Welcome to the #CDLocal2Me Giveaway Hop Event, hosted by Mama Loup's Den and Our Piece of Earth.
We have teamed up with some amazing bloggers who love supporting local businesses and are excited to share these products and companies that we love with you. Each participating blogger will be showcasing cloth diaper or natural living products and stores local to them. This is a great way for you to find out where some of your favorite products are made and discover some that you may not have heard of. Be sure to hop around to all of these fantastic blogs and enter to win.
Here on Mommy's Favorite Things we have Michigan Soap offering a sampler pack of 7 soaps worth $20
and Silikids offering a Silibib and Silimap placemat worth $27
Maman Loup's Den, Our Piece of Earth and the participating #CDLocal2Me bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize shipments.

aperry said...
I grew up in Minnesota... when I hear Michigan,,, I think of lakes and snow.
Unknown said...
I grew up in michigan! Some of my family still lives there! I think of Lake Michigan and summers on the beach!
Jackie said...
My husband's friend lives in Michigan. I think of cold weather and snow when I think of Michigan.
Thank you!
Bianca Munoz said...
I don't know anyone who lives in Michigan. Only though facebook but not in real life lol.
When I hear Michigan I think lake and Illinois.
sweepmom said...
Yes, I know someone who lives in Michigan. When I think of Michigan, I think cold.
Unknown said...
Don't know anyone but it makes me think of the great lakes
Melissa said...
I think of great lakes and mittens!
Denise S. said...
I don't know anybody in Michigan, but when I hear of it I think poverty and the auto industry.
Amanda said...
No I can't say that I do. My BIL used to live in Detroit before he married my sister. I think of car manufacturers and lots of cold and snow!
Monica Eff said...
My mom has cousins that live there and they are pretty cool people. So I think about them :)
Unknown said...
I don't live in Michigan but when I hear the name, I think VACATION time ♥ been a couple times
jakiesmom said...
I don't know anyone in Michigan...I think great lakes and detroit
Melissa Storms said...
I have close friends who travel to Michigan a lot because they have family there.
[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...
When I hear Michigan, I think of cold weather and awesome lakes :)
Fiona N
Beanybopp said...
I would pick the Black Faux Suede Ankle "Hanging Out" Bootie
Unknown said...
Ha! I live in Michigan!! I've lived here all my life. When I hear Michigan I think of home!! I liked learning of some of the places that are local following this contest :-)
Sarah Hayes said...
I have a FB friend that live in Michigan. I think of a really cold state that I couldnt handle living in!
Unknown said...
Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who lives in Michigan. When I hear Michigan, I think of Michael Moore! :)
Anonymous said...
I have a couple friends who live in Michigan... but I am from Ohio and a big OSU fan... so Michigan football is my first thought. I also had a specialist @ MHNI in Ann Arbor for many years and was very blessed by his help, so not all bad thoughts
Petra said...
I don't know anyone personally from Michigan, but when I think of Michigan, I think of the auto industry, Detroit and Michael Moore.
Lisa V. said...
I don't know anyone who lives there. When I think of Michigan, I think of lakes.
Unknown said...
Nope. No one. I totally think of the auto industry and a few commercials. ;) And Detroit.
Unknown said...
I don't know anyone in Michigan. I just think of the Great Lakes and snow when I hear it though.
Unknown said...
I have neighbors who own a home in Michigan. I think of the delicious Michigan Maple Syrup they brought me from there last year.
tina reynolds said...
I have been to michigan twice as a kid for vacation and love it
Anel said...
I don't know anyone who lives in Michigan, and when I hear Michigan I think about lakes!
trixx said...
I think of Michigan University!
Tylerpants said...
I don't know anyone in Michigan. I think of the Great Lakes. Lisa L tylerpants(at)gmail.com
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