Well I found Contigo and I was fortunate enough to review the Kids Trekker Cup in Blue!
I LOVE it!
Here is the cup!
The Seal on Top
You can see water in there and it's not spilling!
Push the green button (or other colored on other colors) and it opens the valve.
I didn't know that Avery would get it right away. I showed her twice and then she got it! I guess I don't give her enough credit!!
She loves this cup. She can shake it and toss it and dump it all she wants. It doesn't spill. She gets that there's no valve and no work required and she's old enough to understand it.
I love that it's virtually spill proof unless your child pushes the button and then dumps it. I love that it cleans well in the dishwasher. I throw them on the top shelf, they come clean ALL THE WAY and there's no soap residue stuck in the 'valve' because there isn't one. It's just one piece.
They have many colors to choose from with this cup. Blue with a green button, purple with a pink button, teal with a pink button and army green with an orange button.
These are also BPA free and PVC free!
Price: Individually for $5.99 OR in a 2 pack (teal/purple and army green/blue) for $11.99 These are AWESOME prices. I mean seriously. Same price as a regular sippy cup. In fact I'm buying purple/teal set right now!!! Great deal and I can throw away more valve cups. They're out of the teal/purple set!!
On Amazon the 2 sets are $9.99 with free shipping if you have prime! And thanks to Swagbucks I get them FREE!!
Overall: ***** LOVE this cup. So much I'm buying more.
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from Team Mom for Review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A Big Thank you goes out to Contigo for allowing me to review this product!

Brittney Minor said...
I like the Autoseal water bottle in lime!
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
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mverno said...
i like the Kids Stainless Steel Food Jar
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Tina Deanette Gower said...
I like the "Army Green"!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com
Jessica said...
I also like the stainless steel kids cup.
jessharris79 @ gmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
I like the Thermo Ceramic Desk Mug.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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Rachel C said...
I like the insulated travel mug.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
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BethElderton said...
I'd love to have the stainless steel travel mug for myself!
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
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Rebecca Williams said...
I like AUTOSEAL® West Loop Travel Mug -rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
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Snowy Summer said...
I love the purple one :)
spdls0215 at yahoo dot com
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Jessi Gonzalez said...
i'd like the travel cup for myself!
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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Sonia said...
I really like the Autoseal Elle Insulated Mug.
soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com
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crystletellerday said...
autoseal water bottle 24 oz crystletellerday@yahoo.com
Sonia said...
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susan said...
I also like the AUTOSEAL® West Loop Stainless Steel Travel Mug (Vacuum Insulated) - 16 oz.
susaaan @ gmail dot com
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anita b. said...
i would also like the autoseal travel mug in stainless steel
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Chany said...
I also like the AUTOSEAL® Elle Double Wall Insulated Mug - 14 oz.
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com
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Nikki said...
I follow you through GFC ngiraldi @ gmail . com
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I like the AUTOSEAL® West Loop Travel Mug for me :) ngiraldi @ gmail . com
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Brittney Minor said...
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Tamara said...
I think the water bottles look really neat and I'd love to try one of them.
wazzuroo at gmail dot com
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bison61 said...
I'd love a Extreme Stainless Steel Travel Mug
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Chany said...
Rachel C said...
picket fence vote
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
allenma said...
AUTOSEAL® West Loop Stainless Steel Travel Mug (Vacuum Insulated) - 16 oz
Rachel C said...
picket fence vote
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
Chany said...
Chany said...
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rach62803 at yahoo dot com
Chany said...
Chany said...
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I voted for you today 3/9
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
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anw1107 said...
Contigo® Travel Mug!
anw1107 said...
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Chany said...
Chany said...
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Nikki said...
voted at picket fence 3/10 ngiraldi @ gmail . com
Brittney Minor said...
I voted for you today 3/10
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babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Rachel C said...
picket fence vote
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
Chany said...
Emillie Rose said...
I like the AUTOSEAL® Elle Double Wall Insulated Mug - 14 oz.
Emillie Rose said...
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Brittney Minor said...
Tweeted 3/11
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Rachel C said...
picket fence vote
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
stracey2010 said...
i like the AUTOSEAL® Elle Double Wall Insulated Mug - 14 oz.
Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...
I also like the Elle Double Wall Insulated Mug in Red.
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Amanda said...
I would like to try the Contigo autoseal water bottle 24oz.
tvpg at aol dot com
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susan said...
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Chany said...
SHAYNA said...
SHAYNA said...
SHAYNA said...
Anonymous said...
Contigo® AUTOSEAL® Stainless Steel Travel Mug
willdebbie97@yahoo dot com
susansmoaks said...
i also like the thermo ceramic pod mug
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Tylerpants said...
I also like the pink AUTOSEAL Swish Water Bottle. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
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Rachel C said...
picket fence vote
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
Andrea said...
I am a HUGE fan of Contigo's products, and I absolutely love their insulated coffee mugs. They are the ONLY coffee mugs I will use!
sunshine131 at gmail dot com
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sunshine131 at gmail dot com
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sunshine131 at gmail dot com
candy said...
I like the Contigo travel mug wilcarvic
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Brittney Minor said...
I voted today 3/12
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I tweeted today 3/12
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
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