We have a LOT of stuffed animals, but Avery loves them so we always welcome more in our house. I originally asked for the Plush Baby Puppy but I see that they are out and instead they sent me the Doug Tan Musical Puppy and we love him! When I first got him I put him in the closet and figured I'd save him for a baby shower or something because musical is more baby. But Avery saw him one day and called him and he came right to her. It was love at first sight. She has to sleep with him every night now!
So Avery has yet again claimed a baby shower gift. The first one was that Swaddle Designs Stroller Blanket. Oh well. We'll get over it!
This little guy is so cute. When you wind him up, not only does he play music, but he also moves. His little head goes back and forth, and it's adorable!
Douglas has a bunch of other cute stuffed animals!
They have a bunch of others and they come in small and large! They have so many!
Price: The little guy I reviewed is $23.10. I think this is reasonable! the other Plush ones are about $8-$20 depending on Size. That Seahorse up there is $6.90!! How awesome is that?
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Nicole Larsen said...
I love the Punky Gray Tabby Cat
pittsy82 at hotmail dot com
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Mary said...
I love the Puff Ball Bichon. My daughter has one and he's the sweetest.
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Unknown said...
I like the 2009 Glover Boxer Puppy
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Snowflake07 said...
I also like the Moon Light Owl. All the owls are cute and there was a lot to pick from!
hotpepper71 @ bellsouth dot net
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Melissa said...
the punky grey tabby cat, adorable!!!!!!!!!!
Melissa said...
Rachel C said...
the Stegosaurus is neat. My kids would love that little dog though!
rach62803@yahoo dot com
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one frugal lady said...
I also love the butterfly horse!
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McKim said...
I like the 1348 Caper Lamb
Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie said...
I love Charles Golden Retriever!
jlsemon at gmail dot com
littlelatina said...
My son really likes the Lobster and the hammer head shark.
donnac36 said...
I love Charles Golden Retriever!
Kristen said...
I like the steer!
couponboss at gmail dot com
bison61 said...
I like the 738 Butterfly Horse
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
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cstironkat said...
My favorite is the Sammy Samoyed Husky.
cstironkat said...
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Brn2lisn said...
I like the 3781 Chaos Brown & White Rodeo Bull
brn2lisn at gmail dot com
Ryan Family said...
I follow!
love the monkey!
Ryan Family said...
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the turtle is cute too!
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mogrill said...
I like the Caper Lamb.
Thanks for the chance.
Denise S. said...
Very hard to choose! I like Pip the Emperor Penguin Chick.
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sweetsue said...
I love the Lucky Draw Cowboy Bear-very cute!
smchester at gmail dot com
Linda said...
I also like the Cyclone Palomino.
Anonymous said...
Their 3706 Uma Appaloosa Horse
caught my eye for my sister's Birthday in June! (panicxduh@yahoo.com)
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Jessica said...
I also like twinkle the white seal
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...
We also like the Orable Golden Retriever Pup.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
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Hotsnotty2 said...
I love the 732 Ruby Red Dragon, thanks!
Unknown said...
Love Gretel Red Dachshund!!! Looks just like our new baby!!!! Thanks!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
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Edyta said...
I like the Dolly Blue Dolphin
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com
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Tammie said...
Apart from the adorable puppy, I fell in love with the Marshmallow Polar Bear! :)
mail4rosey said...
I like the Mommy Beluga Whale. msurosey@yahoo.com
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susan1215 said...
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Tracey said...
The 4060 Sky Pegasus is cute.
Lisa P. said...
I would love to have 3741 Buster Blue Crab.
lafittelady @ gmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
sky pegasus ty.
Soggy Cereal Mom said...
I'm going to say the other animal that I liked is the 1504 Montana Mini Spot Horse. (which was my daughter's favorite). They are very good quality stuffed animals. It is a bit hard to tell the quality from the phots, but my daughter's lasted for 3 years through washings, (barf) and everything.
Kathy S said...
I love the 2007 O'Keefe Chocolate Lab dog.For almost 11 years,we had a beautiful Chocolate Lab named Hershey. He was my son's dog. His wife bought him a beautiful Chocolate Labradoodle who is so much fun, playful and smart, and looked just like this stuffed dog when she was a puppy!I would love to give him this stuffed toy!
Kim Benton said...
2009 Glover Boxer...I'm getting a Boxer puppy in a few months when I move into my house. Thanks so much for this offer. camsgram@kc.rr.com
cman said...
I also like the monkey although the puppy is my favorite :)
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