I love a store that has all the trendy maternity clothes. But Stella Maternity doesn't stop there. Despite the name they also have baby and nursery items as well.
I received the Everly Grey Hallie Top and I really like it. It's different from my typical style, but it's dressier. It's something that can be worn casual or dressed up.
All taken at 34 weeks!
Tie in back
Tie in back
Tie in back
Tie in Front
Tie in front
I like that it has a universal tie, it can be tied in the back or the front. I did find that because it's a silky material the tie came lose, so I just double knotted it first and then tied it. That way if it came undone I didn't need to retie and tighten the whole thing up.
I wore this top to our Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I got a couple compliments on it.
I really like it. It's a bit low cut, so I just wore my half tee under there and it was perfect for covering up that space!
I received the XS. It's a size 4-6 and it fits me perfectly. I like the ruching on the sleeves at the bottom and I like the silky material as well. It's a great top and it's something different, but I really like it.
They also carry baby clothes and accessories. As well as nursing items and crib sets
Price: Was $57.95 but is on sale for $29.95!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Stella Maternity in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Stella Maternity for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

hhkaufman78 said...
I love the passion spice Carla nursing bra.
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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Melissa said...
I love the shirt! It looks great on you. I also love the Oilo Modern Berries Cylinder Pendant Lamp.. I think I'd get either spring green or taupe!
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Anne N. said...
love this maternity top, Lilac Clothing Kenzie Trendy Maternity Top.
calgrl76 at hotmail
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Unknown said...
I'd absolutely love to get the Annee Matthew Jenna Bubble Bamboo Maternity/Nursing Top or the Mothers en Vogue Coco Ono Cocoon Maternity Dress / Nursing Dress
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i like the gold crown baby hat
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Sarah Hull said...
I like the James Jeans Twiggy Maternity Jean Leggings - Black Cat and the Belabumbum Lotus Black Pearl Maternity Nursing Gown!
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jenzen69 said...
love the John Lennon imagine onesie
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Amanda said...
I like the Mod Mocha Infant Car Seat Cover by Hula Moon.
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Ashley R said...
I also love the Lilac Clothing Bella Long Sleeve Maternity Wrap Top - Plum!
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Anne N. said...
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Melissa said...
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Erica C. said...
The Pink Axle Infant Hat - Black and White Guitar is nice.
hhkaufman78 said...
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jennem said...
John Lennon Imagine Baby Onesie
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loven mommy said...
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Melissa said...
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Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
Maternal America Velour Hoodie and Pants Maternity Tracksuit
vmkids3 at msn dot com
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d schmidt said...
Another great item is Maternal America Velour Hoodie and Pants Maternity Tracksuit
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cassandra marquez said...
I like the juliet dream camo shirt! very cute and loose fitting!
cassandra marquez said...
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Melissa said...
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nicole thoresen said...
I so want the maternal America Houndstooth Front Tie Maternity Dress! So cute!
aussiegirl03 at gmail dot com
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Breanne said...
I like the Maternal America Scoop Neck Front Tie Dress - Citrus Floral
bmweida at yahoo dot com
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