Another workout review!!! I Have been so into working out lately. With all the DVDs Jari Love sent me, I have no excuse to not workout!!
They sent me 5 DVDs, a tee shirt and a pair of socks!
The tee is an Xlarge, but it's great for sleeping in. And I've caught Jon in it a couple times now!
What they sent me in particular is the Get Ripped Ultimate 5 pack, but they have many others to choose from. You can buy these individually as well, or a 3 or 4 pack.
So far I'm LOVING the To The Core DVD. This one is the best for me so far. The Get Ripped and Chiseled is great as well for an all over great workout. I have sampled them all, and those 2 are my go to workout DVDs. I have so many to choose from though, that I definitely don't have an excuse to not get in at least 5 workouts every week. I try. Sometimes it's hard to just get that motivation. But I usually do. Sometimes it's only 3 times a week, but 3 is better than none. Even 1 is better than none on those really hectic weeks.
Each DVD is about an hour long.
The value statement that summarizes Jari Love’s approach to life is: Take good care of yourself to ensure that you can give your best in everything that you do.
And that is so true!
She's been in many magazines with these workouts. Including: Oxygen, Fitness, Shape, and even the New York Times! I mean that's pretty reputable right there.
Price: The 5 pack is on sale from $60 to $35. $35 for 5 DVDs? Yes please!!! T-shirts are $20 and her socks are $12.99. Individual DVDs are between $9.99 and $14.99 These are all great prices and are very competitive.
Overall: **** 1/2 So happy with these, but being a mother I don't always have an hour to workout.
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*
Giant Sis said...
I really wanted to try her Get Extremely Ripped! 1000 DVD.
wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom
Anonymous said...
I'm a huge fan of jari and would love to win to the core since you recommend it so highly!
Samandstu @ gmail dot com
Ashley said...
Ripped! Slim & Lean
ashley-conner at att dot net
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one frugal lady said...
I would get the get extremely ripped 1000
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Anonymous said...
I'd love to try Slim and Lean! :)
My email address is ninu.dhillon@yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance to win!
Pat said...
I'd choose Extremely Ripped 1000.
pkildow at gmail dot com
Kiara said...
I would choose Get Ripped! to the Core DVD.
jenv said...
I would choose the Get Ripped to the Core dvd. Thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com
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Jenn S. said...
I would choose the Get Ripped! to the Core DVD, as my Core needs some help. :)
jas8929 at gmail dot com
mverno said...
get ripped
409cope said...
I would pick Body Rock.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
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toughturtles said...
Available Now: Get Extremely Ripped! 1000
Huguette En said...
My choice would be the Get Ripped!
(Video 1)
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
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henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Amy said...
I would choose Ripped! Slim and Lean
abehles88 at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
I think I'd like Get Ripped! Slim & Lean! Thanks!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Jennifer Wilson said...
I'd like the Get Ripped video one.
jenndiggy at gmail dot com
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Melissa O. said...
Get Ripped Slim and Lean.
wolverina401 at gmail dot com
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wolverina401 at gmail dot com
Kirsten said...
I would choose the Get Ripped to the Core DVD
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com
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Huguette En said...
Like on facebook ~ Huguette En
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Ashley R said...
I like the Ripped! Slim & Lean DVD.
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
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Huguette En said...
Like on network blogs ~ Huguette En
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Kelly said...
I would choose Slim & Lean. I don't need to get ripped, just lean! ;) But I love strength-training workouts.
krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com
Anonymous said...
i need these dvds. i would get the Get Extremely Ripped! 1000
Huguette En said...
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
B.J. said...
I'd try the get ripped 1000 (chucosbabygirl(at)yahoo(dot)com)
Hotsnotty2 said...
I would love to try the Get Ripped to The Core DVD, thanks!
Daniel M said...
get ripped to the core - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Erica C. said...
Get Ripped to the Core sounds good to me!
Melissa B. said...
I would like to try the Get Extremely Ripped! 1000.
Aleksandra Nearing said...
Slim and Lean sounds good!
aleksa91 hotmail
Heather W said...
I'd try Slim & Lean!
Erin E said...
I would really love the Ultimate 5 pack because they all look so fantastic, but if I had to choose a single DVD it would be the Get Ripped! 1000.
Thank you so much!
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
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Katie R. said...
I would choose the body rock dvd.
Dancehottie1621 @ aol dot com
kerri69 said...
I would like the get ripped slim and lean
kerri69 at gmail dotcom
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atydec said...
I would choose the Body Rock DVD
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com
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Huguette En said...
I'm an email subscriber
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Jonnie (JB) said...
I would like the Get Ripped DVD
Jonnie (JB) said...
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Betty C said...
I'd like Get Ripped! Slim & Lean.
Betty C said...
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Anonymous said...
I would like the Get Ripped! to the Core DVD.
S Carter said...
I like the Get Extremely Ripped! 1000
scarter305 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
I would choose Body Rock.
Sand said...
I'd choose To The Core DVD.
atreau at gmail dot com.
Nancy S. said...
I would like Get Ripped Slim and Lean.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
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ncschools at yahoo dot com
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ncschools at yahoo dot com
goodwitchglinda said...
They all sound great, but I think the Body Rock sounds fun with the dance element added. Thanks! goodwitchglinda at gmail dotcom
nightowl said...
I would get the Body rock.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
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winit6 at hotmail dot com
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