Mommy's Favorite Things: Guidecraft Review & Giveaway

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Guidecraft Review & Giveaway

When you have children you need good quality toys that you can count on. We love wooden toys in this house and a good place to get those items is Guidecraft.

They were generous enough to send us the 4-in-1 Flipping Floor Easel, the Princess Rocker and the Papgayo Storage Step Up. We are so happy with all of these products

It was VERY easy to assemble. The instructions were very well written out. The only trouble I had was attaching the seat onto the 4 legs. Getting them all lined up and then screwing them together took some maneuvering, but it was still put together in less than 20 minutes!!

 As you can see Avery LOVES this rocker!! She's also having a Princess theme this year for her birthday (3 weeks from today!) And I think this chair is PERFECT for her to open up presents in!! I think it will be adorable for that!

The easel was FAST to put together. It was all together already except for the spool to hold the paper and the board needed to be screwed in. This was together in about 5 minutes and again instructions were VERY easy to read!
I like the cup holders at the bottom for paint cups. I've been putting her crayons in a paper cup and putting it in there. Same with markers. It makes them easily ready for her whenever she wants to color. 

The Papagayo Storage Step Up took a bit longer to put together. The hexagon screwdriver they included got stripped and I had to use my own. If you don't have a set of these screwdrivers, it may be hard for you to get one together. It took about 30 minutes to put together!

Isn't it cute??? Avery uses it in the bathroom for washing her hands. She even uses it in the kitchen for helping mommy cook dinner and desserts. She's so cute with it. I love the storage under the top step. It's great for when you don't have enough space in the room it's in. It's just that little extra oomph in storage! She's also been known to hide her milk cup in there... nuff said right?

These items were packaged very well. Every piece of wood came wrapped in packaging material so it didn't rub or chip off paint. These are all hand painted (as far as I can see) and they are so well done. What I like about that is no two are the same, so it makes for a unique product! The wood is very thick on all these products, and I definitely see them lasting her a LONG time. I can most definitely see the Rocking chair lasting her until she's at least 7 or 8 and ready to give it up. 

Price: The step up is $50. Well worth it. These are hand painted! The Easel is $110 and the Rocking Chair is $110 as well. Well worth the prices, but a little expensive for me. It's worth it, but not for me.. Weird to explain!

Overall: ***** Definitely. The prices are a little steep for me, but again all hand painted and VERY unique! You can't beat it. It's all so durable too!

 *Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*


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I like the Doll High Chair- Espresso.

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I also like the canvas book display.

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Amanda said...

I like the Papagayo Table & Chair Set.

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Stephanie said...

Magneatos Jumbo Master Builder Series 296 pcs - totally cool!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I like the Kitchen Helper.

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I like the pupppet theater.

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I like the moon and stars media carousel.
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slb3334 said...

I like the royal tabletop puppet theater.

bison61 said...

I like the Little Farm House Table & chair set

tiramisu392 (at)

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one frugal lady said...

What great goodies! I also love the kitchen helper!

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Nicole Larsen said...

I really like the Raggedy Ann & Andy Toy Chest

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Mysharona said...

I like the canvas book display.

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Kelly said...

I like the Retro Racers Upholstered Rocker. That looks pretty comfy!

wyocamper at gmail dot com

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jenv said...

I like the 4 in 1 Dramatic Play Theater. Thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com

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I follow Guidecraft on Facebook (Jennifer Alber Vales). jenalber @ hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the pirate collection table and chairs!

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I also like the Mission Toy Box.

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Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

I like the Butterfly Table & Chairs Set.

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wildcat32 said...

I like the 4 in 1 Dramatic Play Theater.

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Unknown said...

such pretty stuff! I also like the PASTEL DRESS-UP CAROUSEL

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added you as fb friend sarah hirsch

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added guidecraft as fb friend sarah hirsch

Anonymous said...

i like this:
High Rise Step-Up
USD$ 105.00

autumn398 @

Rachel C said...

I would love to get the Classic White Bookshelf with the white and pink baskets.
rach62803@yahoo dot com

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jdeemarie said...

I really like the Twist 'N Sort wooden toy - looks like a lot of fun.

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Marcia said...

I saw a table and chair set "Transportation" that will be good to keep here at Grandma's house for the granddaughters. The Easel, Step Stool or Chair will also be very welcome.

Tabathia B said...

I like the creation station art center

tbarrettno1 @ gmail dot com

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anamlgrl said...

I love the Kitchen Helper they have and want one so bad!

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Ellie Wright said...

I love the puppet theater. Thanks for the giveaway.
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mogrill said...

I like the butterfly table and chairs
Thanks for the chance.

Dee said...

I also like the dress up carousel!

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Leenburke said...

I love their Creation Station Art Center!

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Haydensmommy05 said...

I love the DAISY PASTEL VANITY it is so cute!

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Missybeez said...

I like the High Rise Step-Up.

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