I received a sample from YumEarth for the sole purpose of this review
Having worked with YumEarth many times, I can definitely attest to the quality of their products. They use 100% organic ingredients, except in their sour beans, but those are 100% natural!
This time for Easter we received the Sour Beans and Gummy Bears with cute packaging!
These would be absolutely perfect for your child's Easter Basket. They have cute packaging and each comes with 10 individually wrapped packs. Perfect for kids to share or to put the whole package in their basket.
My kids love their YumEarth items. The sour beans are my daughter's favorite so she was excited we got some this time. My toddler prefers the gummy bears so he too was happy!
I'll eat any candy, so I don't have a preference. But I do know that they all taste amazing and use all natural and/or organic ingredients and that is important to me when I give my kids a snack or treat. So I personally love using YumEarth treats.
YumEarth can be found at Walgreen's all over the country.
Price: You can also buy them online $7.99 for each of the above sizes.
Overall: ***** Always! YumEarth is never get anything lower. We love their items!
You can win Easter Sour Beans!!
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from YumEarth in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to YumEarth for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway
Unknown said...
my kids tried some yum earth candy at halloween and loved it! i did too!
Crystal K. said...
I have. I like the brand.
laurie nykaza said...
Yes and being gluten free my son with Celiacs disease can eat them and enjoy them with out getting sick.
Jackie said...
I've tried the lollipops. The flavors are so good!
kaflickinger74 said...
Yes I have tried YumEarth Candy and I love it!
Lauren said...
I have not tried Yum Earth yet.
Colleen Maurina said...
No we have not tried YumEarth yet but have heard great things about them!
DesiredOne said...
We haven't tried YumEarth Candy yet.
the Mama said...
I have not tried YumEarth Candy yet, but I am interested in trying it soon.
Amanda said...
We have tried their assorted drops and love them!
ale ol said...
We love their lollipops
Anonymous said...
yes i have and its awsome and yummy
marie yoon / boba_gyrl@yahoo.com
Maryann D. said...
Yes, my family and I enjoy the lollypops.
twinkle at optonline dot net
Anonymous said...
My kids (and I, haha) love YumEarth lollipops.
Tylerpants said...
We get their lollipops at Whole Foods. Yum! Lisa L tylerpants(at)gmail.com
trixx said...
Yes we have tried them and we love them!
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