We all know that we should take vitamins right? Well there are SO many kinds out there and it's hard to pick the one you need. They all have different amounts of certain vitamins in them, some are caplets, some are gelcaps, some chewable. How do you know which ones are best? It's easy if you just walk into a GNC and ask. They can tell you what amounts are best for you and discuss the different types and help decipher the one for you.
Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? Time to be more nutritious, start working out, eating healthy and most importantly take your vitamins!
GNC has a lot of different kinds to choose from. They have specific ones by condition, like for Cardiovascular Health or Joint Health they also have specifics for men, women and children.
No mean and women are alike, so it's great to take one specific to your gender. They require different needs and Milligrams of things.
For me, I can not swallow a pill at all. No matter what the size. I've been trying to take Folic Acid, which is good if you're trying to get pregnant, I don't know if you've ever seen folic acid pills, they're tiny, but I CAN NOT get them down. I psyche myself up.
Folic Acid
So fortunately for me, GNC carries Soft Chews Calcium and Liquid Vitamins So what I was going to do, was start taking a liquid multivitamin and then try and take the extra folic acid I needed. I just can't do it. So I need to find a chewable prenatal, but I can't unless I have my OB prescribe it. They just aren't found!
But Since It's National Nutritious Month not only does GNC carry vitamins and supplements, but they also carry Herbs which are very important for overall health. And Superfood items like chewable Acai and cherry juice concentrate. They also carry Whole Body Cleanse which help clean you out. You should do this once every couple years! It gets rid of all the bad toxins in your system and BOY do they work! Jon did one a couple years ago!!!
They also have Protein products, which in a powder are great for making a protein shake.
Protein is great for when you're exercising, it helps you build muscle faster.
What will you be doing for March's National Nutrition Month? Are you going to amp up your exercise routine? Take a cleanse? Take more vitamins?
Price: GNC is very generously prices and very comparable to elsewhere. They have so many products to choose from (It's where I get my Essential Oils from!) there's bound to be one for you!
GNC has very generously offered one Mommy Of 1 and Counting reader the chance to win a $100 gift card!!! AWESOME Giveaway!
Please include your e-mail address in format name @ domain dot com so bots can't send you spam!
1. Follow my Blog via GFC
3. Follow me on NetWork Blogs on the sidebar
4. Blog about this giveaway linking back to this giveaway and the GNC website
5. Add My Button to your sidebar
6. Tweet this giveaway (DAILY)
7. Be a Blog Subscriber via Feedburner
8. Vote for me on PicketFence Blogs (Right Sidebar DAILY)
8. Vote for me on PicketFence Blogs (Right Sidebar DAILY)
Giveaway Ends March 19th at 11:59 PM EST
*Disclaimer* I will be compensated for writing this post. All thoughts expressed are entirely my own.*
A Big Thank you goes out to GNC for compensating me for this post!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 380 Newer› Newest»Yana said...
Those links don't take me to GNCs Twitter pages. I liked them on Facebook and followed you on Twitter, already follow you on Facebook -
greenhillstea at live dot com
Tabathia B said...
liked gnc on fb (michelle b)& followed both twitter accounts @chelleb36
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
google follower
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
like on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
twitter follower @chelleb36
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
follower on networked blogs
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
voted @ picket fences
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
email subscriber
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I like GNC on FB (Brittney Minor) and I follow their 2 twitter pages (brittleby)
babybensmama at yahoo com
Brittney Minor said...
I follow you via GFC
babybensmama at yahoo com
Brittney Minor said...
I follow you on FB
babybensmama at yahoo com
Brittney Minor said...
I follow you on Twitter
babybensmama at yahoo com
Brittney Minor said...
I follow you on Networked Blogs
babybensmama at yahoo com
Brittney Minor said...
I tweeted today
babybensmama at yahoo com
Brittney Minor said...
I subscribe to your blog via feedburner
babybensmama at yahoo com
Brittney Minor said...
I voted for you today
babybensmama at yahoo com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
like GNC on FB(jessica gonzalez) and follow their two twitter pages(@jdm2551)
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
gfc follower
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
like you on fb~jessica gonzalez
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
follow you on twitter as jdm2551
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
follow on networked blogs
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
email subscriber
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
voted on picket fence
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
Like GNC on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham
Follow the two twitter accts: rhoneygee
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
Follow you on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rhoneygee/status/43952816162746368
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
i like GNC on fb courtney bella and twitter-meandbells
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
fb fan of yours courtney bella
Courtney B said...
twitter follower me and bells
Courtney B said...
following you on networked blogs courtney bella
Courtney B said...
Courtney B said...
i voted for you today 3/5
Courtney B said...
Holly said...
I liked on facebook, and I followed both on twitter.
DiscoverHope7 said...
I liked em on facebook and followed on twitter
DiscoverHope7 said...
I follow you
DiscoverHope7 said...
I"m a facebook fan
DiscoverHope7 said...
I have your button on my blog
Denise S. said...
I liked them on facebook and followed the two Twitter accounts.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Twitter: @lazybones344
Denise S. said...
GFC follower
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Denise S. said...
I follow on Networked Blogs.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
buzzd said...
liked them on facebook heather s and twitter @buzz8 email in profile
Tabathia B said...
3/5 voted @ pfb
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Mysharona said...
I did all the requirements
1agordon at live.com
Brittney Minor said...
I voted today 3/5
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Tabathia B said...
3/5 tweeted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
amp said...
I liked GNC and follow on Twitter both Gnc and the marketing director.
apoalillo AT HotMaiL (dot) cOm
Kia89 said...
I like GNC on Facebook and I follow their 2 twitter pages.
austma7 at aol dot com
Jessica said...
I like GNC on facebook and follow both twitter pages
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I follow your blog through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I follow you on facebook
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I follow you on twitter
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I subscribe to your blog via feedburner
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I voted for you today on Picket Fence Blogs
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
clc408 said...
Like GNC on fb (Cynthia Conley)
Following both on twitter (clc408)
Email is in my profile
clc408 said...
Following on gfc (clc408)
clc408 said...
Following on Networked Blogs (Cynthia Conley)
clc408 said...
clc408 said...
Voted at Picket Fence
Brittney Minor said...
I tweeted today 3/6
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I voted today 3/6
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
Courtney B said...
i voted today 3/6
bayctygrl said...
like them on FB Jennifer bee and follow both accounts on twitter @bayctygrl
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
bayctygrl said...
follow on GFC, Jennifer
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
bayctygrl said...
follow you on FB Jennifer Bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
bayctygrl said...
follow you on twitter @bayctygrl
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
bayctygrl said...
subscribe to email
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
Tabathia B said...
3/6 voted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Mari said...
I like GNC on FB (Mari Doug) and twitter (LuckyDuckyToo)
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Mari said...
Voted 3-6
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said...
-Following @GNCLiveWell via Twitter (@erinxduh)
-Following @jeffhennion via Twitter (@erinxduh)
-I LIKE GNC Live Well on Facebook (Erin Mize)
Anonymous said...
Following the blog via GFC.(panicxduh)
Anonymous said...
Following @hmahan_0529 via Twitter.
Anonymous said...
Voted on Picket Fence Blogs. goodluck!
Anonymous said...
Subscribed to the blog RSS google feed.
Anonymous said...
Following on Networked Blogs!(Erin Mize)
Anonymous said...
I LIKE Heather Mahan on Facebook (Erin Mize)
Anonymous said...
Tabathia B said...
3/7 voted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Courtney B said...
Courtney B said...
i voted today 3/7
Holly said...
3/7 tweet
Jessica said...
3/7 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I voted today on Picket Fence Blogs
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Lynda Del said...
I LIKE and follow them on FB and Twitter.
Facebook ID: Lynda Castillo
Twitter ID: Lyndadawinda
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Lynda Del said...
I follow you via GFC. ID: Lyndadawinda1074
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Lynda Del said...
I’m a subscriber via RSS Feed (Google Reader).
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Lynda Del said...
I tweeted
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Saving Mama said...
I like GNC on facebook and both twitter pages! (Stacie Dennis Frost and @savingmama42). Thanks so much for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
Saving Mama said...
I follow you on GFC (staciefrost). Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
Saving Mama said...
I follow you on facebook (Stacie Dennis Frost). Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
Saving Mama said...
I follow you on Twitter (@savingmama42). Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
Saving Mama said...
I follow you on NetworkedBlogs. Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
Saving Mama said...
I tweeted about this giveaway! Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
Saving Mama said...
I'm a subscriber! Thanks for entering me! :o)
savingmama at live dot com
Mari said...
Voted 3-7
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
hale2005 said...
Liked You must like GNC on FB and both twitter accounts.
hale2005 said...
Following on GFC.
hale2005 said...
Following Heather Mahan
on twitter.
hale2005 said...
Following on hmahan_0529 on FB.
hale2005 said...
Following on network blogs.
hale2005 said...
Voted on picket fences.
hale2005 said...
Jessica said...
3/8 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I voted today on Picket Fence Blogs
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Holly said...
3/8 tweet
Courtney B said...
Courtney B said...
i voted today 3/8
Brittney Minor said...
I voted for you today 3/8
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I tweeted today 3/8
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Tabathia B said...
3/8 voted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Mari said...
3-8 vote
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Holly said...
3/10 tweet
Courtney B said...
Courtney B said...
voted today 3/9
Jessica said...
3/9 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I voted today on Picket Fence Blogs
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Melissa E. said...
I liked them on FB and Twitter
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Melissa E. said...
I follow you via GFC as Melissa
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Melissa E. said...
I like you on FB as Melissa D. E.
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Melissa E. said...
I follow you on Twitter as @shmel424
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Melissa E. said...
I tweeted on 3/9: http://twitter.com/#!/shmel424/status/45598812600926208
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Allison said...
Completed required entry
Allison said...
GFC Follower
Allison said...
Facebook fan
Allison said...
Blog subscriber
Cindy said...
I like GNC on Facebook and Twitter. @Dove056
Dove056 at aol dot com
Cindy said...
I am Facebook Friend.
Dove056 at aol dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I tweeted today 3/9
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Cindy said...
I voted for you on PFB 3/9
Dove056 at aol dot com
Cindy said...
Tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/Dove056/status/45610878334279680
Dove056 at aol dot com
Mari said...
Voted 3-9
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
wcc said...
I like them on Facebook (username: Les Cerises) and follow both on twitter (@whitechocolatec). Thanks for the chance! :)
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
wcc said...
I like you on Facebook already (username: Les Cerises).
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
wcc said...
I follow you on twitter (username: @whitechocolatec).
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
wcc said...
I follow via Network Blogs (username: Les Cerises).
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
wcc said...
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/45812127017078784
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
wcc said...
I'm a confirmed email subscriber already.
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
Tabathia B said...
3/10 voted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
3/10 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I voted for you today 3/10
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I tweeted today 3/10
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Mari said...
3-10 vote
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Unknown said...
I follow GNC on both Twitter names.
Unknown said...
I follow GNC with both Twitter names.
Unknown said...
I follow GNC on Facebook.
Sue Denys
Unknown said...
I follow you on Facebook.
Sue Denys
Unknown said...
I follow you on Twitter
Unknown said...
I follow you with GFC.
Sue Denys
Cindy said...
Tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/Dove056/status/46061050889646080
Dove056 at aol dot com
Jessica said...
3/11 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I voted today on Picket Fence Blogs
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Courtney B said...
Anne-Marie T said...
Liked GNC on Facebook (Anne-Marie T)
and following the 2 Twitter pages (@amt946)
Anne-Marie T said...
We are Friends on Facebook(Anne-Marie Tvete)
Anne-Marie T said...
I am following on Networked blogs (Anne-Marie T)
Brittney Minor said...
I voted today 3/11
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
Tweeted 3/11
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Tabathia B said...
3/11 voted
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B said...
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Cindy said...
Tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/Dove056/status/46369303586537472
Dove056 at aol dot com
Anne-Marie T said...
Tweeted (@amt946)
wcc said...
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/46413704757133312
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
wcc said...
Voted today.
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
Mari said...
3-11 vote
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Amanda said...
Like GNC on FB and follow both twitter pages.
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow via GFC
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow on FB
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow on twitter
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow via network blogs
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Subscribed via feedburner
tvpg at aol dot com
Jessica said...
3/12 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Tara V. said...
like GNC on Facebook- Tara Vickers
Follow Both GNC accounts on twitter- @FabGiveaways
Tara V. said...
GFC follower- Tara V
Tara V. said...
Follow on networked blogs- Tara Vickers
Tara V. said...
Courtney B said...
Courtney B said...
voted today 3/12
J.E. said...
I like GNC on fB (jemme elle) and follow their 2 twitter pages (@jmeelle).
jellerman at rocketmail dot com
J.E. said...
I follow you on twitter~ @jmeelle
jellerman at rocketmail dot com
J.E. said...
GFC follower
jellerman at rocketmail dot com
J.E. said...
I am an e-mail subscriber
jellerman at rocketmail dot com
J.E. said...
jellerman at rocketmail dot com
Anne-Marie T said...
Tweeted (@amt946)
Cindy said...
I voted for you on PFB - 3/12
Dove056 at aol dot com
Cindy said...
Tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/Dove056/status/46725657086013440
Dove056 at aol dot com
wcc said...
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/46767066304352257
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
wcc said...
Voted today!
whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com
Unknown said...
Like GNC on Facebook (Brutus Duffy) and GNC and Jeff Hennion on Twitter (@fatmeatloaf1).
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
Following you publicly via GFC.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
Like you on Facebook
Brutus Duffy
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