We like living healthier and we like healthy air. Which is why we have 2 Oreck Air Purifiers. One in the living area and one in our bedroom at night. But we don't yet have a humidifier. Why? I'm not really sure. I need one. In the winter the walls of my nose thin and I get bloody noses all the time. I have to put A&D ointment in my nose EVERY night.
Well with the help of Air-O-Swss I now have a humidifier the AOS 7142, and It's amazing!
It's a generous size but it does up to 860 sq. ft which is what we need. It's in our bedroom at night and in the living room during the day.
It has a nice big water holding tank so it surely lasts ALL NIGHT!
We turn it on about 9 and then Jon goes to bed at 11 and I'm in bed by 1. I love it, when I walk in at night I can smell clean air and it's nice and humid in there. It stays on High until I go to bed and then it goes down to Low
It has an automatic shut off once it gets to your desired humidity level. Which is between 40% and 80%. Ours is usually at 60%.
I like that it's warm OR cool mist so that's kind of nice. I like that it's DIGITAL!
Humidification System
This digital ultrasonic humidifier uses high-frequency vibrations to turn water into a micro-fine mist when blown into a room immediately evaporates. Choose the pre-heating function and mist exits the appliance at a pleasant 104 °F. «ITC™» technology (Intelligent Temperature Compensation) monitors the temperature and automatically adjusts the output when conditions change. A replaceable demineralization (Ag+ Ionic Silver Technology) cartridge ensures water mist without lime scale or mineral residues, and the AIR-O-SWISS quad-band microbial protection system helps prevent microbial growth in the water base. This is particularly important when the humidifier is not used for some time with water remaining in the base.
This digital ultrasonic humidifier uses high-frequency vibrations to turn water into a micro-fine mist when blown into a room immediately evaporates. Choose the pre-heating function and mist exits the appliance at a pleasant 104 °F. «ITC™» technology (Intelligent Temperature Compensation) monitors the temperature and automatically adjusts the output when conditions change. A replaceable demineralization (Ag+ Ionic Silver Technology) cartridge ensures water mist without lime scale or mineral residues, and the AIR-O-SWISS quad-band microbial protection system helps prevent microbial growth in the water base. This is particularly important when the humidifier is not used for some time with water remaining in the base.
Price: $229.99 which is quite a bit for the frugal and thrifty family. BUT It's a good humidifier and I hope it lasts a while at that price!
Overall: *** I don't like that you have to change filters. If I'm paying $230 for a humidifier it better have a permanent filter!
The filter is $12.99 and needs to be changed every 2-3 months!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Anonymous said...
The air in a busy city is 20 times better than in your office? That's scary! Need indoor help badly!
Great giveaway :)
hrtsdzyer @ aol dot com
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*Kim* said...
I learned that we breathe in and out 20,000 times each day! Wow!
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monky said...
I learned we will perform best at humidity levels between 40% and 60%!
:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
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renee said...
I learned that opening the windows in winter does not humidify the air indoors!
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
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Stephanie said...
The self-cleansing function of the windpipe is affected by dry air. The consequences: increased susceptibility to infections and respiratory tract complaints
yep, we suffer from this
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Genny said...
I learned that we spend 90% of our time indoors where there is up to 20 million particles in 10 cubic feet of room air.
contactinkspot @ gmail dot com
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Anonymous said...
I learned that we are better able to function when the humidity levels in a room are between 40% and 60% :D
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mar said...
Air in a busy city is twenty times better than the air in your office is another thing I learned!
Heidi said...
I learned that AIR-O-SWISS air washers come equipped with a chemical-free anti-microbial protection system
homesickforheaven2 @ yahoo dot com
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409cope said...
I learned that proper humidification reduces levels of dust. Oh less dusting! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
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Anonymous said...
I learned that air on city streets is more clean that air in your office.
one frugal lady said...
I learned proper humidification reduces chances of getting a cold!
mogrill said...
I learned city streets air is cleaner than office air. WOW! Thanks for the chance.
josiefiorda said...
I learned that we breathe in about 20000 times a day
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carol said...
I learned that humidity levels are best between 40% to 60% percent
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Wehaf said...
Proper humidification reduces susceptibility to colds and damage to wooden objects including hardwood floors.
urchiken at gmail dot com
jappleseed said...
city is worse the office air
JSColdwell said...
I learned how humidification helps your every day life!
stephanie_dunbar07 at hotmail dot com
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scottsgal said...
they also make plastic packaging for power tools
msboatgal at aol.com
jlafount said...
The device has an auto-shutoff feature
carO__ said...
I learned that we spend 90% of our time indoors!
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♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...
I learned that Evaporators force dry air through a wet evaporator wick and release it into the room as properly humidified air. The wick also catches dust and dirt particles for added benefit. OOH I need one of those. They make cool products.
♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...
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Anonymous said...
Awesome blog and thanx for the giveaway!
I would love love LOVE to win this!
Anonymous said...
I learned
Proper humidification reduces susceptibility to colds
Huguette En said...
I learned that their goal is zero-defect products and continuing business excellence.
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Belinda M said...
I learned that the number of allergy sufferers rises dramatically as air pollution increases
bluebelle0367 @ hotmail dot com
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Huguette En said...
Anonymous said...
Proper humidification reduces chapped lips... which I desperately need.
Anonymous said...
We breathe in and out 20,000 times each day, yet we don’t spend much time in the fresh forest air. Thanks.
Tammie said...
I was aware of the benefits of proper humidification in regards to dry skin and dust levels, but I was pleasantly surprised to learn that proper humidification also reduces susceptibility to colds, damage to wooden furniture and the negative effect on musical instruments! :)
heaventrees said...
I learned proper humidification reduces damage to wooden objects.
Nanette said...
I learned that PLASTON includes refillable demineralization cartridge (DMC) and EZCal cleaning and descaling powder. This is an economical solution to maintain humidifiers. No longer does the cartridge itself need to be disposed of, only the filter media inside.
nanoarta1 at gmail dot com
contestcrow said...
that The air in a busy city is 20 times better than in your office?
sinhead83 at hotmail dot com
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Lala77 said...
I discovered that performance such as concentration etc is better at humidity levels of 40-60%
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Unknown said...
Wow-the air in a busy city is 20 times better than in you office. Yuk! :(
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sharonjo said...
I learned from Air-O-Swiss that opening windows in winter does not humidify the air indoors! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
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A said...
We breathe in and out 20,000 times per day!
Thank you! alisonad23 at gmail dot com
Jinxy and Me said...
I learned we breathe in about 20000 times a day
Jinxy and Me said...
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Unknown said...
Proper Humidification helps to keep your voice tuned
Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...
Proper humidification reduces discomfort, tiredness, sickness. Breathing dry air makes the uptake of oxygen and its subsequent transfer to the blood system more difficult. Fatigue, tiredness, headache and reduced concentration levels are symptoms of a reduced oxygen supply.
Proper humidification reduces susceptibility to colds. The self-cleansing function of the windpipe is affected by dry air. The consequences: increased susceptibility to infections and respiratory tract complaints.
This alone would make our lives so much improved and this is just the beginning of the wonderful benefits of this product!
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Anonymous said...
I learned that the Air-O-Swiss is a winner of the “red dot design award” which ranks among the largest and most renowned design competitions in the world (with more than 8,000 submissions from 60 countries). Wow! Since I'm aesthetically inclined, this is an impressive award.
flashlight13114 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Anonymous said...
I learned proper humidification reduces susceptibility to colds.
Janette said...
Proper humidification reduces chapped lips, dry, red eyes and dry, itchy skin.
decadent87 at gmail dot com
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Michelle B said...
I learned that they fulfill even the highest of demands. Their goals are zero-defect products and continuing business excellence.
Michelle B said...
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Anonymous said...
Learned the best ability to function is when the humidity is between 40 and 60 percent.
Diane Baum
Happi Shopr said...
I learned we will perform best at humidity levels between 40% and 60%. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Happi Shopr said...
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Bridget3496 said...
I learned the air in a busy city street is twenty times better than in your office
brdgcombs at aol dot com
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Kathy P said...
Opening the window ensures a fresh supply of oxygen in the room. This is particularly important in winter. However, while the air that streams into the room in winter may be very fresh, it contains very little moisture to humidify warm room air sufficiently. If moisture is not added to the air artificially, it will try to quench its thirst by taking the moisture from our skin, mucous membranes, plants, wooden furniture, etc. If we wish to maintain an acceptable level of air humidity during the cold season, we need to use a suitable air humidifier.
klp1965 @ myfairpoint dot net
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arla said...
I learned that -Ultrasonic Humidifiers employ technology that uses high-frequency vibrations to generate micro-fine mist. Cool Mist and Dual Warm & Cool Mist models as well as digitally controlled units are available.
arla said...
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trixx said...
I learned that the number of allergy sufferers rises dramatically as air pollution increases! Yuck.
trixx said...
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Anonymous said...
I learned that there are 20 million particles in a cubic meter of room air. 20x that at a road junction and an amazing up to 200,000x that at the seaside
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Anonymous said...
I learned we all perform best at humidity levels between 40 and 60 percent. garrettsambo@aol.com
fancyfeet48 said...
I would love to win this Thank You for this great giveaway fancyfeet45@earthlink.net
~JEWEL~ said...
I also learned that the air in rooms is worse then at an intersection on the street!!
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Tylerpants said...
I learned that one performs best at humidity levels between 40% and 60%! tylerpants{at}gmail.com
cman said...
Humidity levels are best between 40% to 60%.
lilyk said...
I learned that the company is located in Naperville, Illinois.
lilyk @ mail2world dot com
Storm Safety Blog said...
Proper humidification reduces susceptibility to colds.
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