath said...
I love the roman drop earings they are beautiful
rewcath said...
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llinda29 said...
I like figi waterfall earings
llinda29 said...
I gfc
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already subscribed to the mailing list of Mommy Of 1 and Counting
Tina B. said...
Every piece is absolutely gorgeous! I especially love the Roman Drop earrings!
treneebarker at hotmail dot com
Tina B. said...
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Mamushi Love said...
I like the Avalon Key necklace.
elizabeth p said...
I love the St. Tropez necklace. I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com
sweetsue said...
I love the Carnival Bracelets-very pretty!
smchester at gmail dot com
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smchester at gmail dot com
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smchester at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I love the Brazillian Hoop earrings
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
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rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
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rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
Rachel C said...
The Sri Lanka necklace is pretty.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
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rach62803 at yahoo dot com
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rach62803 at yahoo dot com
deb c said...
I love the Sri Lanka Necklace. It's beautiful.
deb c said...
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wildcat32 said...
I love the Sahara necklace.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
wildcat32 said...
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monster6236 at gmail dot com
Mona said...
I loved the Sri Lanka Necklace.
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Hetal said...
I like Sri Lanka Necklace.
Hetal said...
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heta s
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Hetal said...
Anonymous said...
Beautiful jewelry, I really love love love the New Dehli Necklace
Anonymous said...
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Donna Hufman Warrington
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Donna Hufman Warrington
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Anonymous said...
brazilian hoop earrings
bison61 said...
I like the Maldives tassel earrings
tiramisu392 at yahoo dot com
MizVickik said...
Love the Roman Drop earrings! Thanks!
E. Diane said...
I like the Barcelona necklace and the Egyptian silver earrings. Simple but very pretty!
Me_Juliet AT hotmail DOT com
E. Diane said...
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Me_Juliet AT hotmail DOT com
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Me_Juliet AT hotmail DOT com
Terri Quite Contrary said...
Roman Drop Earrings
terriquitecontrary at gmail dot com
Sarah Matos said...
Love the Sterling Silver Egyptian Hoop
smatos04 @ hotmail dot com
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smatos04 @ hotmail dot com
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smatos04 @ hotmail dot com
Lala77 said...
I love Sahara Necklace. The colors are so beautiful.
Lala77 said...
I follow on GFC.
Thank you.
mlswin@neo.rr.com said...
the Roman Drop earrings
Anonymous said...
Erin T
I like the roman drop earrings
lunabutterfly79 at yahoo dot com
KowgirlsRule said...
I like the Carnival Bracelet
KowgirlsRule said...
I follow via Twitter @kowgirlsrule
diesel51 said...
Roman Drop Earrings.
Hotsnotty2 said...
I like the Barcelona necklace, thanks!
hbbs55 said...
I love the roman drop earrings, I like the smokey topaz
hbbs55 said...
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Melissa B. said...
My favorite are the Roman Drop Earrings.
Unknown said...
Brazillian Hoop earrings
marjeannie said...
Roman drop earrings.
Anonymous said...
My favorite item is maldives tassel earring
mistylimepink at gmail dot com
Tina P said...
i like the hong kong coin necklace.
Tonya Dean said...
The Barcelona Necklace
Colengal said...
I like the sterling Silver Egyptian Hoops
colengo(AT) hotmail (DOT) com
Erin E said...
I love the Carnival Bracelet. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
Erin E said...
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sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
rah267 said...
I like Roman Drop Earrings
crazyred61 at yahoo dot com
Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...
I like the Brazilian hoops
Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...
I love the Nepal Necklace.
stormraven at gmail dot com
Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...
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stormraven at gmail dot com
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stormraven at gmail dot com
Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...
follow your blog
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
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itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
Anonymous said...
I also like the Caribbean Drop earrings
grannyvon said...
I follow on NetworkingBlogs. ybutler@oppcatv.com
grannyvon said...
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grannyvon said...
I also like the Roman Drop Earrings. ybutler@oppcatv.com
atydec said...
I like the Barcelona necklace.
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com
atydec said...
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edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com
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Unknown said...
I like the Carnival Braclets. trinitygsd at yahoo odt com
kat said...
The New Delhi necklace is really nice.
thanks for a great giveaway!
Susan said...
I like the om necklace. suelee1998@ gmail.com
tristatecruisers said...
i really like the Nepal Neckace :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
tristatecruisers said...
follow via GFC :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
checkers said...
I like the Tribal Hoops
skyskyaa11 @ gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
i like Carnival Bracelets
Anonymous said...
i like Sahara necklace
Chrystal said...
I love the Nepal Necklace.
chrystaljns (at) gmail (dotcom)
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Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...
The prize earrings are so lovely! I also really like the Barcelona Necklace and the Figi Waterfall
Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...
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esldiane@gmail.com said...
I like the Caribean Drop earrings
Diane Baum
js22 said...
I love their Thai Chandelier earrings.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com
js22 said...
I follow your blog on google friends connect- Joanne Schultz .
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Melissa O. said...
Love the sterling silver egyptian hoops!
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
Melissa O. said...
GFC follower (Melissa O.)
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
Cal said...
Love these earrings, but also liked the Fiji waterfall earrings!
Kathy P said...
i like the hanuman god pendant :)
Kathy P said...
google friend klp1965
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Kathy P said...
susansmoaks said...
i like the fiji waterfall earrings
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
mrssquigg said...
I like the St. Tropez Necklace
mrssquigg @ comcast.net
mrssquigg said...
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Brandy B
mrssquigg @ comcast dot net
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mrssquigg @ comcast dot net
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Brandy B
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Brandy B
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mrssquigg @ comcast dot net
Hbomb said...
I like sahara necklace and carnival bracelets!
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
Hbomb said...
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xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
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xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
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xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
Gina said...
My favorite are the Roman Drop Earrings.
yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com
Gina said...
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yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com
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yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com
Sand said...
I like the Sri Lankan Necklace.
/\Heather/\ said...
Adore the Nepal Necklace. Thank you!
heatherpooh (hotmail)
/\Heather/\ said...
I follow via gfc as /\Heather/\
heatherpooh (hotmail)
liliesrnice said...
i like the carribean drop earrings.
vvsilverpalace said...
it is very useful blog thanks for sharing this blog after read silver neckless in delhi my search is complete
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