Breastfeeding your baby can lower your chances of many illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Breastfeeding is as natural as it comes; formula does not always exist.
Your body knows what your baby needs and will provide everything they need. But there is no harm in helpful products and advice on your breastfeeding journey. And a journey it will be; it can be one of the most magical times of your life as a mom if you let it.
A probiotic for nursing mothers can help regulate food movement through your intestines and lower the risk of infant eczema.
Let Your Baby Decide
When we bring our bundles of joy into the world, we worry about everything from the brand of nappies to our capabilities of providing enough milk for them. The first form of milk produced by a mother is colostrum and is high in antibodies and antioxidants.
In the beginning, a newborn's stomach is tiny and only capable of holding 2ml to 20ml of colostrum. They will need to feed more frequently but for shorter periods. Your baby knows how much they need better than you do now and will tell you when they are hungry or full.
Get Comfortable
Whether your version of comfortable is with a book or a game on your phone, settle in because it can take a while. Find a position that is comfortable before you let your baby latch; if you move around too much while feeding your baby, they can be disrupted.
Lying on your side on a bed or leaning back on some fluffy pillows and holding your baby to your chest can be a game-changer. Sit or lie in a position that your arms and back won't tire.
Don't Worry About Your Milk Production
You will produce enough milk most of the time. The more time your baby spends latched to your breast, the more milk you will produce.
Your milk supply relies heavily on supply and demand. The more your baby needs, the more your body will produce. The hormones released when breastfeeding (prolactin and oxytocin) will stimulate milk production further.
Stay Hydrated And Eat Well
If you are not adequately hydrated, you might find a dip in your milk production. To compensate for the water used to make the milk your baby needs, you will need about 16 cups of water a day.
Drink a large glass of water with every feed. This will help you to stay hydrated and healthy. Among other things, a healthy diet consisting of protein, fresh fruit, and whole wheat will help to maintain the quality and quantity of your milk.
Foods that are high in omega fatty acids will help to produce rich breastmilk.
A healthier mom is generally a happier you. While happiness does not necessarily affect the quality or quantity of milk produced, a brighter outlook in life will, in general, give a mom a more positive attitude toward breastfeeding.
A healthy diet plus an extra nutrient boost of probiotic supplements can be very beneficial to a mom’s health. Specific supplements can aid in avoiding infections, vitamin deficiencies, and digestion problems, among others.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure, speak to your lactation consultant to help iron out any kinks you may experience.
Remember that a fed baby is best, be it breast or bottle-fed. So don't put too much pressure on yourself to make this work.
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