How to use Instagram without a Smartphone
1. Sign Up
You do need to use a mobile phone in order to sign up for an account. So you will need to borrow a phone from somebody to sign up for an account. This should be easy, surely at least 1 person you know has a smartphone right?
2. Download
There are a lot of websites that allow you to upload photos from your PC and upload them to instagram using just your computer. These sites are Gramblr, Bluestacks and Pixsta. These allow you to download the program, upload your PC pics and upload them to Instagram! Pixsta gives you desktop notifications as well!
3. Windows 8
If you have Windows 8, you can also use Instapic to easily upload pics, put a filter on them and then share.
4. Like, Comment and Browse with
If you don't care about desktop notifications and aren't wanting to upload your own pictures right now, then just browse using the website itself. You can like pictures, comment on them and look through your whole feed without even touching a phone.
5. Want to just see cool hashtags?
You can use iconosquare for this. Just type in (replace HASHTAGNAME with the hashtag you're searching for) and you can see all the photos with that hashtag. You can also like and comment from there as well.
Does this help you out?
Are you on IG? If so you can follow me @heatherm0529
C.Mahan said...
Oh so cool! Thank you for sharing all of these!
Shabby Chic Boho said...
I didn't realize I could use Instagram from my PC. Thanks so much. I don't have a smartphone but I do use Instagram on my Kindle Fire HDX. I read somewhere that I couldn't before I bought it but I found a way :).
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