Wouldn't that be nice? To make any shirt a nursing shirt? Well now you can with Undercover Mama.
I haven't nursed yet, OR have I done it in public, but I can only imagine the embarrassment of lifting your shirt up to nurse your babe and exposing your belly, back and possibly other things (butt crack, bottom boob etc). But now you can do it another way and NOT expose those areas!
I received the Black Undercover Mama for review
Starts out as a tube!
Then you take the little rubber circle and put it over your nursing clasp. Open the clasp and put it over it. Do this to both sides
And you now have a shirt attached to your bra...
So in turn, then you undo the clasp on your bra and pull it down, the shirt comes with it. It exposes your breast for nursing, but not your belly.
So you can do it just like this for around the house and nurse like that, OR put a shirt on overtop and pull that one up and this one down.
In as easy as 1, 2 and 3 you can do this
Kind of nice huh?
I've found the easiest way is to put on my bra, then put the shirt on over. Then attach it to my bra.
I actually wore this for trick or treating this year. I have one Halloween shirt and it was short on me, so I added this as a layering piece and it worked great. EVEN pregnant it fit me great and covered my belly up nicely! I got the size small. Since it fits me even now at 9 months pregnant I know if will easily fit me after baby comes as well.
There are also clips on the shirt that you can attach to a non nursing bra. Just clip it to the strap and nurse that way.
So far I love this and I can see myself buying MANY more of them!
They are great as a layering piece without the straps though. Who wants all those extra straps? I don't!
They have many colors to choose from too. They have a lot of basics, black, white, grey and brown. And they also have a Hot Pink. They have a few more to choose from too like cream and nude!
Price: $24.99. It is worth it!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Undercover Mama in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Undercover Mama for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»Unknown said...
I'd choose the Black Nursing Shirt.
dreegetz at gmail dot com
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slb3334 said...
Chany said...
I would choose the white shirt!
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com
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Unknown said...
Oh my gosh! these are awesome! I am pregnant with twins and planning on nursing them and could totally use these!! of course I would have to have a black and white, but the hot pink is screaming my name!!
sarahreid52 at gmail dot com
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eek031880@hotmail.com said...
I like the nude color.
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sp244707 said...
I would choose the grey
sp244707@ohio dot edu
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Sherry Poirier
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Allison said...
i would choose black
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ninamcclain93 said...
i would get the black one for my sister in law
ninamcclain93 at gmail dot com
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Jennifer T. said...
I'd choose the Black or Brown one.
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Devon F said...
I'd choose black nursing shirt
2bufa4u at cox dot net
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Devon Franco
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Sarah Hull said...
I would choose the Brown or Cream one!
SHull2319 at gmail dot com
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dailymom said...
I would choose the gray
Heididaily at gmail dot com
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Bridgett said...
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MegP said...
I would Love the black color!
m.pagano84 at gmail dot come
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eek031880@hotmail.com said...
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Chany said...
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com
Sissy said...
I'd choose black! scrane @ videotron . ca
Jenny said...
I'd choose nude.
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
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Rebecca Williams said...
I'd like the black Undercover Mama shirt
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com
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hhkaufman78 said...
White or Black
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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Chany said...
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Lilac said...
I would choose brown.
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
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Amanda N.
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eek031880@hotmail.com said...
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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Michelle and Lakeon said...
Pink is my favorite color but I'd probably go a more neutral gray
mrs_bardos at yahoo dot com
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Michelle and Lakeon said...
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Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
I'd choose the white shirt.
honingharmony at gmail dot com
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sirentattoo said...
I would choose black!
Dagmar B.
sirentattoo at hotmail.com
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Dagmar B.
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Maria Ivey said...
I would choose the brown nursing shirt.
lilydom76 @ msn dot com
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lilydom76 at msn dot com
Anonymous said...
I'd choose the Black Nursing Shirt for sure !
Chany said...
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com
jennem said...
I'd choose Gray.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
jennem said...
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Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
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Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
eek031880@hotmail.com said...
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/EEK_031880/status/144581794044448768
Nikki said...
I would pick the White. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
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Jessica said...
I would choose the white one
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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Brandi Elam said...
Hmm, I would either get the black or the gray.
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
Maria Ivey said...
Daily Tweet https://twitter.com/#!/lilydom76/status/144889401711923200
lilydom76 at msn dot com
Brandi Elam said...
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Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Chany said...
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com
eek031880@hotmail.com said...
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/EEK_031880/status/144961068148588544
hhkaufman78 said...
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Hotsnotty2 said...
I would pick the black one, thanks
Hotsnotty2 said...
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Chany said...
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com
eek031880@hotmail.com said...
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/EEK_031880/status/145333819057254402
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
bbrittbrat1398 said...
I wear alot of black so I would choose the black.
bbrittbrat1398 said...
mommys favorite things fb fan brittney house
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bbrittbrat1398 said...
undercover mama fb fan brittney house
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hhkaufman78 said...
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
Devon F said...
2bufa4u at cox dot net
Maria Ivey said...
Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/lilydom76/status/145616346145751042
lilydom76 at msn dot com
Unknown said...
I'd love to get the Grey Nursing Cami
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
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eek031880@hotmail.com said...
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/EEK_031880/status/145526964084670464
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