I love candles. Everyone around here knows that. Everyone here on my blog should know that. So now that you do, let me introduce you to Flames and Wicks. They sent me a wonderful prize package to review and I'm in love.
I was sent the Apple Pie Candle, the Candy Corn Tarts, a Banana Nut Bread Sample Jar, some Spring Rain Tealights(I'm guessing, I thought they smelled like cotton), I also got Winter Wonderland Liquid Potpourri and a Simple Glass Tealight Holder
I love the smell of the Apple Pie candle. It smells yummy, I didn't like that it wasn't full all the way, and it was gone in 3 days! The tealights have a nice faint smell, again I guessed cotton, but they didn't have it on the website, so I'm guessing it was the Spring Rain. They burn pretty well. Last a few hours.
The tealight holder is simple, but I like that. It's enough to tuck a little smell in somewhere without being distracting. It's nice on our bathroom counter between our sinks.
The tarts have a funny smell to them. They smell like candy corn, but have a faint under smell, but when they burn they smell just like candy corn and yummy, we have a tart warmer and I'm so glad we did. These are lasting a LONG time, and they're so great now for fall. So yummy, and they are HUGE compared to our other tarts we have by Yankee Candle!
The Banana Nut Bread sample is YUMMY, it only lasted about 5 hours, but it was a sample, it smelled like I was baking. I make BNB often and this smelled just like it.Jon walked in the door and asked me, and I quote, "Did you eat all the banana bread? Where is it?" haha!! No It's the candle, honey.
Liquid Potpourri, I've never tried it before, but it was great. You pour it into the tart warmer and burn it, because it's liquid, once you're done you wipe it up with a paper towel and you're done and ready for a new scent. The thing I don't like about a regular tart is it doesn't pop out so you can't switch out scents. With this you can as often as you'd like.
Price: It all ranges. Their tarts are $2 for 4... $1.50 for the Candy Corn right now! This is SUPER cheap!! The Interlude Candle I got is $9 for a 22oz. The Tealights are $4-$5.50 for a 12 pk. Depends on clear plastic or aluminum.
Overall: ***** love these items. Use them often and they all smell good.
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

wildcat32 said...
I would choose the Holiday Spice.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
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monster6236 at gmail dot com
Jessica said...
I would choose the Sweet Cinnamon Kisses.
Jessica L.
jessica dot mythirtyone @ yahoo dot com
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Jessica L.
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Denise Donaldson (MistySunrise) said...
I think the Sweet Cinnamon Kisses sounds good
itsjustme62613 at gmail dot com
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SHAYNA said...
Cory said...
i would choose banana bread
mychancetowin at gmail dot com
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sweetsue said...
I would choose Pumpkin Spice-perfect for the holidays.
smchester at gmail dot com
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smchester at gmail dot com
dawns41 said...
I would choose the Rose Petal scent.
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Nicole C. said...
I would choose the Coconut Crème Pie.
scottsgal said...
I'd pick the apple pie welcome
msboatgal at aol.com
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jenv said...
I'd like to try the Mulled Cider scent. Yum! Thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com
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Huguette En said...
My favorite scent would be Pumpkin Spice
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Michele said...
I would choose Cranberry.
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
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henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Anonymous said...
i would choose winter wonderland
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
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Michele said...
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Jean said...
I'd like the Birds of Paradise scent
Kimberly said...
I'd pick the Red Velvet Cake Tealights.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
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Emillie Rose said...
Would love to have Apple Pie Welcome.
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Haydensmommy05 said...
I like the bluberry cbbler ones!!
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Anonymous said...
i would chose holiday spice
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joni taylor
Huguette En said...
Following on twitter ~ @henglish
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Unknown said...
I'd love to have the Artesian Leaf Tealight Holder and a 12 pack of Mulled Cider Tealights!
Unknown said...
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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
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Rebecca Smith
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DiscoverHope7 said...
blueberry .... shoot I forgot the name.. tart? cobbler?... krystalbrook at aol dot com
DiscoverHope7 said...
I like you onf acebook krystalbrook at aol dot com
Huguette En said...
Following on facebook ~ Huguette EN
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
littlelatina said...
enter me thanks
Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...
I'd pick the Blueberry Cobbler! Yum!
stormraven at gmail dot com
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Huguette En said...
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henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
MizVickik said...
The Mulled Cider sounds nice! Thanks!
Leslie said...
I would pick the Pumpkin Spice.
Leslie said...
I follow you on Twitter @lprice79.
Crystal said...
So many great scents..i would probably choose Cabernet but i also like Fuzzy Navel,Margarita,Merlot and Sangria.
hmmm, do you see a theme going here?!? :)
cyclona66 at aol dot com
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Huguette En said...
tweet: http://twitter.com/henglish/status/476201709735937
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
Sarah Matos said...
Id choose Pumpkin Spice!
smatos04 @ hotmail dot com
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Linda said...
I would choose the Apple Pie Welcome Tealights.
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Sharon Schoepe said...
I would pick Sweet Cinnamon Kisses
wdwfla at gmail dot com
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wdwfla at gmail dot com
Jennifer said...
I would choose Sweet Cinnamon Kisses.
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
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jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
Anonymous said...
I would choose Spring Rain scent.
Huguette En said...
I'm an email subscriber
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca
taylorbagels said...
Holiday Spice!
electricisland @ gmail dot com
Sherry said...
I would choose Apple Pie Welcome
sherwalk at yahoo dot com
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Helen S said...
I would choose the Apple Pie scent.
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lmurley2000 said...
i like the pumkin spice scent
lmurley2000 said...
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Deb K said...
I would choose the Holiday Spice
Deb K said...
Requested to be your friend on FB~Deb S
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michtuck said...
It was so unexpected, but my husband is a HUGE fan of bacon. He's got several blogs just to celebrate all that is bacon. So I'd pick the Bacon Tealights.
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
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mandala said...
I'd get the Holiday Spice :)
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
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Hbomb said...
i would choose apple pie welcome
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com
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Anonymous said...
mulled cider
11newmom at gmail
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follow twitter 9ziggy
11newmom at gmail
Kathy P said...
id love the Lavender Tealights
Kathy P said...
google friend klp1965
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cman said...
Apple Pie Welcome
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