I received a sample from Himalayan Salt Shop for the sole purpose of this review
I've recently discovered the benefits of the Himalayan Salt Rock Lamp. And although I was a bit skeptical of buying a rock to put in my house, I decided to take the plunge and give it a try. And now I own 2 of them with a 3rd to be purchased soon!
I received a Small Salt Lamp 5-7lb from the Himalayan Salt Shop.
It came with just the rock on a base and then the cord with a light bulb. Screw the light bulb in and then pop it up into the base and plug it in! Took a minute to set it up.
Now a little info about these rocks and what they're good for!
Himalayan Salt Rocks are natural rocks that are in the Himalayan Mountains. They are hand mined and turned into these lamps. When it's turned on, the slight heat it emits releases negative ions into the air. There are SO many positive ions in the air already from electronics and such. These negative ions help to ionize and purify the surrounding air.
It also clears the air naturally of things like pet dander, smoke, allergens and air pollutants. It can make you feel more energized.
Each size you get ionizes a different size room. So this small one does up to a 10x10 area. The 13-17 pound one does up to a 14x14 area, etc.
You just push in on the wires, then slide it up in there
It has notches on the base for the cord to fit so it's not uneven.
Just by turning the lamp around you have a whole 'new' lamp. It looks so different on different angles and I LOVE that!
So this one I received was a bit small for my large open space living room, so I put it in my bedroom and bought a bigger one for the living room. I will buy another small one for my daughters room as well.
They stay on and lit 24 hours a day! And they are just so gorgeous that I want a house full of them!
Even if they don't work, they are SO gorgeous and they never 'expire' or need to be replaced. Just the light bulb does and that's a standard lamp bulb so about $2 from your local store.
Overall I LOVE my lamp and will recommend them to everyone!
Price: The one I received is on sale for $24.99 down from $50, so buy it NOW!
Overall: ***** I've had so many compliments on it already
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Himalayan Salt Shop in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Himalayan Salt Shop for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway

Sarah Phillips said...
I've seen these before and I've always wanted one because they are so beautiful, but I want one even more now that I know that they clear the air naturally of things like pet dander, smoke and other allergens. My husband smokes and we have 2 cats, so I know this would be beneficial in our home! Thanks for sharing!
katieoscarlet said...
I have always wanted one of these. Now I see they also have candle holders especially the globe, how awesome. I will definitely be buying one of these for a Christmas gift then after the holidays buy myself one.
Tina said...
I have never heard of these, but it would be great for my son.
MoonRae said...
These are such beautiful lamps and would make a lovely gift for anyone
Holly Thomas said...
I have wanted one of these for several years, a friend of mine loves theirs.
Mer said...
So pretty! The health benefits sound interesting, and this would look fantastic in my home.
Romeo said...
Aside from the obvious I started to do a little more research; doing so I have gathered a lot more desire to win this for a particular person that will enlighten their day! Thus, the beautiful warm glow of a Salt Crystal Lamp creates a soothing, relaxing atmosphere in any room which would help as my relative just went through another operation. In my case, it will be used in her bedrooms, living rooms, hallways or a room where she often has to walk in darkness while using a Tri-bike that's heavy and hard to move around. My hopes go for winning as it's said these lamps' offer healing and purifying properties.
Best of luck in winning this prize to all that get entered!!
the Mama said...
Oh my gosh - I totally love the Bowl of Fire Salt Lamps!
Marti Tabora said...
I have wanted one of these for the longest time, I learned it has a lot of health benefits and I really like the Bowl of Fire Salt Lamp.
Marti Tabora said...
I think these are fantastic and have wanted one for a while. I also think the bowl of fire is really pretty.
Unknown said...
These are great. I've seen them and I think they're really wonderful to have in the house.
Barbara Montag said...
Being I'm a cat lover I like the Cat Lamp.
I have no ideas these salt lamps could do so much!
thank you
Unknown said...
These are so awesome. I could use one of these for help with cleaning the air. Could be helpful for my breathing issues. Thanks for all the cool information.
Kelly O said...
So pretty! I love the color of the light. It would be very pretty on my mantle. :)
aperry said...
This is on my Christmas list. I'd like theHimalayan Salt Lamp (9-11 lbs.)
Unknown said...
I have heard of these and you can actually get them in different shapes. I like the animal shapes, I would get a turtle or a dolphin, really want one.
Unknown said...
I learned that Salt Lamps have been used as natural treatments for: Rheumatism, Allergies, Respiratory diseases, and Migraines.
Anonymous said...
This is the first time I have ever read about these. I have heard about them before but never really understood the purpose of them. Thank you for explaining all the details. They sound very interesting and would for sure be helpful in our home because we have 4 young adults living here using lots of electronics and many allergies.
Unknown said...
I've never heard of these but it seems like such a great idea! Would love to have one of these for my night table.
Terri. said...
I want to get one of the tiles. I've never seen these before.
Anonymous said...
These look so cool. I love rocks, natural beauty. I'm also stoked about the health benefits, as I am very sensitive to my environment
Anonymous said...
These look so cool. I love rocks, natural beauty. I'm also stoked about the health benefits, as I am very sensitive to my environment
Amanda said...
We have one of these in dd's room and love it! I love the Dolphin Salt Lamp!
Emilie Proctor said...
I like that they come in different shapes. Although I like the natural shape the most.
cheryl c said...
I am attracted by the beauty of this item and intrigued by the health benefits.
Kay said...
I have one of these already and love it. I would be so happy to have a second one!
Unknown said...
i think these are so pretty and i would love to have one of them
Unknown said...
This is so interresting!
steph said...
I also really like the globe design for the lamp
Unknown said...
I love the Globe Salt Lamp. I have wanted a Himalyan Salt Lamp for several years. I think these are awesome.
Anonymous said...
They have some of the most unique stuff. Something about them draws me to it.
Unknown said...
I have been wanting to try one of these for a long time. I also think they are really pretty.
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