Mommy's Favorite Things: 3 Common Misconceptions Regarding Dental Implants

Monday, January 18, 2021

3 Common Misconceptions Regarding Dental Implants


As progress has swept through the world, bringing with it countless innovations and developments, the dental field has seen a great deal of medical and scientific advancement. As a result of this, as well as the growth of awareness about proper dental hygiene among the general public, the overall oral health of Americans has seen improvement in the past five decades according to Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute. However, this does not mean tooth decay has completely disappeared by any means. Data from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, or NIDCR, shows that among the age 20 to 64 portion of the U.S. population, 3.75% possess no teeth. On average, individuals of this age in the nation only have 24.92 remaining teeth out of the 28 found in a full mouth (excluding the four wisdom teeth that are usually removed). One option for those missing teeth is Brooklyn dental implants. These are artificial teeth held by metal posts similar to screws that are inserted into the gum to take the place of roots. There are many misconceptions about them. 

1. They Have Short Lifespans

Dental implants have the potential to last for a lifetime, though on average well-maintained ones last approximately 25 years. One of their biggest advantages is that they don't wear out as fast as other options like bridges owing to the crowns capping them. How long they serve an individual varies on a case by case basis, determined by different factors. How well they are cared for is one of the important ones; they need to be regularly brushed, flossed and checked over by a dentist just like natural teeth. 

2. Dental Implant Surgery Is Agonizing

As with many dental procedures, there is an idea that getting implants is extremely painful. The amount of pain experienced or perceived is different for each individual, and the implant process is acknowledged to be an uncomfortable one. However, nitrous oxide and local anesthesia are usually administered to patients. Sedation is also an option, though it is not as frequently used as the other two. There may be post operation tenderness or pain.  

3. They Appear Fake

Implants are actually touted for their natural look and contrary to this fallacy appear almost identical to real teeth. They are customizable, with many choices of different crown colors and ceramic types. The crowns can also be shaped and molded to fit the contours of a person's mouth. 

Dental implants are surrounded by many untruths that often keep patients who could greatly benefit from them from pursuing them. However, they remain one of the most advantageous of replacement options available for missing teeth today.