For this baby I've been buying a ton of things. I've also been knitting A LOT. One thing on my list that needs to be done is hats and booties. Matching preferably, but being due in December I know I'm going to use a ton of hats.
Well Longies (pants) are so much more fun, so I've been slacking on the hats. I was very happy with Lori from Perky Beanies let me review an item of choice. I chose the Chunky Crazy Pom Pom Hat in a green color and I'm in love!
It's in a 0-3 month size and I can't wait to put it on baby boy. It's so darn adorable! It's got some blue in it, but for the most part I think this hat is pretty natural colored.
It's knit very beautifully, I LOVE the pom poms, they add that much more to the hat. The color is gorgeous and the hat is super soft. The yarn she uses is impeccable.
Stock Photo so you can how gorgeous it is on a newborn
Lori makes a ton of gorgeous baby items.
She makes Photography Props. Like Cocoons and Hammocks and Baby Pods. They are all gorgeous
She also of course makes hats, in a lot of different sizes. You can get the hat I reviewed in a 0-3 month up to an adult size!!! With everything in between.
She also makes girls headbands and lots of different style hats.
I love this one for Avery
She has something to suit everyone!!
Price: The Black hat shown above is $25. The hat I received is $26. These are reasonable. I know a ton of work goes into knitting items.
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Perky Beanies in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Perky Beanies for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

Courtney B said...
i love the beanie with removable flower!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
coleycoupons said...
the newborn blanket/swaddler is too cute!!!
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
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Veann Grigajtis said...
I like the newborn bumble bee diaper cover set.
veanng @ gmail . com
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Sissy said...
The newborn bunny diaper cover! so cute! scrane @ videotron . ca
Sissy said...
blog subscriber! scrane @ videotron. ca
Jenny said...
Love the teddy bear beanies!
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
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email subscriber
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
slb3334 said...
I like the bumble bee diaper cover set.
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
This bunny diaper cover set so cute
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Carrie Phelps said...
I love the Newborn Bunny Diaper Cover.
Carrie Phelps said...
I publicly follow you on GFC; Carriedust
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Terri said...
I also love the Lace Edge Beanie with Bow. :-)
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hhkaufman78 said...
I LOVE the bumblebee set!!!
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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Courtney B said...
9/21 tweet!/MeandBells/status/116520572929835009
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Allison said...
i love the bear beanies and the one with the big button on it! adorable!
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
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jennem said...
I like the Bunny Hat.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
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Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Linda R. said...
I like the extra large double pom pom hat
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
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Unknown said...
I like the striped beanie with a bill.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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9/21 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/116668065848115200
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Kristin said...
The frog and duckie hats are so darn cute!!!
kristinextras at hotmail dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
I just love the Newborn Bunny Diaper Cover Set! That baby is adorable too :)
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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like you on fb~jessica gonzalez
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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Jessi Gonzalez said...
Devon F said...
favorite is the chunky colorful pom pom hat
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
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2bufa4u at cox dot net
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Devon Franco
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
tweeted 9/22
Mommy Of 1 and Counting: Perky Beanies Review & Giveaway
2bufa4u at cox dot net
hhkaufman78 said...
I tweeted hmhkaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
9/22 tweet!/MeandBells/status/116887379247235072
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
bison61 said...
Lace Edge Beanie with Bow
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo dot com
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tiramisu392 (at) yahoo dot com
Brittney said...
I like the Handmade Rosette Headband with French Lace
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I love the hanging cocoon and the bunny hat!
jamiewhittington at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
FC Follower jamie.whit
jamiewhittington at yahoo dot com
Amy_M said...
I really like the Lace Edge Beanie with Bow.
amybabya79 at
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Courtney B said...
9/23 tweet!/MeandBells/status/117254715909210112
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I love the Vintage Inspired Beanie with Knit Ribbon and Bow.
Anonymous said...
I like the Vintage Inspired Beanie with a Layered Flower.
Anonymous said...
i love the teddy bear hat...i also like the blankets and the rosette headband
Anonymous said...
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Michelle Hagewood said...
I like the Newborn Bumble Bee Diaper Cover set
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Michelle Hagewood said...
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boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Michelle Hagewood said...
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Kerry said...
I like the Vintage Inspired Beanie with Knit Ribbon and Bow.
Kerry said...
Heidi said...
I also love the Bunny Hat!
textbookmommy at gmail dot com
Heidi said...
I follow your blog publicly on GFC as Heidi (pic of cupcake!)
textbookmommy at gmail dot com
bored2quickly said...
I follow your blog on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this for my son! I really like the stripe beanie with bill. It is so cute! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
lisa said...
The Striped Beanie with a Billis really cute!!
lmkay630 at gmail dot com
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lmkay630 at gmail dot com
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Courtney B said...
9/24 tweet!/MeandBells/status/117599620112195585
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
- Epic Fail said...
I like the teddy bear hat with ear flaps!
ijessica_r at yahoo dot com
- Epic Fail said...
Following with GFC as - Epic Fail
ijessica_r at yahoo dot com
gnwg said...
I also like Perky Beanies eyelet Beanies with Satin Bow!
ziggyga athotmaildot com
gnwg said...
I follow you on gfc! stephanie
ziggyga athotmaildot com
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ziggyga athotmaildot com
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ziggyga athotmaildot com
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Lee said...
I love that black one, but I also like the one with the bill and the one with the removable flower and the vintage inspired beanie. All so cute.
BethAnn_97 AT hotmail DOT com
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BethAnn_97 AT hotmail DOT com
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BethAnn_97 AT hotmail DOT com
Caryn said...
I love the 2'X2' Pom Pom Rug/Blanket/Backdrop
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
Caryn said...
GFC follower as Caryn S
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
Amy delong said...
like this Striped Tie Top Hat Made to Order
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Kathy P said...
i like the Teddy Bear Beanie With bow
Kathy P said...
google friend klp1965 kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com
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Erica G said...
I love the Teddy Bear Beanie.
cinderwhims at gmail dot com
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cinderwhims at gmail dot com
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cinderwhims at gmail dot com
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