I received a sample from SwiggyDiggyDoo for the sole purpose of this review
Subscription boxes are where it's at. You get to sample 1 item from each company and get to learn which companies you like and which you dislike. It's a great way to try new brands and try new things without being out a ton of money. I came across SwiggyDiggyDoo and knew I wanted to try them. They are a box for ages 0-3 years and are great for infants and toddlers alike.
I got the December Box and was very pleased with my selection of items I received.
I got the December Box and was very pleased with my selection of items I received.
In my box was a Bambinoland Organic Muslin Blanket valued at $30, but almost always on sale for $15, a Deeks and Me Infinity Scarf valued at $12, a Re-Play Snack and Stack valued at $6, a Tree Hopper Toys Match Stacks valued at $20 and a Swiggy Diggy t-shirt which I'll guess is valued around $15.
My total amount for my box is worth $45-$60 not including the shirt!! A great value for what you get!!
Overall I was very happy with my box. The selection of items was great, a couple brands I'd already heard of and a couple I haven't, so it's nice to discover new brands.
SwiggyDiggyDoo is a great baby shower gift as well! Something fun for baby to get every single month!
Price: It is $39.95 for one box, but the more you buy the cheaper it gets. 6 months is $227.70 which comes to $37.95 per box.
Overall: ***** I love the selection in the box.
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from SwiggyDIggyDoo in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to SwiggyDiggyDoo for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway

Unknown said...
We have used Citrus Lane and Little Passports. Sub boxes are so fun!
Melissa said...
I haven't tried sub boxes of any kind so far. I'm really missing out, aren't I? They really are an amazing idea, and this one in particular came with great stuff!
Darlene said...
I have not tried a children's subscription box before.
Colleen said...
I do ipsy for myself, but I haven't tried a kids one. This one seems to have the coolest stuff from the ones I've seen reviews of!
DesiredOne said...
I did a six month of Citrus Lane and I loved it.
dasha said...
I get CL and like it!
Unknown said...
We subscribed the first month and loved it. We are now return customers. Try it if you're thinking about it. You'll love it!
Unknown said...
I have yet to try a subscription box yet, but I love the idea of it!
A. Albinger said...
Citrus lane, but I think we're about done with it.
Anonymous said...
No, I have never tried a children s box but I may after this review!
Amanda said...
We've tried Green Kids Crafts but that's it! :-)
Unknown said...
No, I have not yet tried it
Robin A said...
No I have not tried the Childrens Subscription boxes yet
Unknown said...
I've tried a few snack subscription boxes, but I haven't tried any child subscription yet.
Ariana said...
I haven't tried any (too cheap). I'd like to though.
Abigail said...
We've tried Kiwi Crate and really enjoyed it!
jakiesmom said...
Haven't tried any
Keara B. said...
I've tried Citrus Lane. I really like it, but we're on a tight budget so I had to stop!
Juleemm said...
I have never tried one.
Leela said...
I's never tried a box before.
Sandra Watts said...
I've tried boxes but not for children. I like them. I imagine the kids would too.
Tylerpants said...
I haven't yet but they look fun!
Lisa L tylerpants(at)gmail.com
trixx said...
No, I've only seen beauty boxes. Didn't know they had them for kids!
laurie nykaza said...
I have not tried one but would love to.
rajee said...
never tried it
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