Store Brand Formula’s Unique Baby Sweepstakes
When it comes to infant formula, many factors will help make the decision of what’s best for your baby, but the name on the container should not be one of them! What most moms don’t know is that the FDA strictly regulates infant formula to keep little ones safe, so store brand infant formulas, like Walmart’s Parent’s Choice and Target’s Up and Up, are nutritionally comparable to national brands like Enfamil® and Similac® and meet FDA standards, at a much lower cost to your family.
So essentially, the brand of formula you use is not unique, but of course your baby is unique. To shine the spotlight on the most important part of the formula equation: your baby, Store Brand Formula is launching a “Unique Baby” Photo Sweepstakes in which the winner will receive $5,000 AND a year supply of Store Brand Formula.
We used store brand formula for our two oldest children. We found that it was more affordable but still gave them the nutrients they needed. We used Up and Up for my daughter and Kroger brand for my son. We never had any problems using these and they gave them the same benefits as name brand, at half the cost!
Every baby is unique. Show us how YOUR baby is unique. We’re looking for funny, silly, odd, crazy unique baby photos.
Is your baby making a really bizarre expression? Perhaps your baby is making an angry face? Or maybe your baby’s hair is sticking up in a funny way. Whatever it is, we’d love to see it.
How to Enter When it comes to infant formula, many factors will help make the decision of what’s best for your baby, but the name on the container should not be one of them! What most moms don’t know is that the FDA strictly regulates infant formula to keep little ones safe, so store brand infant formulas, like Walmart’s Parent’s Choice and Target’s Up and Up, are nutritionally comparable to national brands like Enfamil® and Similac® and meet FDA standards, at a much lower cost to your family.
So essentially, the brand of formula you use is not unique, but of course your baby is unique. To shine the spotlight on the most important part of the formula equation: your baby, Store Brand Formula is launching a “Unique Baby” Photo Sweepstakes in which the winner will receive $5,000 AND a year supply of Store Brand Formula.
We used store brand formula for our two oldest children. We found that it was more affordable but still gave them the nutrients they needed. We used Up and Up for my daughter and Kroger brand for my son. We never had any problems using these and they gave them the same benefits as name brand, at half the cost!
Every baby is unique. Show us how YOUR baby is unique. We’re looking for funny, silly, odd, crazy unique baby photos.
Is your baby making a really bizarre expression? Perhaps your baby is making an angry face? Or maybe your baby’s hair is sticking up in a funny way. Whatever it is, we’d love to see it.
To enter the Store Brand Formula Unique Baby Sweepstakes, simply visit and follow the photo submission guidelines and the on-screen instructions to complete the online entry form. All entries must be submitted between September 28, 2015 – November 5, 2015.
Limit one (1) entry per person, per day for the duration of the Sweepstakes
One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive $5,000 and a one (1) year supply of the winner’s choice of Store Brand Baby Formula. Five (5) First Prize winners will receive $200 and a one (1) year supply of the winner’s choice of Store Brand Baby Formula.
For official rules click here!
One LUCKY winner here will receive a $30 Visa Gift Card!

Anonymous said...
I always used store brand formula because it was so much more cost efficient than name brands.
Anna said...
We have never used formula. no judgement. just the truth
FrangiePani said...
I have used both store brand and name brand formula.
Kimberly said...
I have been using store brand formula with my current baby. I only used name brand with my first and then I just realized how much cheaper it is and with the same nutrients!
Mlsweet88 said...
I used both name brand and store brand formulas. We ended up going with a store brand because it was cheaper and just as good. :D
Mami2jcn said...
I have a 13 day old baby and we bought store brand formula but haven't tried it yet.
peg42 said...
We've used both store brand and name brand. Thanks.
JewelWood said...
I have used store brand formula many times! It is a great way to save money and it is as good as name brand formula!
Janet W. said...
Yes, we have bought store brand formula for my grandsons and it's just as good and cheaper!
Elena said...
I have never tried store brand formula
Shelly Peterson said...
I have never used store brand formula before.
Jackie said...
I've never used store brand formula.
Robin A said...
We have used both store and name brand formula
Unknown said...
Yes, we used Parent's Choice formula for both my sons when they were babies.
Natalie said...
I have used both store brand and name brand formulas and usually go with whatever is cheaper.
ColleenMarie82 said...
Yes, I have used store brand formula before.
HS said...
I have used store brand formula before.
abfantom said...
Yes, I have used store brand formula in the past.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
No, I never have used store brand before.
Unknown said...
No, I haven't used Store brand Baby Formula before.
Tarah Manning said...
Yes, we used Costco formula.
clc408 said...
I never used formula at all with my babies.
msrodeobrat said...
Yes, I have used store brand formula before
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C
hbbs55 said...
no I have never used store brand baby formulas
Deborah Wellenstein said...
I have never used store brand formula.
sweepmom said...
I have not used store brand formula.
Crystal F said...
I did not but only because I used very little formula. I nursed both of my girls for over a year. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
Barbara Montag said...
Yes we have liked and used the store brand formula.
It's easier on the pocketbook.
thank you
Amanda said...
Nope I haven't! I had WIC with both of my kids so formula was provided and you can only get whatever brand they use which was always a name brand formula!
HS said...
I have used Target store brand and like it.
Cheryl said...
I haven't used store brand formula.
susan1215 said...
We've used both store brand and name brand formula.
LauraJJ said...
We have not used Store brand baby formula, I guess I was always nervous about it. That is wonderful that they are regulated by the FDA and much cheaper. We will have to try them!
Wendy Caddy said...
Yes, I used store brand formula.
abbasprincess said...
Yes i have
Amber Ludwig said...
I did not use formula for my son. I think store brand would kind of freak me out though!! I would definitely do store brand organic though!!
Shannon said...
No but I am not a mom? I heard that a lot of people have had their babies prefer store brand.
jakiesmom said...
We had twins so Costco brand formula was the way to go
Unknown said...
I have not. I always used name brand because I knew my children would drink it.
CindyWindy2003 said...
NO I haven't had to use store brand before, if it comes up, I may try it.
mecarolks said...
Yes, we have bought store brand formula for my granddaughter.
tatertot374 said...
Yes, I used Walmart brand for my babies. Thank you
Unknown said...
I used Walmart generic brands before, and they seemed to actually be better than some name brands. He had less gas and upset stomach!
slehan said...
I generally like store brands but have no kids so haven't used this.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
Rose-Marie said...
Linda said...
I have not used store brand formula.
Trish said...
No I have not used store brand formula.
Tammie Venne said...
I have used store brand formula, I feel its the same formula just in a different can
imaclutz89 said...
I have not used store brand formula before.
Unknown said...
I have not yet used store brand formula.
Becca Ann said...
I have never used store brand formula.
Anonymous said...
No, I have never used store brand formula before!
nape said...
No, I've never used store-brand formula before.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
laurasloves said...
Yes I have used store brand formula many times before.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
No, I have not used Store Brand Formula before.
wildcat32 said...
Yes, I have used store brand formula before.
chadro said...
No sorry I haven't used store brand formula.
Unknown said...
yes i have tried a store brand formula a few times
Betty C said...
I don't have babies at home any more so I have not tried store brand formula
Anonymous said...
Yes I have.
smilekisses said...
No I have not.
Unknown said...
I have used store brand formula.
Unknown said...
My babygirl has tried walmart brand but didn't really like it. Shes on enfamil ar
Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...
Yes I have used store brand formula with several of my children.
tlcfromtn said...
I never used store brand
Anonymous said...
Yes we used it in the past
Sand said...
No, breast milk only.
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