Mommy's Favorite Things: Dot's Brittle Kitchen Review

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dot's Brittle Kitchen Review

Do you like sweets as much as I do? Do you like nuts? Do you like brittle? Then you will LOVE Dot's Brittle Kitchen. 

Dot's Brittle Kitchen makes all the brittle in her own kitchen. It's all homemade. Using no preservatives and only the freshest ingredients. 

Dorothy (Dot) was very kind to send me a sampler of brittle. It had...

hazelnut brittle- This brittle has hazelnuts in every bite. They are coarsely chopped and jammed into this brittle. If you love the flavor of hazelnuts there is no other for you. 
macadamia nut brittle- Loaded with whole macadamia nuts,this brittle is beautiffy balanced with salty and sweet tastes to excite your taste buds. 
pecan brittle- This brittle is packed with the the best pecans around. They are coursely chopped and jammed into this brittle.
and supreme brittle- This brittle includes everything from almonds to walnuts, topped with coconut. 

Now I'm not much of a brittle person. I'm always afraid of breaking my teeth. But this brittle is good. It's not too hard either, which is good. I don't want to break my teeth. I love sweets and so this is perfect for me!
Better yet, she lives less than 15 miles from me, so I can bug her anytime I want!!! HeHe!

Price: Is AWESOME! You can get a 2 oz sample bag (which Dot sent me) for $2.50 to a 1 lb which comes in a decorative tin for $15. I think this is the perfect gift for someone! And it's yummy. 
Overall: ***** that's right. 5 stars! Love this company, love that it's all fresh, love that it's homemade, love that it's yummy and mostly Love that she's nearby!!


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Stephanie said...

supreme and cashew
tvollowitz at aol dot com

aledol said...

supreme & pistachio, thank you
aleoliver72 at gmail dot com

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deb c said...

I'd like to try the Pistachio Brittle and the Cashew Brittle.

mindy said...

pistachio and cashew thanks so much minsthins at optonline dot net

Suburban prep said...

Almond and pecan sound delicious.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Amber said...

My two favorite brittles are pistachio and almond!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

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Thank you for the giveaway :)

julis55 said...

I'd like to try the Pistachio Brittle and the Cashew Brittle

A said...

Pistachio brittle and Peanutless brittle

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I would go for cashew and almond.

Unknown said...

I'd like to try the cashew brittle.

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mickeyfan said...

I'd want cashew. Hubby would love peanut.

Michele P. said...

my choices would be coconut and macadamia nut brittles!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

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Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

Hazelnut and Almond sound lovely. Since I love chocolate, I'd love them chocolate dipped. MMM!

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iluv2blog said...

The pecan and almond brittle

Missybeez said...

supreme and cashew

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ladyspy79 said...

I'm a Southern girl by birth, so Pecan Brittle is a definite must, and I know Almonds are the healthiest nut - so I'd like that kind next. ;)


Grant said...

They all look good, but I think supreme and macadamia nut are my first choices.

PAIGE said...

I'd just love to try the Hazelnt and Pecan Brittle. I'm a nut.

Angela M said...

The 2 I would love to try are the Peanut and Almond Brittle.


Angela M said...

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Anonymous said...

I would pick the almond brittle and the Hazelnut brittle. writer61 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I would love to try cashew and pistachio
Hope I win - just in time for my Matin Luther King Birthday!

mogrill said...

Cashew Brittle sounds yummy. Thanks for the chance.

sue14625 said...

Every year my late MOM gave me a box of peanut brittle for Xmas a tradition of ours hers and mine thanks so much for the wonderful trip down memory lane the Cashew Brittle is my pick Happy Holidays to all

Becca said...

I would love to try peanutless and cashew, thanks! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

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clynsg said...

I know I like peanut brittle, but would really like to try the hazelnut and cashew brittles.

clynsg at yahoo dot com

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Unknown said...

I'd like to try the coconut and pistachio


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EDRing said...

The 2 that interest me the most are the Cashew Brittle & the Hazelnut Brittle.


cstironkat said...

I would like the cashew brittle. It looks so good.

Sarah said...

pecan and chocolate dipped macadamia nut

Brn2lisn said...

Cashew and Hazelnut


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

The two flavors that I would most love to try are the Pecan Brittle and the Pistachio Brittle.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.


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Kia89 said...

I would like to try the Coconut and the Hazelnut.

Anonymous said...

I would like to try Peanut and Pistachio.


Niecey said...

I'd love to try the macademia and the pistachoi

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terri142 said...

I would love to try the Cashew Brittle and the Pecan Brittle.

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Anonymous said...

Cashew Brittle and Macadamia Nut Brittle!

Melodic Mom said...

I would get the Supreme and the Coconut. Yum!

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billwinsbig said...

almond and hazelnut

lezanac said...

I would love to try the pecan brittle and the cashew brittle

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cass said...

Cashew and Supreme!

Mom Union said...

I'd like to try the Almond and the Cashew.

Mom Union said...

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erma said...

I'd like to try walnut and peanut brittle.

gsm57 said...

Cashew and Coconut brittle are my favs.

Anonymous said...

I would love the Supreme and the Almond brittle.

mttsmm7 said...

Hazelnut sounds great

Liz Mays said...

I'd like peanutless brittle and peanut brittle!

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Anonymous said...

Almond brittle and pecan brittle...YUM!

Anonymous said...

Almond and peanut both sound wonderful-
Diane Baum

Anonymous said...

I would try the peanut brittel and the peanutless brittle.

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Heather B said...

would love to try Cashew and Peanut

Anonymous said...

The Almond Brittle and the Macadamia Nut Brittle both sound delish! Thanks.
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I would love to try the Walnut Brittle and the Hazlenut Brittle - but they all sound yummy!

stormraven at gmail dot com

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stormraven at gmail dot com

cherriblossom25 said...

I'd like to try the Supreme and Pistacio Brittles.

mar said...

The two I would most like to try are Pecan Brittle and Cashew Brittle!

js22 said...

My favorites are: Supreme Brittle & Cashew Brittle.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com

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susan1215 said...

Cashew Brittle and Pecan Brittle

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Cashew Brittle and Supreme Brittle.


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Melanie Montgomery said...

I'd love the Cashew and Pistachio brittles!

Kathy P said...

klp1965 at myfairpoint dot net

id love the coconut brittle and the pecan brittle :)

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Anne said...

I'd go for the coconut brittle and almond brittle.

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

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aktedd said...

I like cashew & Peanutless Brittle! Kinda like a heath bar!

liliesrnice said...

Hazelnut and supreme for me!

susitravl said...

Supreme and pistachio - yummy

Anne said...

I am a facebook friend (Anne Jolly)

angie said...

Oh yum...!
The first two I'd try are Supreme Brittle and Cashew Brittle. Mmmmmm!

angela67p (at) gmail (dot)com

Candie L said...

I would love peanut and supreme brittles. Thank you


susansmoaks said...

i would love to try the almond and cashew brittle

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wendy wallach said...

I would love to try the peanut and almond variety.

madamerkf @ aol dot com

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madamerkf @ aol dot com

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