Mommy's Favorite Things: Build-A-Bear Review & Giveaway

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Build-A-Bear Review & Giveaway

New collection called the Zoorific. It's a bunch of zoo animals!! I love these little guys. I told her I liked the Parrot, Giraffe, and Flamingo.

I was pleasantly surprised when she sent me the cutest of the 3 the Parrot. We're in love with this little guy. He's so cute!

Isn't he adorable? He came in the adorable little box. It looks like a little house for your new friend. Avery couldn't wait to see what was in the box. She loves him just as much as I do. She sleeps with him and plays with him a lot. He's so soft and he definitely gives a good cuddle.

There are 7 Zoo friends in the collection. I only see 5 for sale on their regular site, but I think you can order them all from the zoorific specific site. 
You can, but parrot and giraffe are out of stock!

 And then of course, ever cute Parrot!

Price: They are Between $16 and $20. Very affordable and reasonable!

Overall: ***** It's made so well. Definitely the Build-A-Bear quality.

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


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Melissa said...

I like the clothes and accesories they have for thier animals, and we would pick the panda!!

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coliebear said...

I like the Toy Story Buzz lightyear monkey and I would choose the giraffe if I won.

scottsgal said...

I like scruffy puppy and I'd pick the panda if I won
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I like the Cheerful Cheeks Chick.

Julie.Henkle @ yahoo dot com

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I love the Special Edition White Tiger and love the regular tiger too!

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like the wedding bears and the baseball costumes...
would pick the panda I think mrs.mommyy@gmail

Tiffany said...

I like the scruffy pup on their website! So cute! If I win, I'd let my girls choose. I'm sure they'd pick either the flamingo or the monkey!

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ReggieMann said...

I like the 14 in. Brown Sugar Puppy
I would choose the Leopard

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sweepmom said...

I like the Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Monkey. If I win, I would pick the Marble Monkey.

littlelatina said...

sounds fun

Rachel C said...

I like the classic teddy bears best, but if I won, I'm sure my kids would love the leopard.
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Anonymous said...

I also like the Criss Cross skechers. They are so cute. I would choose the Monkey for my granddaughter.
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Amy Brown said...

I like the 15 in. Lil' Bunny Big Ears and I'd pick the Monkey!

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cstironkat said...

I like the Husky and if I win I would like the tiger.

mogrill said...

My daughter really wants the ICarly bear.
Thanks for the chance.

Nicole Larsen said...

I love the Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Monkey and I would choose the flamingo :)

pittsy82 at hotmail dot com

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one frugal lady said...

I love the scruffy puppy! If I won, I would probably pick the monkey or the flamingo!

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Denise S. said...

I would choose the flamingo. I also like their new military bears.

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Natalie A. said...

I like the Toy Story Woody Curly Teddy and I would probably get the giraffe! Thanks!

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Crystal F said...

I like the enchanted pony. It's too cute! My daughter would love the panda. thank you!

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khaymax said...

I like the Fairy Princess Cool Kitty. We would choose the Flamingo. :)

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Janette said...

I love the Tropical Hello Kitty, and the Leopard is my favorite!

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Nichole said...

Nichole Seiler: I love the monkey build a bear

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Nancye said...

I really like the Scruffy Puppy. If I won a Zoorific Friend, I would choose the Tiger. Too cute!

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meeyeehere said...

Lil' Bunny Big Ears is super cute but if I won the zoorific giveaway I would choose the cute Panda!!

Haydensmommy05 said...

I love the Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Monkey! And I would choose the monkey!
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Amy Brown said...

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Hotsnotty2 said...

I also love the Rhino, I'd pick the panda, thanks!

Sheila P said...

I'd pick the 16 in. panda.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

We also like the Toy Story Woody Curly Teddy.
We would choose the Monkey.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.


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Anonymous said...

I like the MLB Baseball uniforms! I'd pick monkey!
janel_marie at yahoo dot com

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Katie R. said...

I like the 16 in. Blossom Bunny. If I won I would choose the monkey.

Amanda said...

I like the Yorkshire terrier, and I think I would choose the giraffe (if it was back in stock again) or the leopard.
winnieayala at yahoo dot com

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Louis H said...

my favorite item on the website is the Sweet Treat Mint Chip Bear
and from the options here to chose, I'd go with the Giraffe

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Jenn S. said...

I also like the 15 in. Hot Fudge Sundae Bear . I would choose the Leopard. Too cute!

Samantha said...

we love build a bear! we go all the time. if we win, we will pick the monkey :)
thanks for the offer!

Aimee said...

I like the 14 in. North American River Otter & I would choose the Tiger


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Anonymous said...

I love the flamingo, but my girls would probably love the Fudge Sundae ice cream bear and the Orange Sherbet ice cream bear. We LOVE Build a Bear! It's always a tough decision! Thanks for the chance!

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Last but not least, I subscribe via email. Thanks!!

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email subscriber third time... Thanks! This is a GREAT give away!

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