Perricone Cosmetics is one of the leading brands in skin care! They have so many things to choose from and I was sent just one of their great products. I was sent the Skin Clear Hydrator for review.
It came with a little scoop applicator, but I haven't used that yet.
I just dab my finger in and rub it on my face and neck. A little goes a VERY long way and I can see this lasting me a couple years or more. I only use about a dime size amount and it does my entire face and neck.
It goes on very smooth, smells good and absorbs fast. It's not greasy feeling either. It goes on and after it dries and absorbs, which just takes about a minute, then it's fine. It's smooth and makes your face feel moisturized, but not greasy.
I have acne and rosacea. I also have eczema. So this is great for my skin as it's kind of an all in one cream. It takes care of dryness and it also clears the skin.
It minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and also has firming technologies. So this is a good cream to have on hand.
There are so many other things at Perricone. They have supplements, skin care, regimens and some others as well. You can also select by the issue you have like acne, redness, dry etc. Check out the Dr. Perricone Acai Berry
Price: This cream I received is $55. I'm not one to spend that much on a cream, but it's the only one you'll need for your face and even with daily use I see at least a year out of this. How many of you spend at least that much yearly on all your face moisturizers??? It's worth it!
Overall: **** price is still a little high for me, but since I know it works and doesn't irritate me further I will buy it again.
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products*

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 482 Newer› Newest»Unknown said...
I would love the cold plasma eye. cause I am getting fine lines and wrinkles.
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Anonymous said...
I'd love the cold plasma because it doesn't just help one skin problem, it helps 10!
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susan said...
I'd choose the Cold Plasma because I need all the help I can get!
susaaan @ gmail dot com
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Courtney B said...
i would love the total skin hair and nails supplements
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
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Amber said...
I would choose the Cold Plasma because I think it would be wonders for my complexion and it's so pricey I would really hesitate to buy it for myself. If I try it and see a difference though, I could justify buying it in the future.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Amber said...
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
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Thank you for the giveaway :)
mverno said...
i like the Super Berry Powder with Acai- i need more evergy and help slowing the aging process down
mverno said...
i follow as mverno via gfc
twinmomoftwins said...
I would choose cold plasma because I'm startingn to get fine lines and I think it would really help
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com
janeh said...
the Cold Plasma.......great for aging skin
Unknown said...
I want the intensive moisture therapy. My super dry aging skin is screaming for it.
rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
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rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com
Jolene said...
id like to try to try the Advanced Face Firming Activator
PAIGE said...
I'd choose the Cold Plasma eye. My bags and dark circles tell the story.
Susan Heim said...
I would get the Cold Plasma because I've used it before, and I really like it!
Susan Heim said...
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lisa said...
I would really Love to try the
cold plasma...
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Unknown said...
heard alot about the cold plasma for those wrinkles ! thanks for the chance
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
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voted for ya today
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
Ashley said...
I;d love to try the cold plasma
Anonymous said...
I would love to try the Cold Plasma, I have heard lots of great reviews on the product. And love the anti aging promises.
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Stephanie said...
cold plasma face -- 41 and fighting cancer. need all the benefits this product promises
tvollowitz at aol dot com
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vboackle said...
i would choose the cold plasma to freeze aging.
mickeyfan said...
Cold Plasma says it works on 10 signs of aging...I have 8.
Courtney B said...
i voted today! 1/28
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Kimberly said...
I would love the Cold Plasma. It sounds like a miracle cream!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
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sksweeps said...
I'd like to try the Cold Plasma - I've heard so many good things about it and it addresses so many of the skin 'situations' that I'm facing!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
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sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
Julie D. said...
If I won, I'd choose the Cold Plasma.
jdawson02 at gmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
Man, I'd happily go with the Skin & Total Body Package because I STILL have acne in my late 20's :D
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Jessica said...
I would choose the Serum Prep because I would love to firm my skin and this sounds perfect for wearing under makeup
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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clc408 said...
I would choose Cold Plasma to fight my many signs of aging.
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Lynda Del said...
I'd get the No Foundation Foundation because I want my complexion to be nicely moisturized with a touch of glow to it.
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
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Kim said...
I'd pick the Cold Plasma bc it seems like the best bet overall!
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Kris said...
Skin Clear Kit - Special Offer
I have had acne since I hit puberty... I am almost 26 now and it isn't fun
KDSyrjala @ gmail dot com
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Ryan Family said...
id try the face firming activator
jjccryan at gmail dot cam
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caroltennis said...
I would like to try the
Pigment Corrective System. It received great reviews on their website. I have noticed I am getting dark age spots and I think this would do the trick!
carolmuth at insightbb dot com
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