Mommy's Favorite Things: See Kai Run Review

Saturday, September 19, 2009

See Kai Run Review

Not Sure about you, but I love to pick out new Cute shoes for my daughter as much as I like to find amazing shoes for myself! That's why I Love  See Kai Run Amazing shoes for your children. You'll love them. They have smaller 0-18 mo, see kai run for kids 6-3 years, and  eleven for ages 3-8 years! 

We reviewed a pair from the New Fall Line at  See Kai Run. We Reviewed Rebekah
 Avery just loves these shoes! They're so comfortable on her Little Feet and She's in love. She didn't even want to take them off. They are a little bit big and I was debating holding off the review until Spring but I just couldn't do that to my readers. I had to do the review/giveaway now so you could take advantage of the Beautiful New Fall Line!!
Aren't they adorable? We Love them. They came adorably packaged and are so Butter soft, you'll want a pair for yourself!! These shoes are excellent for little runners. They're Flexible, fit great, look amazing with great bend ability and flex ability which is great for walkers and early runners.
Learn a little bit about See Kai Run... Twice a year, I design a new collection of 15-20 designs. Our designs are sophisticated and classic with modern twists sprinkled throughout. And most importantly, our shoes are healthy for developing feet. The soles are made of extremely flexible rubber which is great for outdoor use while allowing the foot to flex in all the right places. They're also made of butter soft leather with a breathable leather lining and padded collars for comfort. Finally, See Kai Run shoes are easy to get on and off with Velcro closures that ensure a great fit. Read more here! I think it's awesome how new designs are going to keep coming and that's going to keep me checking them out. =)


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Annie said...

I would love a pair of Elizabeth boots for my little Lizzie :)

Annie said...

I follow you on twitter as @MamaDweeb

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Mami2jcn said...

I'd love a pair of Violet shoes for my daughter!

Mami2jcn said...

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Mfalcon13 said...

I would like the Samantha shoes.

mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mfalcon13 said...

See Kai Run list subscriber.

mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Stephanie said...

been drooling over Justin since they came out
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Stephanie said...

I get SKR's e-mail newsletter
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Stephanie said...

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tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Isabella Shoes.

Anonymous said...

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Mamushi Love said...

I would choose the Carl shoes for my God-nephew.

Mamushi Love said...

I get the SKR newsletter at lilnamekangelivy[at]aol[dot]com.

GinaE1980 said...

Brenna has to be my favorite.

Anonymous said...

The Violet's are adorable. I would love those for my two daughters.

charisma3458 @

Anonymous said...

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charisma3458 @

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charisma3458 @

Anonymous said...

I just became a fan of See Kai Run on Facebook.

charisma3458 @

roxxyroller said...

The Jayce See Kai Run Shoes are my all time favorite!!
Those shoes are my first choice if I won!


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roxxyroller said...

I follow you on Facebook(Heather Clouston-Diotte)
~Friendship requested~


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roxxyroller said...

I have already Signed up for See Kai Run's Newsletter previously and I receive it!


Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at

roxxyroller said...

I already Follow See Kai Run on Facebook! :)(Heather Clouston-Diotte)


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Annie1 said...

I love the Margot shoe in size 6 - 9 months


Annie1 said...

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Anne Taylor or annectaylor1


ReggieMann said...

If I won I would choose the See Kai Run Violet

ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

ReggieMann said...

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(e-mail can be provided for verification)

ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

ReggieMann said...

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(Facebook name: Reggie Mann)

ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

5webs said...

I would like to win Finley in size 18-24 months
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

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Alicia Webster

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Alicia Webster

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Alicia Webster

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Alicia Webster

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Alicia Webster

mverno said...


clynsg said...

I would like the Blaydon for my grandson, who is starting to cruise around furniture.

clynsg at yahoo dot com

clynsg said...

Blog follower

clynsg at yahoo dot com

clynsg said...

I already receive the SKR newsletter.

clynsg at yahoo dot com

Metal Momma said...

i like the samantha shoes

Natural Mama said...

i like the "violet" shoes

Natural Mama said...

i get the see kai run newsletter

icefairy said...

I'd choose Julie. Thanks for the giveaway!

icefairy said...


icefairy said...

Follow on Twitter (luckytoddler)

icefairy said...

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icefairy said...

See Kai Run Facebook fan (Bing Y)

Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

I like the Jaewon shoes.

Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

I follow your blog.

Unknown said...

I would choose the Finley for my little guy!

Unknown said...

I signed up for the See Kai Run Newsletter!

Unknown said...

I friended you on Facebook (Rachel Honsvick DeMille)

Unknown said...

I'm a facebook fan of See Kai Run

kdkdkd said...

the Jaewon shoes are very sweet

Anonymous said...

I love the Rebekah See Kai Run shoes!

Anonymous said...

I now follow you on Twitter..her5boys480

Rebecca Orr said...

I adore the Coleman shoes. They are wonderful for fall and winter and I just love the color combination they used. Thanks for the chance!

Rebecca Orr said...

I am a follower and I subscribe!

mscoffee77 said...

I would love to have the "Forrest" style shoe in size 7 for my little boy:)


Luv to Save said...

I signed up to see kai run's newsletter
luvtosave at

Luv to Save said...

fan of see kai run on facebook as Ethel O.
luvtosave at

Anonymous said...

I would love a pair of Carl See Kai Run shoes for my son :)

reube07 @ Gmail .com

Melissa Butler said...

I adore the Naomi from the Smaller line

Ellie Wright said...

I would love to win a pair of the Carl shoes for my little grandson. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com


like the elizabeth boots...I love their shoes, too bad they always outgrow them before they outwear them

Anissa said...

I love the Cameron Skies!

Rhonda Clemens said...

One of my favorite would be the "NANCY" pair, what a good looking shoe!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Holly S. said...

I would pick the "Jake" shoes...they are soo cute!

hastovall @ gmail dot com

Holly S. said...

I follow on Twitter @TheCDexperiment

hastovall @ gmail dot com

Holly S. said...

I'm a See Kai Run fan on facebook

hastovall at gmail dot com

Holly S. said...

I signed up for the See Kai Run newsletter

hastovall at gmail dot com

Literary Winner said...

I would pick a pair of Eric from the See Kai Run line for my son.
weird chick online at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love the elizabeths.

Unknown said...

follow u on twitter. 1amypugmire.

Unknown said...

subscribe to see kai runs newsletter.

Unknown said...

fb fan of see kai run. amy bolda pugmire.

Unknown said...

fb fan of you. amy bolda pugmire.

Unknown said...

I love the Larkin style. I would love a pair of those for my little guy.


Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter.


bison61 said...

I picked the Finia

tiramisu392 (at)

Angela R. said...

I would pick the Hugh!

angelaraettig at yahoo dot com

Brooke said...

I would probably get the Violet for Lil Kiwi unless I changed my mind about my favorite shoe before then..

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

I'd choose the Adelaide boots for my daughter

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

I follow you on twitter as pennypinchingma

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

I am a FB fan of See Kai Run

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

i receive the SKR newsletter
pennypinchingmama at yahoo dot com

kathy55439 said...

I really like the Larkin style.....

mogrill said...

Thanks for the chance.

Madeline said...

The Jayce shoes are just too cute!

Lesley said...

Would LOVE the Maverick ! LOVE them

Lesley said...

following on twitter: noahzmommy

Lesley said...

fan of see kai run on facebook

Island Girl said...

I'd love the Brennas for my daughter! So cute!

mainlandmama @ gmail dot com

Island Girl said...

I follow your blog.
mainlandmama @ gmail dot com

Island Girl said...

I follow you on twitter at lovemykeiki

mainlandmama @ gmail dot com

Island Girl said...

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kamalei correa

mainlandmama @ gmail dot com

Island Girl said...

I follow skr on fb.
kamalei correa
mainlandmama @ gmail dot com

Island Girl said...

signed up for skr newsletter.

mainlandmama @ gmail dot com

Steph said...

I would love the Julie boots for my baby princess.

Jill said...

I love the Violet shoes for little girls. I know my daughter would love them.

tutucuteforme @ hotmail dot com

Krissie said...

I would choose Carl in a size 8
allmycrazycats @

Krissie said...

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allmycrazycats @

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Kristine Peacock
allmycrazycats @

Krissie said...

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Kristine Peacock
allmycrazycats @

Krissie said...

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allmycrazycats @

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Spencer shoes. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Follower (mail4rosey).

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

SKR fan on Facebook (Missy Jones).

Thank you.

Unknown said...

I would pick Rebekah but since you reviewed it - I also like the Elise shoes. aitmama {at} gmail {dot} com

Unknown said...

Just became your 50th follower!

Unknown said...

Follow u on Twitter - aitmama

Unknown said...

Follow you on Facebook - or rather, sent you an invite ;-)

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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degood said...

I would choose the CiCi for my cecilia.

degood said...

I follow your blog as degood

degood said...

I follow you on twitter as kmayans

degood said...

I follow see kai run on facebook

CarrieAnn13 said...

I love the Paul shoes for boys

CarrieAnn13 said...

I signed up for the See Kai Run Newsletter

Amanda said...

I like the "HOLLY" 0-6 months...CUTE!

Amanda said...

I also am a fan on facebook

Colleen said...

Love the Samantha shoes!


CC said...

I love the Adelaide boots!

speechforme at gmail

CC said...

I follow you

speechforme at gmail

CC said...

I signed up for the SKR newsletter: speechforme at gmail

CC said...

I follow you on twitter @speech_hero

speechforme at gmail

thesehappydays said...

I would pick the Coleman shoes - so cute!

thesehappydays said...

I follow you on twitter (thesehappydays)

thesehappydays said...

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thesehappydays said...

I signed up for the SKR newsletter denimc @ [gmail dot com

thesehappydays said...

I'm a FB fan of SKR (deni - lynn mclaughlin)
denimc @ [gmail dot com

erma said...

I like the Coleman.

Andria said...

I like the Grayson

Molly K said...

I would pick Carl.

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said...

I would pick the "Kaya" pair! Thanks!

mrandmrsryankolbe @

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said...

I'm a follower!

mrandmrsryankolbe @

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said...

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mrandmrsryankolbe @

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said...

I'm a fan of SKR on facebook!

mrandmrsryankolbe @

Brooke said...

I would get the new Violet shoes for Lil Kiwi..

Brooke said...

On SKR list (with nonblog email)

Unknown said...

I would love the Carl shoes.


Unknown said...

follower on Twitter- ksh123

Unknown said...

Kia Run newsletter subscriber

Molly C. said...

I adore the Jayce shoes.

mchavez718 said...

I would choose the Maverick size 6.

chazvgo said...

I like the Coleman shoes :)

Dawn Reid said...

I like the Isabella Shoes.

Aisling said...

I would choose Sasha, 9-12 months, from the Smaller Collection.

miriama said...

I would get the Kaya

miriama said...

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miriama said...

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miriama said...

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miriama said...

SKR newsletter at yahoo

AmyLynn said...

I'm loving Tamar from the smaller collection. rubycakesgirl (at) gmail (dot) com

AmyLynn said...

I'm following your blog. rubycakesgirl (at) gmail (dot) com

AmyLynn said...

Subscribed to the SKR newsletter. rubycakesgirl (at) gmail (dot) com

AmyLynn said...

I'm a fan of SKR on FB. rubycakesgirl (at) gmail (dot) com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I love the Colemans! Thanks for the chance!

Sheila Hickmon said...

I follow your blog now!

Sheila Hickmon said...

I'm following you on twitter! mom2anutball

Sheila Hickmon said...

I became a friend of yours on facebook! Sheila H.

Sheila Hickmon said...

I get the SKR newsletter!

Sheila Hickmon said...

I'm a fan of SKR on facebook too!
SHeila H.

Candie L said...

I like the Monica shoe. Thank you


Anonymous said...

I love the Adelaides! Love See Kai Run!!

Anonymous said...

I follow you through google friend connect.

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter as fefemarie09.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of you on facebook as felicia marie.

Anonymous said...

I'm a SKR fan on facebook as felicia marie.

Anonymous said...

I'm signed up for the SKR newsletter.

Organic Girl said...

I like Sophia's

Organic Girl said...

I get SKR newsletter

Organic Girl said...

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Organic Girl said...

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Jinxy and Me said...

I would choose the Eric.

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following your blog!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following you on Twitter. (My Twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy)

Becca Ann said...

I love the Olivia shoes in the smaller line

Becca Ann said...

see kai run fan! on fb

Becca Ann said...

Follower of this blog!

dvice12 said...

I'd choose Jaewon. My e-mail's in my blogger account page.

Kathy P said...

i love the cameron sky

Kathy P said...

following your blog as klp1965
kathy pease

Kathy P said...

following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said...

sent friend request on facebook kathylpease

Kathy P said...

skr on facebook kathylpease

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Coleman shoes.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D atraditionalsurro at comcast dot net

susansmoaks said...

i like the Jannis in size 5

susansmoaks said...


susansmoaks said...

facebook fan
tony l smoaks

carolpie said...

I love the Sophia shoes for our little girl. She just always wants to wear pink and these soft pink shoes would be a huge hit with her! They are so adorable and comfy looking!
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

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