Fashionable clothes are key here in our house. We love them. Jon just doesn't understand because he's wearing 12 yr old tees, but we love to be up to date and fashionable. When Sweet Pea Baby sent me 3 items I was elated!!
They were generous enough to send me the Mod Bloom Chocolate dress, the Ruffle Me Scarf in hot pink AND the Erica Bracelet
I couldn't be more happy with these items!
Oh my, look how stylish we are!! Ooh it's so adorable!
I love the look of a pillowcase dress because it can be worn alone, worn like here with jeans, or worn over a L/S shirt in the summer along with jeans. I think this outfit would be just as cute over a white, brown, or light pink l/s shirt! It's adorable and I can see Avery wearing this outfit often.
She wears her bracelet ALL THE TIME. She loves it and thinks she's pretty. The scarf has been worn a few times as well. And the whole outfit has been worn just once. It's adorable with her Livie and Luca's
She is in heaven and thinks she looks "beautiful" as she says! I agree. She's gorgeous in this chic outfit!
Price: The dress is $39, the Scarf is $18, and the Bracelet is $16. I think these prices are generous. They're not the cheapest, but the items aren't cheapest quality either!
Overall: ***** Definitely. This shop is aimed at fashion and my have they hit that!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Snowflake07 said...
My favorite is the Mod Bloom Gray dress. That's what I would pick if I won, in a M (2-3 yrs). I love that print!
hotpepper71 @ bellsouth dot net
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Sharon said...
I would like to try the Apple Green Dot binkee clip, and I like the pink birdie dress.
sharon dot plumlee @ gmail dot com
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Katie said...
my fav item is the ruffle me scarf in kelly green! And the dress i would choose would be Mod Bloom Gray!!
Tori said...
I like the burpie cloth/bib sets
I would choose the Mod Bloom Gray
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Momma Told Me said...
I love the Pink Birdie Sophie dress and the Zebra Chic bib set.
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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Rachel C said...
I think the pearl necklace and bracelet set is cute, and I would choose the Black & White Chic dress.
rach62803@yahoo dot com
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jenv said...
I like the Delicious Damask Vanilla Woobie. I would choose the Pink Birdie dress. Thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com
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mom2boys said...
I love the Pink Birdie dress! Thanks
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one frugal lady said...
I love the funky dots chocolate woobie! I would pick the mod bloom gray dress!
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like the damask pink woobie
like the black and white chic or the birdies
Bev said...
My fave is one of the woobies:
If I win I would choice the Pink Birdie Dress:
Bevwhip at yahoo dot com
Nicole C. said...
My favorite item is the Tiffany heart necklace w/ engraveable ID tag and I would choose the Black and white chic dress.
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ReggieMann said...
My favorite item is the Zoe ID Bracelet
I would choose the Mod Bloom Chocolate dress
ReggieM1961 @ gmail dot com
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KELLY D said...
I like the zebra burpie set and would choose the pink birdie dress for my win.
sweetsue said...
The Delicious Damask Pink Woobie is my favorite item. I would choose the gorgeous Black and White Chic Dress.
smchester at gmail dot com
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smchester at gmail dot com
Ryan Family said...
The black and white chic dress is so adorable
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Nicole Larsen said...
I love the Mod Bloom Gray. I would choose that in a M (2-3 yrs).
pittsy82 at hotmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
I like the Black and White Chic dress and the delicious damask pink woobie
Amy Brown said...
I'd pick the same dress: Mod Bloom Chocolate and I also love the Lily bracelet!
thanks for the chance
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Natalie A. said...
I like the Funky Dots Chocolate Woobie and I would possibly pick the Mod Bloom Chocolate Dress! Thanks!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
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wildcat32 said...
My favorite and choice would be the Mod Bloom Gray.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I love the Delicious Damask Vanilla Woobie and I would pick the Mod Bloom Gray Dress
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I would pick the Pink Birdie dress, which also happens to be my fav item! My 2nd favorite item is the Zebra Chic Bib set. Love it!
froggybogg @ gmail dot com
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ohstac said...
ohstac said...
The Ruffle Me Scarf in hot pink is so stylish! I would choose the Mod Bloom Chocolate dress
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Louis H said...
my favorite item, and the one I'd choose is the Pink Birdie dress in size L (4-5 ys)
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contestcrow said...
My favorite is the Mod Bloom Gray dress. That's what I would pick if I won, in a M (2-3 yrs). I love that print!
sinhead83 at hotmail dot com
Melissa Butler said...
I love the Delicious Damask Pink Woobbie ~ and I would choose the Mod Bloom Chocolate dress.
Stacy said...
I would choose the Mod Bloom Gray dress and I also like the Funky Dots Chocolate burp cloth.
Edyta said...
I would choose the Pink Birdie dress and I also like the Ruffle Me Scarf in Mustard
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Anonymous said...
My favorite item and the dress I would choose is the Black & White Chic print.
~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said...
pink birdie dress!!! :) Cute!
skittles4u05 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Anonymous said...
pink birdie dress ty.
Kellie Conklin said...
My favorite item is definitely the Delicious Damask Pink Woobie! Sooo cute! I would pick the Mod Bloom Gray dress if I won! I love the patterns! Thanks for the giveaway!
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Breanne said...
I love the Delicious Damask Bib Set and I would choose the Pink Birdie dress
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lucy4luck said...
I would choose the pink birdie dress and a woobie!
lucy4luck@hotmail dot com
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Unknown said...
I love this one!
Mod Bloom Gray
Jujubee782 @ aol dot com
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Nancye said...
cman said...
Delicious Damask Vanilla Woobie.
Pink Birdie.
Nancye said...
My fave item was the Zoe ID bracelet. I would choose the Pink Birdie dress.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Nancye said...
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