Little Dudes and Divas truly has everything baby you need. They carry clothes, toys, Backpacks, Diaper bags, Bibs and so much more!!! They truly have everything.
They carry name brand items too like Amy Kathryn, Aden & Anais and so much more.
Here are some of my favorite items for baby boy
So many cute things. There are lots more on the site too. Like Blankets and more.
There things are adorable and most are on sale making them great prices. The pink boots above are Rileyroos, they are $35.94. The onesies shown are by Stephen Joseph and they are $15.80. Reasonable prices definitely.
Overall, it's a great shop with lots of options!
A big thank you goes out to Little Dudes and Divas for allowing me to offer a giveaway

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»Klemm Family said...
Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm
skklemm at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
Follow via GFC.
skklemm at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
follow you on fb. stephanie klemm
skklemm at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
follow you on twitter. @momtoemmett
skklemm at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
skklemm at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter. @momtoemmett
skklemm at gmail dot com
Julia said...
I follow with GFC Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com
Julia said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com
Julia said...
I like you on Facebook Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com
Julia said...
I follow you on Twitter beckerfam jsbecker29 at gmail dot com
Cinderella10383 said...
I am a fan of Yours on Facebook
Jamie Brigham *FB Name*
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Cinderella10383 said...
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Jamie Brigham *GFC Name*
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Cinderella10383 said...
I am a fan of Heather on Facebook
Jamie Brigham *FB Name*
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Cinderella10383 said...
I tweeted about this giveaway using tweet button- @cinderella10383!/Cinderella10383/status/114859805386080256
Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Cinderella10383 said...
I am subscribed via email through feedburner
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Jamie Brigham
Cinderella10383 said...
I am following Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter
Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Courtney B said...
i like little dudes on fb courtney bella
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
i'm a blog follower!
Courtney B said...
fb fan ofyours courtney bella
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
twitter follower meandbells
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
email subscriber
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
little dudes twitter follower meandbells
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
i'm following their blog
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Cinderella10383 said...
I joined Little Dudes and Divas mailing list
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Jamie Brigham
Cinderella10383 said...
GFC follower of Little Dudes and Divas
Jamie Brigham *GFC Name*
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com
Cara said...
I like litle dudes and divas on FB
cara_gosse at hotmail dot com
Cara said...
Cara said...
Already follow you on FB :)
cara_gosse at hotmail dot com
Cara said...
Already follow on GFC :)
cara_gosse at hotmail dot com
Courtney B said...
9/17 tweet!/MeandBells/status/115052746452893696
Unknown said...
Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
Blog Follower via GFC
Mrs. Smitty
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
slb3334 said...
I like on facebook.
slb3334 at
Kimberly said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on FB
Kimberly Schotz
Kims2312 at verizon dot com
Kimberly said...
GFC follower
Kims2312 at Verizon dot com
Kimberly said...
Email follower
Kims2312 at verizon dot com
Kimberly said...
I like you on FB
Kimberly Schotz
Kims2312 at verizon dot com
Kimberly said...
Twitter follower of little Dudes and divas
Kims2312 at verizon dot com
Kimberly said...
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Kims2312 at verizon dot com
Jennifer T. said...
I'm a facebook fan of Little Dudes and Divas under username Jennie Tilson.
Jennifer T. said...
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
Jennifer T. said...
I follow through Google Friend Connect.
Bridgett said...
liked little dudes and divas on FB, said thanks
Bridgett Yoches Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
Bridgett said...
follow with GFC
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
Bridgett said...
follow you on FB
Bridgett Yoches Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
Bridgett said...
blog subscriber
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
Melissa said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook!
melissahuie at gmail dot com
Melissa said...
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Melissa said...
I follow Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter!
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I'm on their mailing list!
Melissa said...
I follow their blog!
sweetsue said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on facebook as Susan Chester.
smchester at gmail dot com
Robert P said...
I liked Little Dudes and Divas on facebook
Robert P.
happyskunky at yahoo dot com
Robert P said...
I am following @LilDudesNDivas on Twitter as @Happyskunky
happyskunky at yahoo dot com
sweetsue said...
I follow you on GFC as sweetsue
smchester at gmail dot com
sweetsue said...
I follow Little Dudes and Divas on twitter as ptowngirl25.
smchester at gmail dot com
Tara said...
Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook. tara e
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said...
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said...
Like you on Facebook. tara e
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said...
follow your twitter @curious_kitty
taraz9 at excite dot com
Tara said...!/curious_kitty/status/115498767901401088
taraz9 at excite dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
fan of them on fb as michelle bardos
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
i follow you via gfc as mrs_bardos
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
im a friend on fb as michelle bardos
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
i follow you on twitter as m_bardos
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
button on sidebar
Michelle and Lakeon said...
i receive your emails
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
following them on twitter as m_bardos
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
i follow their blog as mrs_bardos
Michelle and Lakeon said...
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Amanda said...
Like Little Dudes and Divas on FB - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow via GFC - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow you on FB - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow you on twitter - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas on twitter - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Subscribed via feedburner
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas' blog via GFC - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
tvpg at aol dot com
Courtney B said...
9/18 tweet!/MeandBells/status/115551821480738816
bored2quickly said...
I follow you on GFC and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
hhkaufman78 said...
I like them on FB
EG Kaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
GFC hhkaufman78
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
FB EG Kaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
twitter hmhkaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I am a subscriber
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I follow LDD on twitter
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I tweeted hmhkaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
crystletellerday said...
i like little dudes and divas on facebook
Anonymous said...
Facebook "like"
jenniferlex3 at gmail dot com
Veann Grigajtis said...
I liked Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook.
veanng @ gmail . com
Veann Grigajtis said...
I follow your blog via GFC.
veanng @ gmail . com
Veann Grigajtis said...
I follow you on Facebook.
veanng @ gmail . com
Veann Grigajtis said...
I am a follower on Twitter.
veanng @ gmail . com
Veann Grigajtis said...
I subscribe through Feedburner.
veanng @ gmail . com
Courtney B said...
9/19 tweet!/MeandBells/status/115794541881204736
SHAYNA said...
I Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook :)
SHAYNA said...
SHAYNA said...
I FOLLOW Little Dudes and Divas ON GFC :)
Jessica said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I follow your blog through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I follow you on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I follow you on twitter (@jjak2003)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I subscribe to your blog through feedburner
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I signed up for their mailing list
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I follow their blog through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I tweeted!/jjak2003/status/115935114361446401
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jo said...
I like you on facebook
Jo said...
I follow your blog
Jo said...
I tweeted your contest!/ItalCutie/status/115951074212450306
Courtney B said...
9/20 tweet!/MeandBells/status/116212264041857024
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook - emillie rose.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I follow via GFC - emillie.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I Follow you on Facebook - emillie rose.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I follow you on Twitter - hisprincess886.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I have your button on my blog -
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I shared on twitter -!/HisPrincess886/status/116216146293817344.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I subscribe using my emillie(lastname) address.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I Follow Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter - hisprincess886.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I Signed up for their Mailing List - using my emillie(lastname) address.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Emillie Rose said...
I Follow their Blog - gfc - emillie.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Jessica said...
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
vmkids3 at msn dot com
liked facebook dudes and divas
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
follow GFc
vmkids3 at msn dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I tweeted hmhkaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Jessica said...
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Courtney B said...
9/21 tweet!/MeandBells/status/116552759456710656
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
daniel healey said...
I liked the facebook
dhealey123 @ yahoo dot com
jennem said...
Little Dudes Facebook follower as Jennifer Schmidt
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
jennem said...
Public Google Friends follower as jennem.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
jennem said...
Little Dudes Twitter follower as jennem1.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Devon F said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on FB- Devon Franco
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I follow you via GFC- 2bufa4u
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I follow you on fb- Devon Franco
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I follow you on twitter- dfranco07
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
tweeted 9/21
Mommy Of 1 and Counting: Little Dudes and Divas Giveaway
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I'm a blog subscriber via feedburner
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I follow Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter- dfranco07
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
signed up for Little Dudes and Divas mailing list
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I follow Little Dudes and Divas blog- 2bufa4u
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Unknown said...
Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook (Sarah Jane).
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
GFC follower as mummytocharis.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
Like you on Facebook (Sarah Jane).
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
Twitter follower (@mummytocharis).
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
Blog subscriber via feedburner.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
9/21 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/116671341977022464
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter (@mummytocharis).
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas' blog.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
Signed up for Little Dudes and Divas e-mails.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Heather said...
Follow Mommy of 1 and Counting via GFC
heathera.4 @
Devon F said...
tweeted 9/22
Mommy Of 1 and Counting: Little Dudes and Divas Giveaway
2bufa4u at cox dot net
hhkaufman78 said...
I tweeted hmhkaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
9/22 tweet!/MeandBells/status/116919763833339905
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Erica C. said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on facebook :)
Jessica said...
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I tweeted hmhkaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
9/23 tweet!/MeandBells/status/117274503695966208
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook (Gina Ferrell)
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Follow your blog via GFC (Gina F.)
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Follow you on Facebook (Gina Ferrell)
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Follow you on Twitter (@BriellePrincess)
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Tweeted about this giveaway!/BriellePrincess/status/117280569972375552
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Blog Subscriber via Feedburner
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter (@BriellePrincess)
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Signed up for Little Dudes and Divas mailing list
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas blog (Gina F.)
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Michelle Hagewood said...
Follow on GFC under michelevi
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Michelle Hagewood said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas on FB
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Michelle Hagewood said...
Follow Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter under michelevimya
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Michelle Hagewood said...
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Selena said...
like little dudes and divas on FB
(selena west)
Selena said...
follow on GFC
mommy2one126 said...
I like little dudes and divas on facebook!
mommy2one126@yahoo dot com
mommy2one126 said...
I follow little dudes and divas on twitter! mommy2one1285
mommy2one126@yahoo dot com
Lyudmila said...
Fan Little Dudes and Divas on fb = Lyudmila Sizova
lusizova at
Lyudmila said...
Your blog button on my blog (see below) because it is very big
e-mail: lusizova at
Courtney B said...
9/24 tweet!/MeandBells/status/117605267125960704
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Emmy Coffee said...
I Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook (@emmy coffee)
Emmy Coffee said...
I'm a google friend.
Emmy Coffee said...
I follow you on Facebook (@emmy coffee)
gnwg said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on facebook!
stephanie albro
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I follow you on gfc! stephanie
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I like you on facebook! stephanie albro
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I follow you on twitter! gnwg
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I follow Little Dudes and Divas on twitter! gnwg
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I subscribe to your feed!
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I subscribe to Dudes and Divas emails!
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
ziggyga athotmaildot com
Unknown said...
I like Little Dudes and Divas on facebook (natasha tucker)
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
Unknown said...
I follow via GFC (natasha tucker)
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
Breanne said...
I Like Little Dudes and Divas on Facebook - Breanne T
Breanne said...
I follow via GFC
Breanne said...
I follow you on Twitter @Razzmyberry
Breanne said...
I'm your friend on Facebook - Breanne t
Breanne said...
I follow Little Dudes and Divas on Twitter @Razzmyberry
Unknown said...
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
Unknown said...
I follow little dudes and divas on twitter (@natashagt)
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
Unknown said...
Signed up for LD&Ds mailing list
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
Unknown said...
I follow the LD&D blog via GFC (natasha tucker)
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
Tylerpants said...
I'm a Little Dudes and Divas fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)
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