I received a sample from National Geographic for the sole purpose of this review
Earlier this summer we reviewed the 2014 Almanac, Avery still loves that book. She looks at it all the time and reads through it often. So when I was contacted again to review 3 newer books by National Geographic I of course said yes.
We received the Cool Animals Sticker Activity Book, Cutest Animals Sticker Activity Book and the First Big Book of Why. All books are targeted for ages 4-8 so they were just perfect for us, since Avery is 6.
Both sticker books have over 1000 stickers in them and they get placed throughout the book in outlined areas. They are really cool books.
If I let Avery, she'd do a whole book in one day!! But I've been letting her do a few pages a day just so she can preserve it a bit longer.
How it looks before stickers
And then the stickers. It says which pages they belong too. And they include plenty of extra stickers too to just have fun with.
The big book of why is actually pretty awesome. It has a ton of common questions kids ask (and some not so common) and answers for kids. Avery likes to read this book on her own which is awesome because I know she's learning as she reads.
Price: Book of Why is $14.95, The sticker books are just $6.99 and they are large!!
Overall: ***** Avery loves them.
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from National Geographic in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to National Geographic for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway

abfantom said...
Yes, my daughter has a National Geographic Magazine for Kids subscription.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Michelle said...
Yes, we subscribed to National Geographic and we have a few of the National Geographic Kids Almanacs. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Darlene said...
No we do not, but would like some.
Rita M said...
We have a few old issues of National Geographic that we have saved for years.
jeanette sheets said...
no i have none
Dandelion Momma said...
My daughter gets the Nat Geo for kids magazine and we love it! Her grandfather gave her the subscription as a gift.
Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...
No we don't
Carrie Phelps said...
Yes, I have the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2014.
stOOpidgErL said...
No we do not but I'd like to add some to my daughter's collection of books.
hhkaufman78 said...
We have a NG kids almanac.
eg kaufman
Unknown said...
We don't have any. These look really fun.
Tina Bob said...
Wedon thave one, but looks interesting, I think mydaughter might love it
Allison said...
We do not own any National Geographic books.
ReggieMann said...
I don't have any National Geographic items
Mary said...
We have all of our National Geographics. Can't part with them!
GeorgiaBeckman said...
We have the children's 5000 AWESOME FACTS (about everything) & it is AMAZING!
d schmidt said...
We buy the little kids magazine for our sons
Amylynn said...
I do not have any of their items, but I would love to have these!
Unknown said...
Nope, we don't.
Angela M. said...
No, we don't own any National Geographic items, but our little one sure loves anything animal related!
Unknown said...
I have magazines.
bison61 said...
no, I do not
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Andrea said...
Yes - we subscribe to Nat Geo magazine!
sweetsue said...
I have a couple National Geographic dvds.
Susan Chester
aperry said...
I have a swimsuit edition from the 80's
jdeemarie said...
We have one of the National Geographic books in this series - I think about animals. Today I'm going to buy the space book in this series for my son's 6th birthday present.
Jodi J
Abigail said...
Not yet - but i think my son would love them!
Anonymous said...
We do not have any National Geographic items.
Jessica B. said...
No, we don't, but I know my son would love this prize pack. jj250@aol.com
Jessica B. said...
I follow on twitter JBeard25
Jennifer Young said...
No we don't yet, but would love to!
Linda Meyers-Gabbard said...
Currently no except for the National Geographic and National GeographIc Wild Cable channels. Which we watch a lot.
Growing up we had the magazine.
Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)
Unknown said...
We have a couple of their books and I get their magazine digitally.
Leenburke said...
We have a few of their DVD's for kids.
Eileen Burke
Unknown said...
No, we don't own any National Geographic items.
Unknown said...
No, not yet! These books look very nice. Entered the rafflecopter as "Wild orchid"
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Candice said...
My husband has some of the magazines and we have a few of the older books
thank you
czech it said...
I share with my children the same national geographic books I had growingup. Wonderful photos, interesting animal facts, and a great way to spend a rainy day!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Kristi Bonus
Unknown said...
We had quite a bit when my girls were little - now it's time to acquire again with Carter around now :)
Francine Anchondo said...
no i dont
susansmoaks said...
we get the magazine delivered but that's it
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
tony l smoaks on rafflecopter
Vikki Billings said...
We have a few books.
laurasloves said...
Yes, we get the magazine every month and have some DVD's as well.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
Jeni Aymami said...
I don't, but can't wait to get some!
Unknown said...
No I do not have any of their items.
Linda Meyers-Gabbard said...
I just won this giveaway. Thanks to tge sponsor and thanks to Heather.
I sent my info
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