You all know about my love affair with DownEast Basics. I love their clothes. They're cute, affordable and are high quality. Every single month they have New Arrivals which definitely keeps everything up to date!
I received a lovely cardigan. Something I could wear pregnant or not. So I'll get a lot of use out of it. I got the Roundabout Cardi in the Ginger Spice Color
I got it in a size medium. It fits me great. It's nice and flowy. It's a bit long so it covers everything. The color is so gorgeous for fall. It's all open in the front so it's perfect for pregnancy. I just love everything about it.
It's kind of thin, but is great for fall when you just need a bit of extra covering. The quality is really nice and it's soft. It's been washed a couple times and still looks like new. I just adore it! I love the color.
It also comes in a Kangaroo color
So they're both great for fall.
That's how it fits on me too. It falls so nicely! I just love everything about it.
This was from the New Arrivals in September. So here's some from this month.
Those all also come in black!
They also have a girls section and a home section as well as accessories!
Price: The Cardigan I received is $36.99 and oh so worth it!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from DownEast basics in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to DownEast Basics for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 426 Newer› Newest»Julie said...
I like the shimmer cardi
juliesimpson73 at hotmail dot com
Julie said...
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juliesimpson73 at hotmail dot com
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juliesimpson73 at hotmail dot com
Julie said...
I like Downeast on FB
juliesimpson73 at hotmail dot com
Devon F said...
Favorite is mini bow top in black
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
sottovoce said...
I think I might choose the Glamour Tunic in black. :-) Thank you.
jaquerichards at yahoo dot com
sottovoce said...
I am now following you on Google Friend Connect. (jaquerichards)
jaquerichards at yahoo dot com
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jaquerichards at yahoo dot com
sottovoce said...
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jaquerichards at yahoo dot com
sottovoce said...
I like DownEast on Facebook. (Jaque Richards)
jaquerichards at yahoo dot com
Ash said...
I'd love to get the Pretty Scent Top in Light Grey
Courtney B said...
i love the lace line top.. your blog looks great!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
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vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
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vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
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vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
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downeast fb fan courtney bella
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Courtney B said...
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Amber said...
I might choose the Lombard Street Top!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said...
I follow your blog publicly with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said...
I follow you on Twitter, I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said...
I like DownEast Basics on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said...
I like you on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said...
I tweeted, I'm @AmberGoo:!/AmberGoo/status/130476740047933441
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Tina B. said...
I love the Ribbon Ripple Cardi in Pink Sand!
treneebarker at hotmail dot com
Tina B. said...
I Like DownEast on Facebook: Tina Renee Barker
Tina B. said...
I follow you on Facebook: Tina Renee Barker
mar said...
"Layered Lace Tunic" is the top I would most likely choose. I love it!
Tina B. said...
GFC follower: Tina Renee Barker
Tina B. said...
blog subscriber via feedburner
treneebarker at hotmail dot com
Tina B. said...
following you on twitter @warp65
Tina B. said...
h. mcnaron said...
I like the sparkele center tank!
hmcnaron at gmail dot com
h. mcnaron said...
I'm a gfc follower! h. mcnaron
hmcnaron at gmail dotcom
h. mcnaron said...
I like downeast basics on facebook. My fb name is A marie hj saver.
hmcnaron at gmail
h. mcnaron said...
Following heather on twitter @Creep4ward. thanks!
hmcnaron at gmail dotcom
h. mcnaron said...
I like mommy's fave things on facebook @ A marie hj saver.
hmcnaron at gmail
Carrie Phelps said...
I really love the Cascading Tunic.
Carrie Phelps said...
I publicly follow you on GFC; Carriedust
Carrie Phelps said...
I follow you on Twitter; @CarrieDust
Carrie Phelps said...
I follow you on Facebook; Carrie Phelps
Carrie Phelps said...
I tweeted about this giveaway; @CarrieDust!/CarrieDust/status/130514230196703232
Carrie Phelps said...
I follow DownEast on Facebook; Carrie Phelps
Carrie Phelps said...
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Unknown said...
I love the Royalty Top!
geminicalli at yahoo dot com
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geminicalli at yahoo dot com
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I follow you via twitter as freefragments.
geminicalli at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
I liked downeast basics on facebook!
geminicalli at yahoo dot com
clc408 said...
I would love to have the Shimmer Cardi
clc408 said...
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sweepmom said...
I will probably choose the Antiqued Tiered Tank.
sweepmom at comcast dot net.
sweepmom said...
I am a GFC follower.
Shannon Egan said...
Under new arrivals I'd have to pick the Fancy That Tunic. It's cute!
Shannon Egan said...
Following you on GFC :)
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Shannon Egan said...
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Shannon Egan said...
Shannon Egan said...
I like DownEast on FB!
Devon F said...
daily tweet!/mommy2luvbug/status/130682238022070272
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I follow via GFC- 2bufa4u
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I follow you on FB- Devon Franco
2bufa4u at cox dot net
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2bufa4u at cox dot net
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2bufa4u at cox dot net
Devon F said...
I like DownEast on FB- Devon Franco
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Lynnette said...
I like the Glamour Tunic!
PAIGE said...
I adore the Burn Out Cardi.
blue65829 said...
in the new arrivals section i like the shimmer cardi!
blue65829 at aol dot com
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
Ribbon Ripple Cardi
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
Like DownEast on Facebook
Valerie Taylor Mabrey
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Anonymous said...
I would get the Antiqued Tiered Tank in silver/gray!
hebert024 at aoldot com
Attila & Tamara said...
I think I'd get the On the Town Top in black
szogediek at yahoo dot com
Attila & Tamara said...
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szogediek at yahoo dot com
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ID: @szogediek
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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Tamara Szogedi
szogediek at yahoo dot com
Attila & Tamara said...
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szogediek at yahoo dot com
Tj And Amy said...
I like the Cascading Tunic.
Tj And Amy said...
I follow your blog.
Tj And Amy said...
fb fan of yours. amy bolda pugmire.
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Tj And Amy said...
fb fan of downeast. amy bolda pugmire.
Tj And Amy said...
Kia89 said...
I like the On the Town Top.
Bridgett said...
I love the glamour top
Bridgett zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
Bridgett said...
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Bridgett zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
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Bridgett zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
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Bridgett zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
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Bridgett zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
bayctygrl said...
I would get the Ribbon Ripple Cardi
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
bayctygrl said...
follow on GFC Jennifer
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
bayctygrl said...
Like you on FB Jennifer Bee
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
bayctygrl said...
follow you on twitter @bayctygrl
hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com
lisa said...
I really like the
Lace Line Top in black
lmkay630 at gmail dot com
lisa said...
I follow you GFC...lisa kay
lmkay630 at gmail dot com
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lisa jorgenson kay
lmkay630 at gmail dot com
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lmkay630 at gmail dot com
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lmkay630 at gmail dot com
lisa said...
lmkay630 at gmail dot com
Rachel C said...
Love the ribbon ripple cardigan.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com
Amanda said...
I'd get the Cascading Tunic in black.
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow via GFC - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow on Fb - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Follow on twitter - dolphin4176
tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
Like DownEast on FB - amanda alvarado
tvpg at aol dot com
Amanda said...
tvpg at aol dot com
Lynda Del said...
I like the Glamour Tunic.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Lynda Del said...
GFC follower. ID: Lynda Del
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Lynda Del said...
I LIKE you on Facebook. ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
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lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Lynda Del said...
I LIKE them on Facebook. ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Tj And Amy said...
tweet on 10/31.!/1amypugmire/status/130978592564842496
Devon F said...
Daily tweet
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Courtney B said...
10/31 tweet!/MeandBells/status/131019675164360705
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Rebecca Williams said...
Roundabout Cardi in ginger spice OR
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
Rebecca Williams said...
gfc follower rebecca williams
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
Rebecca Williams said...
fb follower rebeccaw2005
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
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rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
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rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
Carrie Phelps said...
jenv said...
I like the Ribbon Ripple Cardi. Thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com
jenv said...
I follow you on GFC. jenalber @ hotmail dot com
jenv said...
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jenv said...
I follow you on Twitter (@jenalber). jenalber @ hotmail dot com
Courtney B said...
11/1 tweet!/MeandBells/status/131360997985366016
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
bison61 said...
Antiqued Tiered Tank
tiramisu392 (at)
bison61 said...
e-mail subscriber
tiramisu392 (at)
Tj And Amy said...
tweet on 11/1.!/1amypugmire/status/131357733755682816
Devon F said...
Daily tweet
2bufa4u at cox dot net
R. said...
I might choose the ribbon ripple cardigan.
rebecca.nvcl (at)
R. said...
I follow on twitter (@RebeccaFH).
rebecca.nvcl (at)
Michelle and Lakeon said...
Mini Bows Top
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
follow via gfc as mrs_bardos
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
follow on fb as michelle bardos
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
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mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
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mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
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mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...!/m_bardos/status/131437170434121728
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
I like the Flower Collection Top.
honingharmony at gmail dot com
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
GFC follow as Hannah Bartel
honingharmony at gmail dot com
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
Follow you on facebook as Dandi Daffyhill
honingharmony at gmail dot com
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
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honingharmony at gmail dot com
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honingharmony at gmail dot com
Tonya said...
I like the Street Swirls Skirt.
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
Like DownEast on facebook as Dandi Daffyhill
honingharmony at gmail dot com
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
Unknown said...
Lombard Street Top
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
GFC kendra22
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
follow u twitter kendra22007
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I LOVE the shirt you got, but I also like the Glamour Tunic
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
GFC hhkaufman78
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Tj And Amy said...
tweet on 11/2.!/1amypugmire/status/131713528364150784
Amanda Traunero said...
I'm lovin the On the Town top. Perfect for the upcoming holidays! Lovin the prices too, totally reasonable! :)
amanda.traunero AT gmail DOT com
Amanda T. said...
Follow you on Facebook.
Amanda 'Ferrell' Traunero
amanda.traunero AT gmail DOT com
Amanda T. said...
Already like DownEast on Facebook.
Amanda 'Ferrell' Traunero
amanda.traunero AT gmail DOT com
Amanda T. said...
Follow this blog via GFC.
amanda.traunero AT gmail DOT com
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Courtney B said...
11/2 tweet!/MeandBells/status/131813596199002112
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I would choose the classic cardi!
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I follow you on Twitter
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Brittney Minor said...
I tweeted!/brittleby/status/131823853633675264
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
lisa said...
Daily tweet!/springfling60/status/131849994209726464
lmkay630 at gmail dot com
Tylerpants said...
I'd love the Along the Line Top! tylerpants(at)
Tylerpants said...
I'm an email subscriber. tylerpants(at)
Tylerpants said...
I'm a follower on Twitter (MsTylerpants). tylerpants(at)
Tylerpants said...
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Anonymous said...
I like the Along the Line Top
mistylimepink at gmail dot com
trixx said...
Love the Cascading Tunic in black! trixpixel[at]
trixx said...
I follow via Google Friends Connect!
trixx said...
I subscribe via feed.
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
wildcat32 said...
I like the All for Fashion top.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
wildcat32 said...
follow you on twitter @5memb
monster6236 at gmail dot com
wildcat32 said...
monster6236 at gmail dot com
clynsg said...
I like the Collector Tank.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
clynsg said...
Follower via GFC.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
clynsg said...
Like Downeast Basics on FB.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Courtney B said...
11/3 tweet!/MeandBells/status/132152004721131521
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Missy L said...
I would have a tough time choosing between the Lombard Street Top in Turkish Coffee or the Cascading Tunic in Burlwood.
mlynnh5 at gmail dot com
Tj And Amy said...
tweet on 11/3.!/1amypugmire/status/132159125470711808
Missy L said...
I liked DownEast on Facebook. I’m Missy Lynnh
mlynnh5 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I might choose the Sparkle Center Tank in Burlwood!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
Blog Follower via GFC
Mrs. Smitty
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
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Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
jenzen69 said...
love the ribbon ripple cardi
jenzen69 said...
gfc follower
jenzen69 said...
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jenzen69 said...
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jenzen69 said...
like downeast on fb
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