Mommy's Favorite Things: GNC Review & Giveaway *CLOSED*

Friday, March 4, 2011

GNC Review & Giveaway *CLOSED*

We all know that we should take vitamins right? Well there are SO many kinds out there and it's hard to pick the one you need. They all have different amounts of certain vitamins in them, some are caplets, some are gelcaps, some chewable. How do you know which ones are best? It's easy if you just walk into a GNC and ask. They can tell you what amounts are best for you and discuss the different types and help decipher the one for you.

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? Time to be more nutritious, start working out, eating healthy and most importantly take your vitamins!
GNC has a lot of different kinds to choose from. They have specific ones by condition, like for Cardiovascular Health or Joint Health they also have specifics for men, women and children.

No mean and women are alike, so it's great to take one specific to your gender. They require different needs and Milligrams of things.

For me, I can not swallow a pill at all. No matter what the size. I've been trying to take Folic Acid, which is good if you're trying to get pregnant, I don't know if you've ever seen folic acid pills, they're tiny, but I CAN NOT get them down. I psyche myself up.
Folic Acid
That's it, about the size of a spaghetti-o and yet I can't do it.
So fortunately for me, GNC carries Soft Chews Calcium and Liquid Vitamins So what I was going to do, was start taking a liquid multivitamin and then try and take the extra folic acid I needed. I just can't do it. So I need to find a chewable prenatal, but I can't unless I have my OB prescribe it. They just aren't found! 

But Since It's National Nutritious Month not only does GNC carry vitamins and supplements, but they also carry Herbs which are very important for overall health. And Superfood items like chewable Acai and cherry juice concentrate. They also carry Whole Body Cleanse which help clean you out. You should do this once every couple years! It gets rid of all the bad toxins in your system and BOY do they work! Jon did one a couple years ago!!! 
They also have Protein products, which in a powder are great for making a protein shake. 

Protein is great for when you're exercising, it helps you build muscle faster.

What will you be doing for March's National Nutrition Month? Are you going to amp up your exercise routine? Take a cleanse? Take more vitamins? 

Price: GNC is very generously prices and very comparable to elsewhere. They have so many products to choose from (It's where I get my Essential Oils from!) there's bound to be one for you!

GNC has very generously offered one Mommy Of 1 and Counting reader the chance to win a $100 gift card!!! AWESOME Giveaway!
You must like GNC on Facebook AND they're 2 Twitter pages Here and Here 
Please include your e-mail address in format name @ domain dot com so bots can't send you spam! 

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Giveaway Ends March 19th at 11:59 PM EST
 *Disclaimer*  I will be compensated for writing this post. All thoughts expressed are entirely my own.*
A Big Thank you goes out to GNC for compensating me for this post!


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