We received 2 headphones from Kidz Gear. We received a wireless set and a wired set.
They also came with storage bags and the wireless comes with a wireless transmitter so you can also use them at home with the T.V. or stereo.
I thought it was a very nice package they sent me. This was a great test to go along with Avery's new portable DVD player. We haven't used these in the car yet, but sometimes instead of the T.V. on I like Avery to watch her portable player. So first we tried the wireless headphones. She did great, kept them on and she could hear the whole movie. Halfway through we switched to the wireless, She liked these even more because she could get up and use the potty and walk through the house, but still hear her movie. Avery was very happy with these and I'm sure I will be too when we take our next big trip. Like down to Ohio or up to Grammy's house!
Price: Wireless are $30 on sale and the wired are $17 on sale. Great prices. It's worth the quietness.
Overall: ***** happy with them!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»susan said...
I learned that they are designed with custom sized ear-cups.
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Anonymous said...
Very interesting, I learned that the cups can be adjusted to fit the child.
diane Baum
Unknown said...
So excited about the fact that they make ear cups can be customized for the child!
aimhighschool at wildblue dot net
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Rachel C said...
I learned that the wireless headphones are 100% Guaranteed to work with all built-in car DVD/sound systems. I would LOVE to win these for my kids!!
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
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Unknown said...
I learned that The IR68KG02 Wireless Car Headphones For Kids come with a 100% Compatibility Guarantee for use with all U.S. amypugmire@live.com
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Lyudmila said...
From the makers of the #1 Selling Headphones For Kids - Kidz Gear - comes the latest in wireless stereo headphones.
lusizova (at) gmail.com
deb c said...
I learned that they have grown up performance but built for kids.
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Amy Brown said...
I learned that they manufacture children's products using adult quality standards
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mogrill said...
I learned they are built durably for kids.
Thanks for the chance.
hity88 said...
I learned they make ear cups that can be customized for your child.
rayreadb said...
I learned that they work with all car sound systems.
Heather Aguilar said...
I learned they have a 100% compatibility guarantee
theaguilars at verizon dot net
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coliebear said...
They are compatible with all US built DVD systems.
Donna Timmerman said...
I learned that 100% quality guaranteed.
cloud10277 said...
I learned that "The IR68KG02 Wireless Car Headphones For Kids come with a 100% Compatibility Guarantee for use with all U.S. built-in DVD/Video systems."
cloud10277 said...
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Ryan Family said...
I learned that they are designed with custom sized ear-cups.
Ryan Family said...
bison61 said...
The Kidz Gear Wired Headphones deliver extremely rich stereo sound quality for audio needs - DVDs, MP3s, Game Players, Television, Radio .
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo dot com
Linda said...
I learned that their products have adult features,performance and quality levels-but available at a price-point in- line with products for children!
wildcat32 said...
I learned that they come with a 100% Compatibility Guarantee for use with all U.S. built-in DVD/Video systems.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
jennem said...
KidzGear is a partner of Comfy Kids.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
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Tiffany said...
I learned that the headphones are 100% Guaranteed to work with all built-in car DVD/sound systems.
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hiann88 said...
Their ear cups that can be customized for your child.
Daniel M said...
learned the cups are adjustable to fit your kid - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Hotsnotty2 said...
I learned that the wireless headphones are 100% Guaranteed to work with all built-in car DVD/sound systems, thanks!
Jen M said...
Jen M said...
I learned that the cups can be adjusted for different kids!
stashingjen at gmail dot com
Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...
I learned that Kidzgear Headphones are manufactured with the same high quality components as those used in adult headphones.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.
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Valeen said...
I learned that the Kidzgear Headphones are manufactured with the same high quality components as those used in adult headphones. Cool, cuz my son is hard on headphones!
sweepyhead at gmail dot com
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Jonathan Estrella said...
oh man this thing looks awesome all i can say is that i got's to have this....oh yea im a teenager i dnt care that it's 4kidz tho as long as i have these wireless headphonez im goin 2 b proud itz lyk every teenz dream if dey listen 2 alot of music herez my email (godwar95@hotmail.com)
Amanda said...
I learned that they sell a splitter also! I have wanted one of those many times on car trips!!
winnieayala @ yahoo dot com
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Anonymous said...
I learned that Kidzgear Headphones are manufactured with the same high quality components as those used in adult headphones.
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Gina said...
I discovered they come with a 100% compatibility guarantee.
subaruhack (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
Unknown said...
I learned they are 100% compatibility to work with all built in dvd/video systems.
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I learned that you can control the volume which is something that I really need.
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Louis H said...
I learned that Kidz Gear is about delivering a line of products and accessories with adult product features, performance and quality levels, but available at a price-point in-line with products for children
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Edyta said...
I learned that their products can be purchased at amazon.com
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Anonymous said...
I learned that they are made with custom sized ear cups especially for kid sized ears. My kids could definitely use these.
Jinxy and Me said...
I learned they are 100% Guaranteed to work with all built-in car DVD/sound systems.
nesta 67 {at} live dot com
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hawaiian1 said...
I learned that the ear pads can be customized to fit your child!
susan1215 said...
I learned these are designed for children
s2s2 at comcast dot net
mail4rosey said...
I like the carry bag.
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Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...
I learned Kidz Gear is about delivering a line of products and accessories with adult product features, performance and quality levels, but available at a price-point in-line with products for children.
kngmckellar@hotmail dot com
Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...
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Unknown said...
I learned that they are high quality, fully functional and ergonomically designed products that are value-priced and in the sizes and styles kids will love.
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jakiesmom said...
they also sell a splitter cable which would be great for my sisters 2 boys
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net
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/\Heather/\ said...
I learned that you can use these to list to the radio in the car!
heatherpooh (hotmail)
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