We received the BEAUTIFUL Hanging Flower and I have to say I'm in LOVE with it. It's so gorgeous hanging on my front door. Jon doesn't care for it because he thinks it's too girly, but I LOVE it! We received this item from A Touch Of Sunshine
I didn't even tell her I had a red door. So the color she sent me is perfect!! It matches so well, and we just put a dark storm door on so it really brings this out, even though it's hard to see through the screen!
This is WOOD. It's heavy and it's nice... The only thing I don't care for is when the door closes it knocks and drives my dogs crazy, it's also scratching off some paint because of it's knocking. We were also without a storm door for a couple weeks so everytime the wind blew it would make it knock also! Annoying...
A Touch Of Sunshine offers a bunch of wood items for every holiday. Easter/Spring, Summer, Halloween, Christmas. She has hanging like I received as well as wooden block words and letters! Very neat and I will order from her in the future!
Blogger is all messed up today! I'm sorry, pictures won't post and it won't let me copy and paste from a website because it pulls up a box! I might be switching to wordpress soon... This is so annoying!
Price: This flower is $23!
Overall: ****

Nicole Larsen said...
I really like the Hanging Santa for Christmas!
pittsy82 at hotmail dot com
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elaine said...
I also like the Believe, Christmas Sign- so charming.
Elaine R
Rachel C said...
I would love a white and yellow hanging flower, and I also like the hanging watermelon!
rach62803@yahoo dot com
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Chrystal said...
I really love the Jack-o-Lantern.
sweepmom said...
The wooden Chick is really cute.
Carries Rambles said...
I like the hanging watermelon! Very Cute!
carriesrambles@ yahoo dot com
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The Taylor Bunch said...
I love the jack o lantern
jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com
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mogrill said...
I like the Jack o Lantern.
Thanks for the chance.
Unknown said...
I like the home sign set!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
Jennifer H said...
I like the Home set-Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
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ohstac said...
The Hanging Santa is cute!
ohstac said...
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Smooshy said...
i like the jack o lantern!
Valeen said...
I really like the "Family" letters in the "everyday" section! I think I'd get them in either black or tan!
Thanks for a great contest and letting me know about a cool site!
sweepyhead at gmail dot com
Lyudmila said...
The Set of 2 Hearts is cute!
lusizova (at) gmail.com
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Charlene S. said...
I like the hanging Santa.
Charlene S. said...
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Julie said...
Summer sign is what I really like
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stracey2010 said...
i love the USA
On dowels & bases
Kathy P said...
i like the Set of 3 Trees
(24, 18, 12” tall)
klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net
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cman said...
Hanging Watermelon
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