I love personalized items for Avery and I know other parent's do as well. When you have more than one child it definitely get rid of fighting over who's is who's and I like that a lot. So now because of Frecklebox being so kind, Avery has her own personalized placemat.
Fecklebox sent us the zebra zest placemat and I'm in love! I didn't want anything too girly and this really stood out to me and popped! So I snatched it up. Avery's been dirtying our tablecloth now that she's in her booster seat and this came at a perfect time. I was getting ready to throw her back into her high chair until we got a placemat. It was perfect! Avery loves it as well
It's pretty isn't it? We love it!
Frecklebox is also reasonably priced. Their placemats are just $9.95, stickers are $3.95 for 12. They have some awesome prices.
So far this Placemat has withheld 6 meals and 2 washings. Since it's laminated I see it lasting for a long time. At just $9.95 even if it lasts 2 years I'll be happy and willing to replace it!
Overall: I give Frecklebox a **** 1/2 star!! Very happy with Frecklebox Personalized Gifts!
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

Mami2jcn said...
I'd love the racecar placemat for my 5 year old son, who loves cars!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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Amy Brown said...
I would choose the Early Bird Personalized Lunch Box!
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Chip said...
I love the My Name Is book. The pictures are beautiful and I know my daughter would love to see her name written out.
chipdip2010@hotmail dot com
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Jessica said...
I like the unicorn book
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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mverno said...
i like the pencils mverno@roadruner.com
slb3334 said...
I like the sassy safari placemat.
sweepmom said...
I would choose the "My Name Is..." book for my son.
Nicole C. said...
I would get the Magical Unicorn lunch box for my daughter!
Angie said...
I'd love to get the Glam Princess growth chart for my daughter - how precious!
Dolphin Girl said...
Such a hard choice. I love the pirate clipboard for my son. I also love the zoo book.
Dolphin Girl said...
I now follow on twitter. kdolphins7
Dolphin Girl said...
mogrill said...
I like the pirate clipboard. Thanks for the chance.
Domanda4 said...
I would like the Personalized
Big Sister Book for my daughter who will be a big sister in June!
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McKim said...
I like the Happy Birthday book for my grandchild.
Mami2jcn said...
I blogged about this:
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Angela said...
Blue Plaid clipboard is cute
Belinda M said...
I would choose the rockstar poster for my son
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Unknown said...
follow your blog 1 - kryssi01(at)msn(dot)com
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Unknown said...
i would love the personalized stickers, with a name like Lorelai DD doesnt get to see it on things alot - kryssi01(at)msn(dot)com
ShelbyRose said...
i would pick the zebra print placemat if i won!
ShelbyRose said...
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Brandi said...
I'm due with a new baby Feb 8th, so I'd choose the Big Brother Book for my three year old.
AEKZ2 said...
I'd like to give the Cherry Blossoms puzzle to my daughter.
Life Is A SandCastle said...
My son would love the boys baseball lunch box @ http://www.frecklebox.com/baseball-personalized-lunch-box.htm
mccullar07 at yahoo dot com
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cowboyswife said...
Mod Molly- my 13yrd old daughter she is staring to write her own stories and this would be great.
Melodic Mom said...
I would get my daughter the Beaux Butterflies
Personalized Growth Chart.
Melodic Mom said...
I follow you on twitter as MelodicMom.
Anonymous said...
I would choose Busy Bee Journal! It would be for myself, because I love personalized school supplies! :)
Amanda Barnes
amandakbarnes90@gmail dot com
Crystal F said...
My daughter likes the cute kitty lunch box. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
Crystal F said...
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Mom Union said...
I'd choose the Pink Plaid Personalized Clipboard
Mom Union said...
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Mom Union said...
Following publicly via google friends: heathergf
Mom Union said...
Following publicly via google friends: heathergf
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Mom Union said...
Mom Union said...
*I forgot to mention in my initial entry that the gift would be for my daughter.*
Sheila Hickmon said...
I would choose the Jungle Giraffe
Personalized Growth Chart for my son!
Sheila Hickmon said...
I follow your blog as mom2anutball.
Sheila Hickmon said...
I follow your blog as mom2anutball.
Sheila Hickmon said...
I follow your blog as mom2anutball.
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Sheila Hickmon said...
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Jonnie (JB) said...
I would choose the rockstar lunchbox for my son Chance
Jonnie (JB) said...
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Anonymous said...
I would choose the Pink Lamb
Personalized Journal for my daughter, Jenna!
septemberbaby10 @ gmail dot com
cman said...
Big Heart
Personalized Book for my daughter :)
ReggieMann said...
I would get the Happy Birthday personalized book for my niece
ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com
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mail4rosey said...
I would choose the Happy Birthday book and it would be for my best friend's daughter.
Thank you.
mail4rosey said...
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Jennifer T. said...
I'd pick the Early Bird lunchbox.
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