Since Avery is out of diapers, this will be my last cloth diaper review until a second baby decides to join us! I'm a little sad, but she's no longer in diapers and obviously it's wrong to review an item without being able to fully review it.
This diaper was agreed on being sent before Avery nap and Night Trained :( So unfortunately I wasn't able to fully give it a proper review. BUT I will review the materials and such.
Smart Bottoms is a hybrid system. It's a cover and a prefold insert!
Sorry for the Cruddy Shadow. The flash wanted to go off, but because it's white on white that didn't work well.
This is the cover They have 2 adjustable sizes.
Inside. It's REALLY hard to see, but it's a mesh material in there.
Prefold Trifolded inside.
Folded the other way for a smaller baby.
Opened up.
You can put the prefold on traditionally or trifold it.
I think Prefolds and covers are the perfect cloth diaper for any size child, they're cheap, easy and they're nothing fancy to figure out. You just fold it in thirds, lay it in a cover and you're good to go.
They're covers come in 2 sizes. Between the 2 you can get your child diapered from 5-30+ pounds. I'm pretty sure I received the larger of the 2 sizes.
The prefold inserts come in 3 sizes.They also have the Too Smart Inserts, which are more contoured and lay in, they are backed with a layer of PUL so they are waterproof.
They also carry an all in one diaper with the insert sewn right in.
The covers come in 4 colors, Brown, Blue, Pink and White. Very basic, less choices to make and cute. They're also very affordable as well.
The cover I received is $18, the prefolds are $7. Too Smart Inserts are $10 and they're AIO diaper is $20.
Think about it like this. 30 Prefolds (would diaper a newborn for about 2-3 days and would last a toddler 5 days or so) and maybe 8 covers in each size, you're looking at $498. This will last you from Birth to Potty Training. Not a lot of money.
Let's say $25 for a box of diapers, every 2 weeks. $50 a month that's $600 a year. You've already saved money!!!! Yes it's more outright, but it's a major saver in the end.
The material was great, the Prefold was SUPER soft. It hadn't been washed yet, but it got softer with each of it's 2 washes. The cover like I said has a mesh in it, which was pretty cool. It's just a PUL. The Snaps were kind of different with weird placements, but after a while I got it down, just took a minute.
OH. Smart Bottoms has DIAPER PARTIES! Tell me that's not the coolest thing you've ever heard. You can sign up to host at your own home, but they also show them online for others to learn about. Pretty Neat.
Overall: ***** I really liked this diaper and I think it's a great Hybrid option!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products*

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 278 Newer› Newest»Brittney Minor said...
I learned that Smart Bottoms are sold through at home parties so you can actually feel them and take a closer look at them.
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
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jdeemarie said...
Truthfully I couldn't find much information about the diapers on the site, it seems as though you have to attend a "diaper party" to really learn about the system. I did watch the videos that showed how to put the prefold on different sized babies. The prefold looks very soft and I'd love a chance to try it out.
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Chany said...
I learned that Smart Bottoms is the first cd manufacturer that offers cd's and accessories through home based parties.
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caedmen said...
I learned under their why cloth header that cloth diaper kids potty train 6-12 months before disposable wearing kids!
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Sonia said...
I learned that they have sized all in one diapers in addition to covers.
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Domestic Diva said...
They do all of their marketing through home parties.
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Jennifer Haas said...
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I was reminded that most of us don't have anyone close to us who cloth diapered. And those of us whose parents cloth diapered did it the old fashioned way and needed a lot of reeducation!
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DiscoverHope7 said...
I actually already "like" them on facebook!
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Mummy Kim said...
i learned that smart bottoms have diaper parties… and I had never heard of these before
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Tina Deanette Gower said...
I learned that it's like "Pampered Chef" for diapers!!!!!
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Lilac said...
I learned that children who wear cloth diapers tend to potty train 6-12 months earlier than children in disposables.
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i learned children diapered in cloth diapers have fewer rashes
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Sabrina B Radke said...
I learned that Smart Bottoms are sold through at home parties! How cool!
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Nikki said...
I learned that 'Smart Bottoms is the nation's first cloth diaper manufacturer that offers cloth diapers and accessories through home based parties.' ngiraldi @ gmail . com
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orangefukurou said...
I learned Cloth will not trigger asthma in children.
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I learned they are based out of Grand Rapids, MI!
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Barker's Momma said...
I learned that "Cloth can cost as little as 10% of what disposables cost, per child".
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Unknown said...
I learned that 'Cloth does not contain dioxin, a byproduct of the paper bleaching process. Dioxin has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skin diseases.'
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I learned that cloth diapers will not trigger asthma in children. Do disposables trigger asthma???
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I learned that their inserts are covered with organic cotton.
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I learned how they have home based parties
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Momarabbit said...
Smart Bottoms does not use microfiber inserts because the process of making microfiber is unsafe for the workers.
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anw1107 said...
I learned that they do In Home parties!
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Anonymous said...
I learned that cloth diapered kids potty train 6-12 months earlier than disposable diapered kids!
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Mrs. Murphy said...
A woman named Christy started SmartBottoms.
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Dani said...
I learned that unlike disposables cloth wont trigger asthma.
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Melissa E. said...
I learned that children in cloth diapers potty train faster than those in disposables.
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Anonymous said...
I learned you don't have to rinse them out every time they poop, yay!! Ladybug0700@ yahoo dot com
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Jill said...
Smartbottoms doesnt use microfiber in their inserts! Its illegal to be manufactured in the USA!
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lulu said...
i learned that smart bottom products are made in US
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Learned they have very helpful videos!
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Head over to Smart Bottoms and let me know something you learned.
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I learned that "Children diapered in cloth potty-learn, on average, 6-12 months earlier than children diapered in disposables." Interesting!
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Knocked Up and Nursing said...
i Learned that A Diaper Party with at least $100 in retail sales, qualifies the Hostess to receive free diapers.
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