If you weren’t motivated to participate in Spring Cleaning, now you will be – with the motivation from Goodwill’s job creation!
Over the past several years, most of us have had a family member, friend, acquaintance struggle in this economy. Either they have lost a job or struggled to find employment. And if not someone you know personally, really, all you have to do is turn on the TV or pull up social media to see the struggle. It is real.
So how can you help to be a part of this growth and effort in your own community? It’s easy! Donate to Goodwill = create jobs!
It’s finally beginning to feel like spring so I’m ready to get organized and start Spring Cleaning. Not only am I clearing the seasonal misfits out of my kids’ closets and preparing for my new summer wardrobe, but I’m looking for ways to give back to those around me. Donating to Goodwill helps me do both at the same time!
What are your favorite spring cleaning or decluttering tips? What tricks do you use for the best spring cleaning efforts?
Thanks to the programs and support services made possible by donations of clothes and household items, Goodwill helped place more than 312,000 people in jobs in the United States and Canada in 2015 – that’s one person finding a job every 23 seconds of every business day.
Why do I donate? Because what I may not want or have use for may be perfect for someone else! If we have perfectly good items that can be loved by someone else, why not help our community? If you are not sure where your local Goodwill is, you can use the Goodwill Locator App available for Android and iOS devices and at http://www.goodwill.org/ (click “Explore Our Map” on the homepage). Simply input the items you’re donating to calculate the number of hours of career counseling, on-the-job training, résumé preparation, financial planning classes, and other services you’ve helped provide people facing challenges finding employment. When jobs thrive, communities thrive.
We have done our part! Now it is time for you to do yours! Tag us on your social media posts with a photo of your Goodwill donations using #DonateStuffCreateJobs.
Goodwill Helps One Person Find a Good Job Every 23 Seconds: Thanks to the programs and support services made possible by donations of clothes and household items, Goodwill helped place more than 312,000 people in jobs in the United States and Canada in 2015 – that’s one person finding a job every 23 seconds of every business day.

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