Mommy's Favorite Things: Healthy, Natural, Green week GREEN BELLE DESIGNS

Friday, October 1, 2010

Healthy, Natural, Green week GREEN BELLE DESIGNS

Who doesn't want to cut down time on their dryer load right? My dryer takes at least 60 minutes to dry any load of clothes, no matter how big or small. Sometimes as much as 90 minutes. That's a LOT when you're doing 5-6 loads every week. That's a lot of time wasted too. Green Belle Designs was very generous and sent me 3 of her dryer balls. They are made out of wool yarn and they cut down on time dramatically. 

I chose the Lime Green and Turquoise and told her to surprise me on the third. She sent me a Petal Pink! Love these colors. The only weird thing is they arrived damp. You can see it in the plastic bag it was moist in there. To my understanding though they have to be felted first, so washed and then dried. I'm guessing they just didn't get dried all the way. Oh well!!

I LOVE these little balls. These 3 have cut down dryer time not by much, but by a little bit. I think in order to see a huge difference you need 6 of these or more. I do very large loads and I don't think 3 is enough, however. EVERY single load is now done within 45-60minutes. I purposely set the dryer at a shorter time to see if they would be dry and they were, it was about 60 minutes. I then set it even shorter and they were still dry, sometimes though I have to put it on for another 10 minutes or so, but I have found that it has cut down the time a little bit. I think I'll be buying 5 more and I think that will be plenty.

They work by pounding into the clothes to help them break apart and help them dry faster. If they're all bunched together they can't dry. This helps them dry more efficiently.

She has AT LEAST 20 different colors to choose from I'd say. Lots of choices.

Price: A st of 6 is $36. This is very reasonable to me. 6 of them can cut your dry time by 20%-40%!!!! Think of the savings! Probably $36 within your first 6 months Or at least a year.

Overall: ***** They make great play toys as well between dryer uses.

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


Jenn S. said...

I would choose the lime , candy corn, and winter white dryer balls.

jas8929 at gmail dot com

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Sonia said...

I would chose magenta pink, candy corn, and green brown.

soniarp33 @ yahoo dot com

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Tamara said...

I really like the Natural White, Oatmeal, and Pinks
wazzuroo at gmail dot com

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Timshaun said...

I really like the rose, lilac ans sky blue.
Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com

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sweepmom said...

I would get the Non-Dyed Natural White.

twinmomoftwins said...

turquise, magenta pink, and winter white I would choose
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

ranya112 said...

I would choice petal pink, lilac and turquoise.

Ashley said...

I like the lilac and winter white
ashley-conner at att dot net

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Michele said...

I like Heather Rose, Lilac, and Sky Blue.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com

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jenny said...

well realy i be happy with any one of them but well here are the ones i pick pink,sky blue,peach jenny9675309@yahoo(dot)com

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Isha said...

I would choose the Pink/Peach/Sky set.

ishatan at gmail dot com

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curlie girlie said...

I'd choose the Natural White, Natural Oatmeal, and Natural Tweed.
curliegirlie03 at gmail dot com

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Yuki said...

I would choose them Non-Dyed Natural White

Yuki said...

I would choose them Non-Dyed Natural White

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Heidi said...

I would choose lilac, lime green, and petal pink.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

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bison61 said...

I picked sky blue, lime green and turquoise

tiramisu392 @ yahoo dot com

cloud10277 said...

I would choose the Turquoise/Petal Pink/and Winter White

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JLJMommy said...

I'd choose: Natural White and Brown
ktiegen at yahoo dot com

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Unknown said...

I'd like Turquoise, Lime Green & Chocolate
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

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Kirsten said...

I would choose Petal Pink, Winter White, and Spring Green
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

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Attila & Tamara said...

I like the Avocado Green/Natural Un-Dyed White!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

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Missybeez said...

I like Candy Corn,Petal Pink and turquoise.

Ashley R said...

I would actually love to have 3 non-dyed natural white dryer balls!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

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Tara said...

lime, chocolate, turqouise
taraz9 at excite dot com

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taraz9 at excite dot com

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Tannis said...

Lime Green, Turquoise and Chocolate.
tannis_z at excite dot com

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Aleksandra Nearing said...

2 lime and one candy corn
aleksa91 hotmail

Valancia said...

1 Lime , 2 oatmeal.
skyxsky27 @ gmail dot com

Melanie Montgomery said...

1 lime, 1 sand, and 1 Pink.

Unknown said...

1, Lilac, 1 candy corn and 1 oatmeal

mellanhead74 at

Tylerpants said...

I'd like lime green, turquoise and pink. tylerpants @ gmail dot com

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Carlee said...

I like candy corn, green brown, and orange. That would match my fall leaves kitchen!

carlee dot henry at yahoo dot com

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Susan said...

I would choose magenta pink, candy corn, and lime suelee1998 @

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Betty C said...

I would choose Deep Brown with Specks of White, Natural Oatmeal and Denim Blue.

willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

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Anonymous said...

I would choose Heather Rose, Lilac and Sky Blue.

trixx said...

I'd pick Heather Rose, Lilac and Sky Blue! peanut at nyc dot rr dot com

trixx said...

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Unknown said...

I love the Lime Green, Turquoise, and Candy Corn.

southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

trixx said...

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Nancy S. said...

I like the denim blue/lilac mix set.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

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nightowl said...

I would choose the lilac and winter white.
winit6 at hotmail dot com

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