The garden is a magical place for everyone
of all ages. With so much to look at, to smell, to touch and even taste it’s
important to introduce the garden to your little ones as early as possible.
Garden activities are all about learning
and fun, exploring and discovering – like how tiny seeds grow into huge plants!
How wet and squishy the soil is and how important it is to fill your watering
can right to the very top! You can find about more about what to plant in your
garden this year by clicking here.
learning about all those plants
There are close to 400,000 different types
of plants in the world, but if you’re gardening with your children you’ll only
need to learn to look after a few of them! Bedding plants are a great place to
start when you head into the garden together, we’re talking Begonias and
Geraniums, Petunias and Busy Lizzies. You can get these from any plant nursery,
and many supermarkets stock impressive ranges too.
The beauty of simple bedding plants is that
you can pop them straight into the ground or pot, and you’ve got an instant
plant. There’s not much work to do here, so your littles ones won’t get too
distracted. Why not set aside a couple of garden pots or an area in a flowerbed
that’s just for them and their plants?
All you need to help
them with is create a small hole in the soil or compost, pop the plant in,
cover it again and then water the flowers. Simple! If you think your child ha a
bit more of an attention span and would like a bigger project, then consider
planting some vegetables or growing some tomatoes or strawberries?
their own
Staying with fruit and veg. Growing
something that your children can tend to and then harvest and eat will give them
a great sense of achievement. You could let them choose what they would like to
plant and once they’re ready to be harvested, you could have a pizza night and
let them add their veggies to their creations!
Here are some suggestions to get growing
Salad veg:
Tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, peppers and radishes
Strawberries, blackcurrants and blueberries
Potatoes, peas, runner beans and carrots
Cress, basil, mint
You might not have a big, spacious garden,
but don’t worry. If you have an apartment that comes with a balcony, then let
you little one help you fill some plant pots instead. If don’t have any outdoor
space then you won’t miss out!
Why not create a little indoor garden? You
can buy potted herbs and have you little one water them for you. Or get some
weird and wonderful cacti and watch them flower each year – or go for something
out of this world and get them a Venus fly trap! They won’t be able to stop
watching it – and it’ll get rid of all those perky flies in the summertime!

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