Want to know how I got 1000 new followers in just 2.5 weeks? Follow my steps and you can see great rewards too!!
The best way I've found is to follow new accounts.
Go to your news feed, find people you follow who have similar interests. For me this is easy, I find other bloggers.
Then click on their Followers and start following away. Instagram will only let you follow 75 at a time, but every few minutes it resets and you can follow more. I usually follow 150-300 new people a day. BUT Every couple days I use the app CrowdFire and unfollow some of the people who don't follow me back. So my following number has stayed pretty consistent.
In 2.5 weeks time (July 5th-July 22nd) I have gotten 1000 new followers!
Here's where I started at 2389 followers
The next morning I had 42 new follows!!
In 3 days time I had 331 new followers!
Woke up to 41 new followers one day
Another 21 on 7/22
and today (7/22 ) I'm at 3390 followers!!!
It only takes me maybe 20 minutes a day to follow and unfollow some accounts. But I've gotten some new REAL followers and it's led to a lot more likes on my stuff AND me finding new accounts that I actually want to follow! Which is the whole goal!
Tell me if this works for you?

Unknown said...
This is really good advice, I'm going to start this technique right away. Thanks for sharing.
katygmorris said...
Wow! This is so simple and makes so much sense, but I can't believe how well it's worked for you! I can't wait to try it out and see what happens. I'll definitely come back and let you know.
By the way, I'm @katygmorris on IG. :)
Unknown said...
Thanks for sharing. CrowdFire is not bad app, but Zengram is a whole new ball game, because it has such features and tools, which Crowdfire hasn't got at all. For example, finding potentially interested users via hashtags, geographic location and competitors, auitomated liking, commenting and following, etc. Honestly, the choice is clear.
Unknown said...
I got it. It's good. But what about apps? I think to use zen-promo.com to find more real followers cuz' my sister uses that a lot
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