I received an item for the sole purpose of this review
If you've been on my blog in the last few months, you'd know that I absolutely LOVE LuLaRoe. They are clothing items that are very limited availability with exclusive prints. They make 1250 items in each print, so are pretty rare! I love the clothes for myself, they make me feel comfortable and modest in my own skin and they really make me shine. BUT recently they came out with a MEN'S Tee called the Patrick. We got one when they first came out, that my husband really loves and now we were sent a second one to try.
Such a pretty heathered color
He's had this red one for a while and it's been washed a few times. It's also a bit thicker of a material so tends to run a tad smaller.
Also take note. ALL LuLaRoe items are HANDMADE by seamstresses throughout the world. So there WILL be discrepancies in sizing. No 2 items will be exactly the same.
All of the items are INCREDIBLE quality. They are all handmade/hand sewn and are just one of a kind.
All LuLaRoe items are simply amazing, most comfortable clothes you'll ever wear and they are all modest and make you feel beautiful about yourself which still being covered up and modest! All dresses/skirts come to at least the knees and all tops have sleeves of some sort. And this even applies to the men. The tees are so incredibly soft and have that extra coverage in the back to help them feel covered and secure. No plumber's crack with the Patrick Tee!
Price: The Patrick Tee is $40 but it is worth every penny.
Overall: ***** my husband loves his Patrick Tee!
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from LuLaRoe in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to LuLaRoe for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway
Unknown said...
You guys are amazing. Thank you.
missedgy said...
I love LuLaRoe. The clothing is extremely comfortable. I'd love to get a Patrick shirt for my hubby so he can understand my love of the clothing.
jane eileen said...
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity! I HAVE tried LulaRoe, but want my son-in-law to be able to try it as well, so fingers are crossed.
Unknown said...
Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much!!! :) :)
Unknown said...
Oh and yes, both my man and I have tried Lularoe before! :) I know my bf gets jealous of my packages though lol
Unknown said...
I would love to get these for my hubby!
scottsgal said...
no, my family has never tried this brand
Unknown said...
Don't own a Patrick tee but my husband has been wanting one.
Unknown said...
We haven't tried and think it be worth the try.
Unknown said...
I have lots of Lularoe and love it, NEED to get my husband addicted too haha. I especially love leggings, perfect tees, and azures
Mrs. Morey said...
I love LLR, and I'd love for my hubby to understand they hype too. I don't own any Patrick tees... My hubby is away concerned with the length of shirts when he raises his arms above his head because he is self-conscious, and doesn't want his tummy to show. I think Patrick tees would be perfect for him and he'd love the quality and comfort!
latanya t said...
no, we have not
Marissa M said...
No we haven't but it sounds great!
Isaiahsmom said...
We have never tried the Men's shirts but they look so comfortable, we would like to try them.
outobutter said...
I have tried LLR but my husband doesn't have anything yet. I'd love to get him a Patrick T.
Shelly Peterson said...
We have never tried LuLaRoe before.
abfantom said...
No, we have never tried LuLaRoe, but I would like to.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
arress said...
Wr haven't tried these, but they look great!
Bakersdozen said...
I believe I may have tried them, but I don't think my husband has.
msrodeobrat said...
Neither one of us have tried them before, but I believe my husband would seriously love these shirts! He is a texture person!
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C
Megan D. said...
My hubby would love to try these. I already love Lularoe and own a variety of clothing.
Megan D.
clc408 said...
We have not tried the brand but the shirts sound like something my son would like wearing.
Jeanna said...
I have tried LuLaRoe! I own a bunch of leggings and a few irma's! They are my most comfy clothes!
Peggy Rydzewski said...
I dont believe he has but I cant be 100% sure.
mickeyfan said...
I have one Randy. My D-I-L is trying to talk me into trying the leggings.
Unknown said...
i have tried some of the leggings and i love them!
Amber Ludwig said...
I have and Im hooked!!! Hubby hasn't tried it yet!
Amanda Alvarado said...
I have heard of them but never tried any of their clothes...yet!
Anonymous said...
No, neither my husband or I have ever tried LuLaRoe.
laurie nykaza said...
We haven't tried this brand before but would love too!
Maryann D. said...
We have not ever tried LuLaRoe as of yet.
twinkle at optonline dot net
Katrina said...
I can't wait to try the leggings I ordered the other day!
Lauren said...
Neither one of us has tried it, but I have heard great things.
traciem said...
Yes I have and I love my leggings and Nicole Dress. I am looking forward to having my hubby try the Randy T-shirt!
Unknown said...
Neither one of us have, but it looks like they have a lot of nice items.
DEBIJOT said...
No, we have not tried this brand before.
wildcat32 said...
I adore the Lularoe leggings! I have two pair.
laurasloves said...
I have heard about them but not tried them yet.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
No we have never tried LuLaRoe, but would love to try it out
Anonymous said...
I have not tried. Sure do look very comfy though
AEKZ2 said...
My husband and I have not tried Lu La Roe yet
Unknown said...
No I haven't yet but am really interested. I appreciate a soft well-made shirt.
historypak said...
That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck. LuLaRoe Consultants in bloomington
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