Mother-Ease sells diapers, training pants, and covers for all your child's diapering needs. We received a Bamboo Terry OS Diaper and an Air Flow Snap Cover in yellow. We also received the Snap in Absorbent bamboo Terry Liner.
When we got these items I thought they just looked HUGE! I know that diaper in a OS but it is big. and It really is. It's just big all around, but bulky, but covers a wide range. I LOVE this diaper though and it's my go to bedtime diaper. It's so absorbent, it holds 13oz and the liner holds 7oz. So altogether 20 oz and it works. When this diaper comes off after 14 hours of sleep it's barely damp on the outside. We tried on this cover and I liked the fit, but she can't wear PUL for breathability issues and she can't do snaps because she will get it off. So I made a fleece cover that I pin shut for over her diapers. Works like a charm.
I love this diaper and I love the Bamboo Terry. It's very soft. This diaper fits from 8-35 pounds, Avery is about 28 and it fits her great on the largest setting with the snaps just as they are pictured there, so she has a LOT of waist room to grow still before this will no longer fit her. This diaper dries really fast as well.
Price: The Diaper is $14.25 for Bamboo Terry, they have other materials and other colors as well. The liner is $3.70 and the cover is $12.25. All sizes are $12.35 except the XL which are $13.95. The covers are sized and not OS so that may stop some people!
Overall: ***** Love it all!!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Anonymous said...
I am a CD virgin, with an 8 month old and another due in January. We literally JUST made the switch. I went on the Mother-Ease site and learned that you only need 4 or so covers of a particular size and that the covers can be reused before washing. The only dipes I have so far are AIO's and OS pockets, so I had no idea,lol!
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JSB said...
I love the idea of a swim diaper along with all the colors and designs for the covers!
jboyanto @ swbell . net
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...
I learned that they've been in business for 20 years - pretty impressive since most companies are relatively new!
I use BG and FB mostly to diaper but love trying new ones! My 3 year old is potty trained but my 2 yo is still in diapers and we have one on the way :)
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Mummy Kim said...
i learned that mother-ease is canadian and located fairly close to my home
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Niecey said...
I learned a bit about how the company got started.
"Our eldest son, Aaron, was born in 1981. At that time, I used traditional flat, rectangular cloth diapers, which need to be folded and pinned, along with the plastic pant which went over top to keep his clothes dry. My next two children were cloth diapered this same way, but by the time our fourth child arrived, I had concluded that there MUST be a better way of cloth diapering. In deference to the environment and to minimize cost, I was determined not to use disposable diapers. "
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one frugal lady said...
They have an awesome forums blog!
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Madeline said...
I learned they have diapers in tons of cute colors.
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Mama Bee said...
I learned that "Dioxin has been called the most toxic substance ever produced and has been associated with birth defects, miscarriage, cancer and genetic damage." I knew that sposies sitting around fo 500 years in a landfill wasn't healthy but I had no idea just how much!
montejas at hotmail dot com
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Amylynn said...
I learned that these diapers are made in Canada. The company puts much thought into every aspect of their product, even how they are manufactured!
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Rebecca W said...
The diapers come in different colors and they company is Canadian
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caedmen said...
I learned that they don't just sell diapers. They also have sprayers, wipes, liners and more!
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Ashley R said...
I learned that sunshine is a natural way to bleach stains in a cloth diaper!
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Unknown said...
i learned their factoryuses 100% green power!
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Jessica said...
I learned that the company was founded by a husband and wife team with 5 sons
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Anonymous said...
I learned that I'll only need 4 covers or so...
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Claude said...
I learned that Mother-Ease is Canadian, just like me!
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
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Ryan Family said...
I learned it is a canadian company and that you only need a few covers to start using cloth dipers
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Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said...
I learned that she started her company in her basement in 1991
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Unknown said...
I learned that 'Organic cotton is cotton that is grown without the use of herbicides and pesticides. It is usually hand harvested. Crop reliability is unpredictable. Organic cotton is quite costly.'
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Sonia said...
I'm expecting and planning to CD, I learned you only need 4 covers!
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Anonymous said...
I learned that the Mothers Ease Facility uses 100% Green Energy and they have since 2007, I like that :)
bakergurl02 @
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Rebecca Orr said...
I learned: Mother-ease has been manufacturing leak-free cloth diaper systems since 1991.
Thanks for the chance.
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Ashley said...
I love the Bamboo Terry OS Diaper and learned about the Bamboo that they use in the diaper. (It is often harvested by!!)
ashley-conner at att dot net
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♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...
I learned that mother-ease has been powering its facility with green energy since 2007... pretty impressive!
angela_heffner at yahoo dot com
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Michele said...
I learned that one chemical in disposable diapers is polyacrylate. This is what turns a baby’s urine into gel. It has been linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome in tampon use!
mileerom @ yahoo dot com
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Tamara said...
I learned that babies who've had the polio vaccine excrete poliovirus. Just another reason to not put disposables into the landfill.
wazzuroo at gmail dot com
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Heidi said...
I learned that they've been making leak-free cloth diapers since 1991.
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♥Mama of the Littles♥ said...
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Kirsten said...
I learned that they also have accessories, like diaper sprayers and pails.
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Attila & Tamara said...
I learned that they have been manufacturing since 1991!
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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Tara said...
mother-ease is canadian!
taraz9 at excite dot com
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vegan4life said...
that they been in buisness for 20 yrs ty.
Meg said...
I love that the covers allow ventilation between the snaps--so that's where the "air flow" comes from!
legoisking at gmail dot com
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nightowl said...
I learned that they manufacture all of thier products in their own facility in St. Catharines, Canada.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
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Sarah in Ottawa said...
Motherease is a Canadian company, based in St. Catharines, ON.
smacdo03 at gmail dot com
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cman said...
I like the oceans print.
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