I was sent so many fun toys for Avery from Little Kids and we couldn't be happier with them. We got a lot of bubble toys!!
Sorry it's a little blurry. We received a No Spill Mini Bubble Bucket, a Bubble Dooods, a Dora Big Bubble Wand, a Bubble Light, a Big Bubble Friends Lion, a Squeeze and Blow Pop Up Bubble solution, and they also sent along a Junk Ball.
First we took our the Dora Big Bubble Wand. It didn't last long because it doesn't come with a lot of solution. Bella decided to join us as well.
She loved it! Luckily we have a LOT of other bubble solutions so we can continue to use this.
The lion is a lot of fun as well. He roars when you pull his handle and he also blows bubbles when you pull it back.
The pop up bubbles are real cool. You squeeze where it indicates and then it pops up a wand and you blow. Pretty sweet. Avery hasn't figured it out yet, but she likes to chase the bubbles I blow. The bubble light is pretty sweet. It lights up when you pull the trigger and it blows bubbles. It's pretty neat!!!!
Those junk balls are neato. They have holes in them, you either close them up or leave them open and you can throw it certain ways and get them to do certain things. Directions are on the back. We played with these up north a little bit this weekend. They work!
The bubble doood is nothing special, just cute!!
We had a lot of fun with all these toys and I can't wait to use them more. It's windy out today and perfect for bubble blowing, so I'm sure these will get put to use today as well.
Price: The lion is $19.99 and everything else was under $6.49 so these are generous prices. The Junk Balls are $3.99 for the 2 pack. Worth it.
Overall: ***** so happy with these. Perfect for summer and great for spring and fall as well.
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

nickieisis3 said...
my son would love the My First Bubbles™ Peek-a-Boo Surprise. he loves peek-a-boo and bubbles.
nickiesisis3@gmail dot com
thaeter7 said...
My grandson would love the peekaboo surprise bubbles
Melissa said...
the no spill timbler minis, those are awesome!
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Anonymous said...
My granddaughter would love the Bubble Friend and since cows live right next store, she would love a cow.....
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Stephanie said...
Motorized Bubble Machine
tvollowitz at aol dot com
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I'd love to try the No-Spill® Big Bubble Bucket® with my sons!
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susan said...
My little one would love the Bubblin' Glitter Bugs too.
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littlelatina said...
my son loves bubbles
Amy Brown said...
my daughter would like the Dora Motorized Bubble Machine
amym_brown @hotmail.com
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mogrill said...
My daughter would love the motorized bubble machine.
I'm a subscriber!!
Thanks for the chance.
Nicole Larsen said...
My daughter would love the Squeeze 'n Blow Pop Up Bubbles™
pittsy82 at hotmail dot com
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bison61 said...
I like the Dora Motorized Bubble Machine
tiramisu392 at yahoo dot com
Barbara Montag said...
The kids would love this - Bubblin' Glitter Bugs.
barbara.montyj at gmail dot com
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Sonia said...
My daughter would love the Dora bubble car.
soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com
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Jennifer T. said...
I think my daughter would love the No-Spill Bubble Tumbler.
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Claude said...
My daughter would love the Dora
Motorized Bubble Machine!
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
Anonymous said...
My girls would like the Dora No-Spill® Mini Bubble Bucket®.
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com
Jodi said...
I like the No-Spill® Mini Bubble Bucket®
Mommy 2 Monkeys said...
The no spill big bubble bucket looks great.
jnmacdonald at hotmail dot com
Anonymous said...
Cowboy Bubble Shooter & No-Spill Bubble Holster
11newmom at gmail
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Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...
She'd be all over that Dora Bubble Blitzer!
stormraven at gmail dot com
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Edyta said...
I think my daughter would like the
Big Bubble Friends: Cow.
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com
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Tylerpants said...
I like the Cowboy Bubble Shooter & No-Spill Bubble Holster. How neat! tylerpants @ gmail dot com
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beckytag said...
I think my kids would like the big bubble friends.
beckytag618 @ gmail dot com
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Susan said...
I would love the peekaboo surprise bubbles for my daughter. suelee1998 @ gmail.com
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Bakersdozen said...
My kids would like the -Spill Motorized Bubble Plane. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
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dvice12 said...
We like the Dora
No-Spill® Bubble Tumbler Minis®
danvice @ yahoo dot com
katklaw777 said...
My kids would like the No-Spill® Big Bubble Bucket, thanks.
katklaw777 at yahoo dot com
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trixx said...
My daughter would love the Dora the Explorer Bubble Blitzer! peanut at nyc dot rr dot com
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