Many years ago, most households likely used very few chemicals inside their homes. Today, it is not uncommon for the cabinet under a family's kitchen sink to be full of bottles and bottles of cleaners and other products. Although many of these sprays and aerosols are very helpful, you would be wise to keep a few safety tips in mind.
Be Smart About Storage
First, it is essential that you carefully consider where you will store chemicals. As a rule of thumb, it is best to not store any chemical near food or beverages. This prevents a potential health hazard if the product were to leak and contaminate edible material. Be sure to think about young children or pets who could access dangerous items. Some families choose to lock cabinets that house materials unsafe for consumption or to place these items out of reach. Additionally, you may wish to consider using tamper proof bottles that prevent kids from opening containers of hazardous liquids.
Moderation Is Key
Just because some chemicals pose potential health hazards does not mean that you must throw them out entirely; however, it is wise to only use them in moderation. Be sure to read the labels of such products as many are meant to be diluted before use. Additionally, you may wish to consider using safer alternatives to these products. For example, some cleaners come in ammonia-free versions which eliminate the risk of inhaling this chemical.
Wear Protective Equipment
A final safety tip to consider is whether you will wear gloves or other protective gear when you use harsh chemicals. Wearing gloves is a simple way to avoid absorbing hazardous materials into your skin. Additionally, covering your hands prevents milder side effects like dry or irritated skin. Some products, such as oven cleansers, should not be inhaled. When using such chemicals, be sure to allow plenty of airflow into the room and to cover your mouth and nose. Reading product labels can also inform you about what to do if a liquid gets in your eye or if it is accidentally ingested.
Many modern chemicals make household chores a lot easier. They can make the difference between hours of scrubbing burnt-on food off the walls of your oven and a simple spray and swipe. Despite their efficacy, however, these products must be stored and used safely. Consider making a few changes to how you use harsh cleaning products to make your home safe for people and pets of all ages.

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