Mommy's Favorite Things: KinderGlo Review & Giveaway

Saturday, May 1, 2010

KinderGlo Review & Giveaway

I always needed a night light as a child. Avery isn't quite old enough to tell me she needs one, but I've been meaning to get her one for a while now. She's at that age and I just figured she'd like one. That's where KinderGlo came in handy!

We received the Quarter Moon and the Tyrannosaurus for review. Avery couldn't wait to give it a try right away. She had fun playing with them around the house before bed that night.

First we let them charge. The awesome things about these is they are PORTABLE and they stick to a charging station and charge. Is that awesome?

Avery took hers to bed that night and she loved being able to carry it around and take it with her. The first setting is changing colors, they there's blue, green, and red. They also have a 30 minute timer on them, BUT you can hold down the on button for 3 seconds and it turns the timer off. Avery took the moon with her to bed the first night and I turned the timer off, it lasted all night with a decent charge left to it in the morning!!
The docking station has a red light when charging and it turns green once the night light is ready to be used in full swing again and it's fully charged. This is a good feature as it prevents overheating and over-charging and it allows you to see just when it's done and ready. 

I also really like the OWL
Here's all the colors they are as they are in changing mode... There's some in between colors to give you more than just the 3 it comes with
Kind of neat! Avery really enjoys them and I think they will last us a long time. 
These are also great for the potty training child, because they are portable they can be carried right into the bathroom and set on the counter!! I like this idea!

Price: The night lights are $21.95 each on Amazon. I think this is a great price, because you never have to replace batteries and you're probably going to get at least 5 years out of these!

Overall: *****


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Unknown said...

OMG, these are just too neat! I would pick the Brontosaurus for my 18month old son's room!

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ReggieMann said...

My niece would love the Quarter Moon

ReggieM1961 @ gmail dot com

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debbie said...

I like the brontosaurus light.
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Anonymous said...

My granddaughter would love the Brontosaurus in her room.

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lov the moon

mverno said...

my grandson would like Brontosaurus

Rachel C said...

The moon is my favorite to - seems like it would be really easy for the baby to hold onto.
rach62803@yahoo dot com

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jdeemarie said...

I think my on would enjoy the brontosaurus the best! He's love watching the colors change.

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Stephanie said...

quarter moon is my fave for my little boy!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Janea C. said...

I would like the quarter moon for my first grandchild due in Sept.

janeajlc@gmail dot com

Mamushi Love said...

My God-daughter would probably prefer the Quarter-moon.

Missybeez said...

My son would like the brontosaurus light.

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Amy Brown said...

I think the Quarter Moon is so cute and probably the easiest to hold. I think my daughter would also like the Brontosaurus

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one frugal lady said...

I think my daughter would LOVE the quarter moon the best- but I think the owl is pretty cute!

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Anonymous said...

My son would love the moon one it goes with the theme of his room and he really enjoys the turtle with the stars that show up on the wall! It is really neat that it changes colors!

mogrill said...

I like the brontosaurus!!
Thanks for the chance.

Nicole Larsen said...

My daughter would love the Quarter Moon one!

pittsy82 at hotmail dot com

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Ryan Family said...

so cute!

anamlgrl said...

My son would totally dig the Brontosaurus!

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bison61 said...

I think my granddaughter would like the owl the best

tiramisu392 (at)

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stella said...

Nice find, the Tyrannosaurus is so cute!

stellachang @ gmail dot com

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enter me thanks

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JACLYN said...

My boys would love any of the dinosaur themed ones.

smilekisses said...

My daughter would like the KinderGlo Brontosaurus.

Deborah said...

It's hard to say which one my grandchild would like most, so I'll guess the Quarter Moon. asthenight at gmail dot com

Jenn S. said...

My son would love the Tyrannosaurus.

Anonymous said...

I think my daughter would like the turtle best
jewlzeez04 at gmail dot com

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katklaw777 said...

You won't believe this but our family is kind of nuts about owls...we just adore them, so I may have to get the owl no matter what.
Great idea and giveaway, thanks.

katklaw777 said...

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Anonymous said...

We would love the KinderGlo Owl

Anonymous said...

I think my boys would like the owl
janel_marie at yahoo dot com

Susan said...

My daughter would love the quarter moon.

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Miss Spoken said...

The Owl is my favorite
gkstratos at yahoo dot com

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Crystal said...

def. the owl!
crystal at volitek dot com

Bridget3496 said...

My grandson would really love the Tyrannosaurus

brdgcombs at aol dot com

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Anonymous said...

My daughter would love the moon.

Charlene S. said...

Quarter Moon would be his favorite :)

Trina said...

We like the Quarter Moon the best.

Tylerpants said...

My son would love the adorable KinderGlo Quarter Moon! tylerpants @ gmail dot com

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trixx said...

I love the adorable KinderGlo Owl! peanut at nyc dot rr dot com

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Sonya said...

We'd love the Brontosaurus!

sonya421 @ gmail dot com

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Lisa Garner said...

The Quarter Moon is my favorite but the owl is darling too!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

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Breanne W said...

The Owl is super cute!

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Helen G said...

I think Ian would love the KinderGlo Tyrannosaurus Portable Fun & Safe Night Light.

onedayitwillbealright @ gmail dot com

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Kathy P said...

i like the KinderGlo Quarter Moon :)

klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net

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Anonymous said...

i think our youngest would like the KinderGlo Owl

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

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