Avery has very few toys that she plays with regularly. She's usually very destructive of her things, she rips books (although she loves them), she tears apart toys and throws them around to purposely break them. So when I find a toy that she actually plays with and appreciates I will get her more and more of that item no matter what the cost.
That's where Safari Ltd. comes in. Avery LOVES playing with her animals. She has quite a few from Schleich already and when I came across Safari I knew I had to contact them and get her some more!
Avery loves Elephants and Giraffes and that's what she was sent.
These elephants are big and heavy.
The adult elephants are HEAVY. I couldn't believe the quality when I pulled them out of the box. They are so big!
Even the giraffes are HUGE. She has quite a few smaller animals already so this will be a great change and I can't wait for her to play with them.
These are a part of her Christmas. It's a toy that I know she'll play with and treat nicely so she's getting them for a present.
The attention to detail on these is amazing as well. All the giraffes spots are different. The elephants have perfect wrinkles in them.
I love that we got baby's and adults. The whole family! With the elephants the male is bigger than the female and you can tell which is which just by the size.
I love the quality. I can't wait until she opens these.
They have TONS of other animals to choose from
And lots more!
Price: The Adult Elephants are $8.99 each and the baby's are $3.99. This might seem a bit much, but the quality is amazing and they will last a lifetime!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Safari in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Safari for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

Sharon Schoepe said...
I would get the wizard, the witch and a princess. What great products!
wdwfla at gmail dot com
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debijackson said...
horses badger and bobcats yeah
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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Colleen Maurina said...
I would probably choose the Ridley Sea Turtle, the Giraffe and the African Elephant!
colljerr at comcast dot net
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Fiddlin' Dandi said...
I like the Toob Zoo Babies,the Farm Babies Toob, and Down on the Farm Toob
honingharmony at gmail dot com
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Veann Grigajtis said...
I LOVE these toys and desperately hope I win! It is almost impossible to pick just three that I would want, but I think I would choose the Mountain Dragon, Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake and Horned Lizard. The dragon to go along with the Harry Potter book we are currently reading together, snake because Daddy and I love snakes and want to share that love with our sons and the horny toad because it reminds me of my own childhood.
veanng @ gmail . com
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Anonymous said...
I love the Zoo Babies!!
ourlittlecornerblog AT yahoo DOT com
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hhkaufman78 said...
Giraffe, horse, dragon
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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loven mommy said...
Wildlife Babies Collector's Case would be top of my list of what to buy. my girl loves baby animals.
dthornework @ live dot com
Allyson Bossie said...
Carnegie Collectibles Diplodocus
Carnegie Collectibles Carnotaurus
Safariology™ Camouflage Luminocular
are three things I may would choose if I win
masugr at yahoo dot com
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Lady In Read said...
am following you now via GFC
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Lady In Read said...
forgot to include my email in first comment about what i would like to get - fairies and birds! -
vidya dot tiru @ gmail dot com
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
honingharmony at gmail dot com
Lisa P. said...
1. Incredible Creatures® Alligator with Babies
2. Incredible Creatures® Blue Crab
3. Four-Headed Orange Dragon
lafittelady @ gmail dot com
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crystletellerday said...
fairy fantasies daisy the fairy baby rose the fairy queen and buttercup the fairy crystletellerday@yahoo.com
Sharon Schoepe said...
wdwfla at gmail dot com
Anne N. said...
love the horses, Winner's Circle James On Dancing Bells Set, Winner's Circle Haflinger, and Winner's Circle Audrey On Streaming Light!
calgrl76 at hotmail
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Unknown said...
My daughter loves the Sealife Polar Bear, the North American Wildlife Grey Wolf & the Wildlife Hippopotamus Adult
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
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Fiddlin' Dandi said...
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coliebear said...
I would choose the lair of dragons toob, the mountain dragon, and one other dragon.
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jenzen69 said...
I would get the chimpanzee with baby and the orangutans
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Anne N. said...
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jakiesmom said...
i like the sow with piglets, bantam hen on nest, and phoenix rooster
nannypanpan at gmail.com
jakiesmom said...
jakiesmom said...
Amanda said...
I'd choose Fairy Fantasies Fairy Pony, Rose the Fairy Queen and Daisy the Fairy Baby.
tvpg at aol dot com
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Ashley R said...
ANY 3 items? Maybe not the toobs, but hopefully!! Then I'd probably choose the Rainforest Toob, the Down On The Farm Mega Toob, and the Wild 1 Mega Toob® (Wild, Dinos & Sealife)!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
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hhkaufman78 said...
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SnowflakeDay (Audra) said...
There's a lot of cool stuff to pick from. One thing I spotted was their Safari Science Telescope in red. My daughter likes to pretend she's a pirate and would love one of those. She would also flip for the Farm Babies Bulk Bin and the Aquatic Adventures Mega Toob. Definitely bookmarking this site.
Snowflake Day Play at gmail dot com
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jdeemarie said...
My boys are dinosaur lovers, so they'd really enjoy the Great Dino Triceratops, Great Dino Stegosaurus, and Great Dino Apatosaurus.
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
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hhkaufman78 said...
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SnowflakeDay (Audra) said...
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kdkdkd said...
My boys would love the Chimera, the forest dragon and the Griffin
kdkdcats at yahoo dot com
Anne N. said...
tweeted, https://twitter.com/#!/CA4muse/status/146702392749072385
calgrl76 at hotmail
jenzen69 said...
hhkaufman78 said...
SnowflakeDay (Audra) said...
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hhkaufman78 said...
loven mommy said...
dthornework @ live dot com
Emily Reviews said...
id get - http://www.shopatron.com/products/productdetail/part_number=681504/740.0.1.1
littleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
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Amylynn said...
I would choose the Adult Giraffe, the Adult Elephant and the Penguins Toob.
beadsidemyself at gmail dot com
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jenzen69 said...
hhkaufman78 said...
loven mommy said...
loven mommy said...
dthornework @ live dot com
Jade Rahl said...
ocean toob <3
sleppery.rahl @ gmail dot com
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
Ice Dragon
vmkids3 at msn dot com
erma said...
I'd love the fairy fantasies daisy the fairy, baby rose the fairy
SnowflakeDay (Audra) said...
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/147890496986038272
sweetsue said...
My grandson would love the Ice Dragon, the Fire Dragon and the Midnight Moon dragon.
smchester at gmail dot com
sweetsue said...
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smchester at gmail dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
cassandra marquez said...
I would choose three from the mythical realms collections, the sea dragon, griffin and phoenix!
cassandra marquez said...
GFC follower, Cassandra Marquez
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Melanie Montgomery said...
winners circle abaco barb mare, the appaloosa mare and the humboldt penguin
Anonymous said...
I like the Fairy Fantasies® Tea Party Set
Vanessa said...
I'd get a phoenix, a griffin, and a mermaid. momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
SnowflakeDay (Audra) said...
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/148197290945937408
daveshir2005 said...
I like the three in the north american wildlife.
daveshir2005 said...
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