Mommy's Favorite Things: Isolation Can Affect Every Facet of a Person's Life

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Isolation Can Affect Every Facet of a Person's Life


An increasing number of individuals today have no particularly close friends at all. People don't necessarily need to have extremely large social circles, and some individuals are happier without them. However, being almost entirely alone on a regular basis is completely different. The people who are in this situation will frequently have much more difficult lives. 

Health Consequences

It's clear that being chronically lonely can have a negative effect on a person's health. Experts and researchers aren't entirely sure why this is the case. Some people think that there are several different factors involved. 

People without reliable family members and friends might be completely alone when they experience health crises. These individuals will be under significantly more emotional stress as a result. Since emotional stress can directly cause a huge range of health problems by itself, it's clear that loneliness can harm a person's well-being indirectly. 

It's also always helpful to have a person around who may see something that would have gone unnoticed otherwise. Even the people who are used to monitoring their own general health can miss things on occasion. While it's important for people to get at least basic medical checkups twice every year, they'll only be able to really keep track of different long-term health changes this way. Family members and friends can help during an emergency, and they can help prevent emergencies. 

Mental Activity

Many intellectual pursuits are relatively solitary in nature. Reading, writing, and studying can become social activities, but they're still activities that are typically performed alone. However, there are plenty of other intellectual activities that are also group activities, such as playing board games and doing puzzles. Conversations themselves are intellectual pursuits. Individuals who are always alone will lose all of these opportunities for important mental stimulation.

The people who socialize with other individuals are more likely to be exposed to new information and ideas. It's certainly possible for people to learn on their own. However, when people spend time interacting with another person's ideas, they'll be particularly likely to challenge themselves. Even people who have similar interests and beliefs will have their own unique perspectives. 

The Need for Community

It's difficult for most people to be stable if they have no social connections of any kind. Introverted individuals usually need to take breaks after socializing, but they will still usually want to socialize at some point. They'll also still want the benefits of being part of a community of some type. 

Community members are able to help each other in ways that are unmistakable and clear. When people aren't even connected to a community, they have to rely entirely on themselves. They can't ask for help with household repairs, transportation, or anything else of that nature. While plenty of professional services are available, the costs associated with hiring them can accumulate very quickly. The people who were once part of communities will notice the difference as soon as they spend enough time alone. However, while the external benefits of having a community are tangible, the loss of the other benefits can affect people very consistently. 

Individuals without a community sometimes struggle to motivate themselves to set significant goals. They can feel directionless and hopeless. Making even one friend is usually enough to change that. When people have a small circle of friends, those feelings of despair can disappear immediately.

Even the people who were able to cope with isolation can still notice the difference when they're no longer isolated. They'll frequently have much more energy and passion. Many people will feel significantly healthier, and they might genuinely be healthier in almost every way.