This is a 4 part review!!
This is just the second part of the items I received from Loving Naturals. I received a TON of items for review and this review is for Bug Repellent and Hand Sanitizer
Loving Naturals is a natural products company created out of the desire to provide safe and natural products for our family and yours!
We received the Hand Sanitizer which I LOVE because it's great for babies on up to adults! And also the Insect Repellent.
The Sanitizer is very nice. It absorbs in really quick. It smells good and it seems to work! Avery loves it too. I make her use sanitizer about 4 times a day and she seems to like this one. She likes it because it sprays and doesn't pump. It's also a great size that I can easily fit in my purse/diaper bag. And it's safe for babies. So when baby is here I can easily rub a little into his hands and he'll be safe! Especially since he'll be a winter baby. I see this getting used a LOT and I'm going to save it for when he's here since it's safe for him!
Insect Repellent works! It smells a little strong, but it works and I feel better about using it on us and Avery because it's deet free and I know it's safe for our skin and body.
Price: The Sanitizer is $4.99 which is SO worth it!! It's a spray too so it uses less than a pump. The Repellent is $12.99, which is a bit much, but it's worth it too.
Overall: *****

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