Avery knows her entire alphabet, but now we're working on uppercase and lowercase. She's learning but isn't the best at them yet.
Alphabeasts are a cute new way to teach uppercase and lowercase letters!!
I was sent 4 of them for review and Avery just loves them
One size is Uppercase and the beasts are one color
The other side is lowercase and they are a different color.
They are so soft and cuddly. They're made of fleece so you can imagine just how soft and warm they are.
Avery has been trying to sleep with all 4, but that's NOT happening so I've been telling her 2 tops, but she wakes up and she's so hot, so I've been telling her she can only sleep with 1. The one she chooses most often is Vin-Vin (v)
She loves him and I think he might have the best shape for cuddling.
She's also learning her UC and LC letters though which is the whole point. I think they're a cute way of learning and the child doesn't get bored with them.
Another great feature is you can buy multiple beasts and child can learn how to spell with them as well.
They have plush toys and Baby Books Box Set (coming in August). They have all 26 letters of the alphabet so that's great!
Price: The Beasts are $20 each and the little books are $20 as well They are an ABC book set so they have each letter.
Overall: ***** They're cute
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Alphabeasts in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Alphabeasts for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

Ashley S said...
Went to the site, I would choose "C" Calicocious, for my son, since his name begins with a C.
Ashley S said...
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username: AshBG
abgillette at gmail.com
Michelle Krz said...
I would get H for Henry.
michellekrz15 at gmail dot com
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Ashley S said...
I blogged your giveaway: http://mdmamareviews.blogspot.com/2011/07/alphabeasts-giveaway-mommy-of-1-and.html
abgillette at gmail.com
Ashley S said...
Grabbed your button, it's on the left side bar: http://mdmamareviews.blogspot.com
abgillette at gmail.com
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abgillette at gmail.com
Kim N said...
I would choose M for my little Madelyn
kimnaumann@bevcomm dot net
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kimnaumann @ bevcomm dot net
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kimnaumann at bevcomm dot net
debijackson said...
id get the o for ollie debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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email sub debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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gfc debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
debijackson said...
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debijackson said...
twu as jacksondeb debbie jackson djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
Ashley S said...
Ashley S said...
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/AshBG/status/92375249353584640
username: AshBG
abgillette at gmail.com
Ashley S said...
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username: AshBG
abgillette at gmail.com
Tara said...
i would get the O for my son Owen
taraz9 at excite dot com
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bison61 said...
I would pick the letter F
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
bison61 said...
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Ashley S said...
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/AshBG/status/93117485586448384
username: AshBG
abgillette at gmail.com
Tara said...
taraz9 at excite dot com
Ashley S said...
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abgillette at gmail.com
Tara said...
taraz9 at excite dot com
Ashley S said...
Daily Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/AshBG/status/93886587456327682
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abgillette at gmail.com
Liz said...
I would choose "R" robbletop!
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Liz said...
Blogged about your giveaway http://lizhasalife.com/2011/07/20/alphabeast-giveaway-at-mommy-of-1-and-counting/
Anonymous said...
I'd choose Moochi (M) for my daughter Mackenzie :)
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Teh Doll said...
I like moochi the M
Teh Doll said...
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sha t
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abgillette at gmail.com
Unknown said...
I would pick Topsy-Turvy the letter T.
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Tipper said...
I would have to get the "E" (Eioio) because our daughter's name is Elaina. The "W" (Wombat) is super cute though!
magic5905 said...
I like T. Thanks.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
Anonymous said...
Timshaun said...
I would get the C for my son Corey
Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com
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Ashley S said...
Daily Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/AshBG/status/94592859235299328
username: AshBG
abgillette at gmail.com
Brandi said...
I would get T for my son, Timothy! So cute!
brandi.westmoreland @ gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I would choose the Robbletop :)
bakergurl02 (at) yahoo (dot) com
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Liz said...
Daily Tweet 7/23
Lonni said...
I would choose "O" for our last name
Lonni said...
I follow on Twitter! @lmols301
Unknown said...
I would chose J for my son's first name
kershuk at comcast dot com
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kershuk at comast dot net
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Shari Klyn said...
I would like Alphie
sklyn @ mediacombb dot com
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sklyn @ mediacombb dot com
T said...
I'd get A for Aries! My son would love this!
T said...
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Rachel said...
I like M, "Moochi"
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Unknown said...
would have to be C for my Calvin
giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com
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giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com
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giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com
Ashley S said...
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/AshBG/status/94942844728508416
username: AshBG
abgillette at gmail.com
Melissa B. said...
I would choose F-Flika.
Beauty To Love said...
-I would choose: The Letter "F"
aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
Thank You!! :)
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aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
Thank You!! :)
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--FB Name: Francine E.
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cman said...
I would choose K.
My email is in my profile.
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